Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kegusaran Terhadap Pindaan Perlembagaan UMNO

Pemuda UMNO Cawangan Bendang Baru yang diketuai penulis baru selesai mesyuarat tahunan pada hari Sabtu lepas. Ketua Pemuda Bahagian, saudara Norsaidi Nanyan berbesar hati menghadiri majlis dan sudi memberi sepatah-dua kata sebagai ucapan penangguhan mesyuarat.

Mesyuarat tahun ini agak santai kerana tiada pemilihan dan kami bersyukur dapat juga cukup kuorum untuk bermesyuarat! Namun yang mengecewakan adalah, mesyuarat tidaklah seharusnya sesantai ini, kerana bukan sahaja kita dalam usaha merebut kembali negeri Kedah dengan mempertahankan kedudukan BN di Langkawi, tetapi tahun ini Mesyuarat Agung UMNO akan meminda perlembagaan!

Tetapi kita di cawangan pun sebenarnya tertanya-tanya, kalau betul perlembagaan nak dipinda, mana dia usul yang nak dibawa untuk meminda? Kenapa tak dibawa ke mesyuarat cawangan untuk dibincang? Atau mungkinkah prosesnya hanya beberapa cawangan atau bahagian sahaja diberikan kepercayaan untuk berdebat dan berbincang tentang pindaan perlembagaan?

Proses apa pun hendak diambil untuk meminda perlembagaan UMNO, yang menimbulkan kegusaran penulis dan ramai ahli UMNO lain adalah bagaimana sesetengah cadangan pindaan diketahui ahli melalui akhbar! Contohnya, saya mendapat tahu yang ada cadangan melanjutkan usia 'Pemuda' ke 45 tahun. Dahlah cadangannya kita tak suka - tapi tak apa, kita buat usul mengekalkan umur Pemuda kat 40 - tapi kenapa tak dihebahkan khusus kepada ahli dulu?

Pindaan perlembagaan bukan hal remeh, tetapi satu proses seakan pembedahan organ yang rumit ke atas badan organisasi UMNO. Untuk memastikan pembedahan berjalan dengan lancar, segala kegusaran anggota yang mungkin menyebabkan halangan mahupun kegagalan haruslah ditangani dengan berhemah. Berhemah kerana kalau tidak, anggota yang tak diubat awal mungkin bernanah atau menjadi kanser padahal pembedahan difikirkan berjaya.

UMNO bukannya organisasi yang berdasarkan retorik semata-mata seperti PKR, di mana tak relevan yang ahlinya kini boleh mengundi pemimpin pusat, sebab DS Anwar Ibrahim yang bukan ahli pun lebih berkuasa sebagai 'penasihat'. UMNO bukan PAS di mana 'Mursyidul Am' tak diundi lebih berkuasa dari Presiden yang diundi. UMNO bukan (lagi?) parti milik Bapa-Anak/Menantu seperti DAP. UMNO parti yang pada dasarnya masih demokratik, maka haruslah diubat dengan betul.

Janganlah usaha pindaan perlembagaan ini menjadi suatu lagi peluang untuk pemimpin menunjuk gah. Janganlah pandai-pandai nak pinda perlembagaan di luar lingkungan memperkukuhkan amalan demokrasi dan mengelakkan dari gejala RASUAH dari terus menular di dalam parti. Janganlah kecualikan ahli pada mana-mana peringkat sekalipun untuk memberi maklum-balas mahupun ide tentang pindaan tersebut.

Dari usaha mempertuakan Pemuda dan cadangan seperti menaikkan kuorum untuk mesyuarat tahunan yang bakal membunuh Cawangan pada tahun bukan pemilihan, kenapa tidak pertimbangkan:
  1. Penggunaan semula perkataan RASUAH dalam semua perbincangan parti tentang 'Politik Wang'. Dah RASUAH tu cakap aje RASUAH! Kata nak benteras, tetapi kemudian maniskan pula namanya. Shakespeare menulis lebih kurang,"Bunga Ros dengan nama apapun tetap harum baunya". Maka RASUAH pun sama busuk perlakunya betapa dirempah namanya sekalipun!

  2. Pembatalan semua hukuman 'amaran' kepada ahli yang didapati bersalah mengamalkan RASUAH oleh Lembaga Disiplin. Kalau dah RASUAH tu, GANTUNG TERUS!!! Apa amaran-amaran lagi, BUAT MALU AJE! Tengoklah budak yang menang lepas kena hukum 'amaran' aje lepas buat RASUAH... sekarang bila ada PRK aje, dialah jadi MASALAH!

  3. Memberi jalan-cara jelas bagaimana menangani situasi apabila ahli didapati bersalah RASUAH di luar. Contohnya, sekiranya ahli dihukum kerana RASUAH selepas tangkapan bukan sahaja SPRM, tetapi Pesuruhjaya Sekuriti dan mana-mana pihak yang bersabit. Sebaiknya kalau diluar dah dihukum sebab RASUAH, secara serta-mertalah Lembaga Disiplin hukum untuk RASUAH dalam parti!

  4. Serta-merta melucutkan apa-apa jawatan parti dan menggantung hak ahli memegang jawatan sepanjang menjalani hukuman penjara atau apa-apa pergantungan di luar (bankrap atau tak layak menjadi pengarah syarikat) kerana didapati bersalah kerana RASUAH.

  5. Tetapi dalam meminda perlembagaan dan undang-undang kecil parti seperti di atas untuk membenteras RASUAH, kenalah disediakan peraturan jelas tentang duit minyak (had bayaran sepanjang kempen, kelayakan menerima, dsb), mengadakan keraian atau majlis semasa kempen, sumbangan kepada program semasa kempen dan sebagainya.

  6. Best juga kalau perlembagaan memberi hak mutlak berkempen kepada mana-mana ahli dalam pertandingan dalam parti. Ini masa kempen dalam parti tak boleh buat ceramahlah, tak boleh ada majlislah, mengarut aje. Parti politik apa macam ni?

OK, melalut sikit bab-bab akhir... tapi kalau simpan aje nanti nanah bang...

Monday, June 22, 2009

The End Of PPSMI? Part IV... Ramblings On Race And Leaders

This series is getting rather rich and burgeoning as one is able to see the various interplaying forces that make the formation of a national education policy a socio-political nightmare. I have great sympathy for the views of Professor Khoo Kay Kim such as here, himself variously renounced for being both idealist and traitor to his race for his integrationist ideas.

This is not the only forum where I share my views of PPSMI, which has broadened to an expression of a need for a single school system. At the same time, my blog has not been a one topic forum either. Nevertheless, it is astounding how socio-politics affects the debate and 'conclusion' of issues in Malaysia, as opposed to economics or faith, and rather pathetic how socio is defined by racial interest whilst politics defined by who's taking which side on an issue.

Professor Khoo is not the first to lament over how across our entire history, our various communities have resisted integration. It is easy for political parties to point fingers at each other. Indeed, one of Pakatan Pembangkang's successes in the run-up of PRU-12 was to brand BN as being too UMNO dominated, whilst at the same time accusing it of encouraging 'race-based' politics. Ironic then when Pakatan governments also drive policies along ethnic lines...

The truth is, political parties do what they do to curry favour from the electorate. If there is a race-based slant to our country's politics then, it could hardly be the fault of our political leaders alone. It is our communities, and its leaders, who must answer the accusations over why this nation is not as integrated as it should be. It is the penghulus, Chinese educationists, Indian temple guardians, these are the people who also have to answer for our continued polarisation.

So when we talk about the racial aspects of a policy, is it really the politicians pushing their agenda, or are they proxies for the leaders of our communities?

Malay elders tend to be visible, even as they take a back seat with little driving beyond 'teguran', with Tun Dr M likely being an exception on the amount of influence wielded. But for the other communities, the Chinese especially, can we get some clear accountability on who's leading? At least with the Indians we are now seeing greater visibility of their 'social' leaders through Hindraf (with all its failings) as well as other more open and liberal Indian led NGOs.

What we really need is honesty, the kind of honesty that Hindraf may have started trying to express , even if we are to accept race as the driving socio element in much of our policy-making.

So, when is a Chinese elder going to admit that the reason why their educationists are against PPSMI is because teaching Maths in Mandarin helps in the teaching of the 'mother-tongue', unlike say... English! And when is an Indian elder going going to pull a small group of other elders aside and admit,"Sorry la, we Indians, especially Hindus, are naturally passionate. One of our 2 main religious texts is an epic love story mah! What can you expect?"

We should then also not be in denial by declaring it wrong to decide based on race! Is it wrong? Remember, the Malaysian model is meant to be an integration model, not an assimilation model. Hence, differences are not just meant to be respected, but celebrated. Hence the issue of race taking primacy on socio-related choices no longer becomes a question of bias, but of fairness; i.e. in accepting we do champion our races' interests, what line shouldn't be crossed?

On race though, it may seem to many that PPSMI is one issue that is actually uniting. Many point to parents from all races uniting in support of PPSMI, but similarly opposition to PPSMI also comes from groups of all races, though typically polarised between the pro-BM and pro-vernacular crowds, myself being one of many exceptions. However, this hides a fact that we have a quasi-'race' in Malaysia supporting PPSMI, Malaysians that have English as their mother tongue!

As they say in Malay,"Bahasa JIWA Bangsa".

Finally, much of the confusion over race is also fueled by personality driven politics that still prevail in Malaysia. Sure, we'd like to say that we support abolishing tolls, but is this really because we have thought about it, or because that is what DAP and Lim Kit Siang has been saying, without sound economic basis by the way, for 3 decades? It is populist, espoused by a populist leader, but it is not mature to support a stand due to who backs it.

Returning to PPSMI, there are many who support it as it is Tun Dr M's idea. Besides that, other leaders have now invested themselves in its success, such as the former Education Minister, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein. His supporters naturally see an attack on PPSMI as an attack on DS Hisham's record. It would not be wrong also to say a successful revamp of PPSMI would bring pride to TS Muhyiddin's supporters... unless DS Anwar's camp spins it his way of course!

Hence the madness of socio-politics in Malaysia, that is the personality cult behind what is real-politik in our country, threatens the resolution of an issue that is of great importance to our children and successive generations. But PPSMI is not alone in this... Malaysians should focussing on ISSUES, not personalities. The problem is, focussing on issues take EFFORT. Are we mature enough to take the effort? If not, we will continue to be at the mercy of our leaders...

There are too many issues in Malaysia that are being decided by the illogical bi-polar socio-political effects of racial interests and politicals of personalities. My hope is that with PPSMI, the Single School System debate and the need for a total review and reform of our education system will SNAP US OUT OF IT! We need to focus on ISSUES. Then only can we the people truly say we deserve the future we all wish for our children.

NB: One would think we would be more mature having been independent for 50 years. No? Maybe we should be more matured as the literacy and other metrics of education have been ever-improving over the years. No? Egads man, the Malay, Chinese, Indian communities in Malaysia can trace back the origins of over some 2 Millenia, even more! Still we are immature?! Indeed... we are human... not an excuse though!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The End Of PPSMI? - Part III

My learned friend Jebat Must Die (JMD) presented yet another impressive treatise, and again puts me to shame. Instead of focussing on individual policies such as teaching Maths and Science in English (PPSMI) or Satu Sekolah untuk Semua (SSS), he has chosen to attack the lack of a comprehensive education revamp whilst mounting an attack on the vested interests and outright profiteering that may the root cause of the mayhem in our education system!

I have chosen to build on my comments at his blog here as part of my body of writing on PPSMI as I believe it is important to put my views on it also in the context of my support for SSS.

The politics of education in any country is passionate, and rightly so, but the policies and implementation are too readily buffeted by other considerations, like politics. Unfortunately, in my view, even high minded goals like achieving or strengthening National Unity is also an irrelevance, or is at best, a secondary consideration, when deciding on our education policy.

The education policy should be focussed on education, the right education for the needs of our children, in order to attain a livelihood and be able to afford to be good citizens of the future, whatever that may mean in the decades hence from the time they begin kindergarten. (And they should all be given a chance to experience kindergarten.) Statistics such as those indicating education being the best long term enabler of social justice help justify such a course of action.

My support for SSS is hence not with National Unity or primacy of Bahasa Malaysia as a national language as a key reason, but simply because SSS if implemented properly would deliver the most efficient allocation of resources to achieve optimum delivery of education to the masses in the history of our young nation!

Just on beauracracy alone, SSS must represent a savings, and when you add to that removal of the need for compensatory mechanisms in the system like ‘kelas peralihan’ all the way to killing the debate and political cost on vernacular schools, it is a step in the right direction!

Perhaps then, it is the sheer efficiency of SSS that the more intelligent of the profiteers of our education policy fears… wallahualam...

In any case, perhaps aiming for compulsory passes in SPM English to lead to the abolishing or amendment of the PPSMI policy, together with strengthening the English syllabus and returning compulsory credit for Bahasa Malaysia at SPM are too shallow as aspirations. Perhaps as JMD has indicated, it is time for not just the Minister of Education, but all of us, to 'Carpe Diem', seize the day, and drive for a total revamp of our education policy once and for all!

Be damned the profiteers... SSS is turning out to be a truly worthy cause to champion!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The End Of PPSMI? - Part II

I participated in a debate on this issue that cropped up following an impassioned posting at one of my favourite blogs. There were valid points on both sides, though I was stunned at how emotional the point of view was coming through from the pro-PPSMI commenters. Here were my comments (preceded by general thrust of comment I was responding to. You can look at the entire to-and-fro-ing, which is not too long, here.

My 1st Comment entry was in response to comments that cited the need to prepare children for technical nomenclature as early as possible and how we will fall behind to our neighbours:

I've been against PPSMI since its inception for reasons similar to (the commenter) SS, but focussing on the negative impact on rural Malays students (SS was focussing on non-Malay students!). I hence celebrated the consideration of compulsory pass requirement for English at SPM level to be a positive way for the government to wind back the flawed PPSMI here.

There is nothing wrong with having English as the medium for Science and Maths at SECONDARY level, when nomenclature becomes important. This is no different from the use of Greek, Latin or Arabic as medium for higher learning in the past.

It will spell the demise of Malay as a language of knowledge of the Sciences though, at least the Malaysian branch of the Malay language (the Indonesians translate significant volumes into Indonesian Malay). Some may not be comfortable with this 'loss' to the Malay language. But the overidding argument for me is the effectiveness from practical application mother-tongues for Primary level education of Maths and Science.

My 2nd Comment came in response to an apparent lack of comprehension as to why the anti-PPSMI people were anti in the debate. We were mainly not at all worried about our loss of cultural heritage from the use of English. We had more practical concerns:

random et al. I think you miss the point that SS, myself and other opposers of the practicalities of introducing PPSMI at Primary level are making. I for one do not oppose PPSMI because I wish to protect my cultural heritage - our Malay cultural heritage is not so shallow.

Indeed I am opposed to the quasi-nationalist line Pakatan Pembangkang and some NGOs are taking when opposing PPSMI and am disgusted with PAS trying to out-nationalist UMNO on this issue as it clouds our more legitimate argument.

The priority in teaching Maths and Science, especially at basic level, has to be focussed on what is Maths and Science! Without a proper grounding of the basics of these subjects at the Primary level, it won't matter what language is used at the Secondary, tertiary or working level, our kids won't even qualify on merit!

(In response to the issue of candidates being rejected at job interviews due to poor command of English)

You have to have the engineering, finance, etc degree even to get to the interview, remember? And much as we dislike it, at Standard 1, for many Malaysians still, the comfort level for absorbing knowledge lies with their mother-tongue or language at home... which for the vast majority is still NOT English!

I've studied and worked in Europe for some 10 years, and in many countries, English is introduced as late as the 3rd or 5th grade! And the populace of said countries are sufficiently bi-lingual, and develop tech-heavy leading products with brands like Nokia, Phillips, Novartis and the like...
I hope that the point is made. Our opposition to PPSMI is not to 'protect cultural heritage', but because the PPSMI at the moment is IMPRACTICAL. And I would bet if we asked the Education ministry to be more transparent with the stats, this would be proven!

As an afterthought, I then realised why some pro-PPSMI commenters may be so passionate. Maybe, for many Malaysians, English has become a mother-tongue! Maybe so many are now using English at home, especially those who use it at work and started the policy of teaching English to their kids first, that they are frustrated that their kids will struggle when learning Maths, Science and other subjects in Malay, Mandarin and Tamil! Food for thought...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Master Of PAS Puppets

With Tok Guru Nik Aziz, the PAS paramount spiritual leader or 'Mursyidul Am' no less, accused everyone who was supporting the Unity Government idea UMNO's puppet, I am sure everyone is confused over who is who's puppet in PAS. Well, I'm not an expert, but this is my best guess:

YB Datuk Seri Nizar & Yang Sama-Sama Derhaka Dengannya => DAP Puppets.
Puppet-masters: Ngeh and Nga.

YB Datuk Husam Musa & Yang Se-Erdogan Denganya => Anwar Puppets.
Puppet-master: YB Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar

YB Datuk Hadi Awang & Yang Bersekutu Dengannya => (Alleged) UMNO Puppets. Puppet-Master: Don't know, but I'm sure Nik Aziz does!

And of course, let's not forget the man himself...

YB TG Nik Aziz Nik Mat => Erdogan Puppet!
Puppet-master: Husam Musa (Hey, don't marah me lah. Ask his son Nik Abduh!)

Of course, to be fair to PAS, other Pakatan Pembangkang puppets exist too, only they tend to be pooh-poohed as old conspiracy theories. However, just a couple as refreshers:

YB Lim Kit Siang => PAP/Singapore Puppet.
Puppet-master: Lee Kuan Yew via Tony Pua.

YB DS Anwar Ibrahim => American/Freemason/Jewish Puppet.
Puppet-master: Ever-changing, but tends to be a Mat Salleh big-shot from a 'Neo' group. Man has ego mah!

Btw, I find this Erdogan label confusing and unfair to the Turks. I mean, I know it is supposed to show the PAS fellows of this faction is pro-Anwar, but I don't think just because Anwar ran and hid in the Turkish embassy when he was afraid to face Saiful's sodomy allegations it gives people license to malign the Turkish PM with an association to this ex-con! Let's just call the Erdogan group the pro-Anwar group in PAS!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Perpecahan PAS: Jangan Dilupai Faktor Kelantan...

Pelbagai berita berkumandang kini tentang perpecahan yang berterusan dalam PAS. Ada yang menyatakan ini gara-gara niat untuk menubuhkan kerajaan perpaduan. Bagi saya, teori 2 mazhab di mana golongan Erdogan tidak dapat menerima kekalahan Husam Musa tempohari merupakan punca utama perpecahan tersebut... biasalah anak buah DS Anwar Ibrahim... mana reti nak mengalah!

Tetapi pada saya, yang sepatutnya lebih membimbangkan lagi bagi PAS adalah bagaimana tokoh-tokoh dari Kelantan kelihatan tersisih dari barisan kepimpinan yang baru. Mungkinlah ini salah taktik atau nasib sususan hasil demokrasi ala-PAS, tetapi agak menghairankan apabila Kelantan, yakni kubu PAS, tiada wakil walau di peringkat Naib Presiden pun. Malah, orang Johor dan Pahang pula berjaya mempertahankan atau langsung merebut kuasa... padahal kubu UMNO...!

Sekadar ini sahajalah pemerhatian saya buat masa ini... menarik untuk terus perhati...

Monday, June 08, 2009

The End Of PPSMI?

I have always been an opponent of the teaching of Maths and Science in English policy (PPSMI) as it stands. This policy and my opposition to the construction of KLCC (I started being annoying to the establishment very young!) have been major exceptions to my general support of Tun Dr M's policies.

The main reason for my opposing PPSMI has been rational, unemotional and often repeated; it is unreasonable to expect students in the rural areas who begin to learn English for the first time in Standard 1 to be able to cope with English as a medium of instruction. My examples are pertinent, such as how English even as a language is introduced late in many OECD countries like Finland and Holland, for practical reasons, and without too adverse as effect to literacy.

I found evidence of problems with PPSMI from teachers and policy-makers; most point to its introduction at Primary level in Rural areas to be a key concern. Any UMNO candidate who cared to ask would have discovered this, though it disappointed me how many chose to couch their views based on the candidates they supported! Not me. Mukhriz's chums in evidence may remember what I said at tea in Ipoh after 'Pengenalan Calon' with Tengku Azman supporting...

My opposition to the PPSMI is also moderate. I am agreeable in general to having Maths and Science taught in English from Secondary level. This makes sense much as how Latin was a medium of instruction of 'Higher Knowledge' in medieval Europe, and this is where Tun Dr M's logic that the terminology of Maths and Science in Malay is lagging really does apply. I have had problems articulating Chaos Maths and even Blending in Malay!

The problem with teaching Maths and Science in English from Secondary level is that it curtails any future effort to build a science nomenclature in Malay. Sad in terms of how it stunts the growth of Malay as a carrier of knowledge, but for the current world, there is need also to be practical. So, PPSMI to me was in short, bad, but could be modified, or fixed. Another way to make it more successful is just to introduce English in rural areas early, through Kemas etc... right...

So, I now greet the news from TS Muhyiddin, that he is considering a Pass in English to be compulsory at SPM level, to be a step in the right direction... but only if it is a precursor to at least a winding back of the PPSMI... something that has been rumoured strongly if I may add...! I am supportive enough of this in said terms to say it justifies UMNO's choice of Deputy President and DS Najib's trust in him by making him Education Minister!

However, I also encourage TS Muhyiddin and his team to take the opportunity given by this policy revamp to look at upping the quality of English taught in our schools. Our English is still being taught at a relatively basic level. This is fine for a baseline, and certainly, the baseline for a compulsory Pass should be retained for the rural folk. However, our A's and B's should be of higher value. At the same time, this may allow for our English syllabus to be more attractive to students.

Besides re-introducing the teaching of grammar (!) I would be keen to see 10 year olds begin enjoying Shakespeare, at least in simple terms. The Tempest and Much Ado About Nothing are easily adapted, and could transform English teaching into a fun activity, much as Puisi and Sajak does for Malay. By 12 or 13 years, Romeo and Juliet?... the frowning of religious teachers nonwithstanding... And we can always mix it up with Hang Tuah and Tuhfat-al-Nafis dramatised in English!

Worth considering... one hopes... then perhaps, Satu Sekolah, Satu Bangsa?

NB: And I believe also that TS Muhyiddin should re-introduce a compulsory Credit in Bahasa Malaysia for SPM. Malaysians should be embarassed if they can't get even a Credit in our National Language!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Keputusan Muktamar PAS: Hadi - 1, Anwar - 0

Dengan kemenangan YB Nasaruddin Mat Isa sebagai Timbalan Presiden PAS, maka selesailah perang proksi pada Muktamar PAS baru-baru ini, dengan kemenangan 1-0 kepada pihak Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Kemenangan kepada Hadi Awang? Eh, bukankah DS Hadi memang sudah menang tanpa bertanding? Bukankah Nasaruddin mengalahkan Datuk Husam Musa dan YB Mat Sabu?

Sebenarnya, pertandingan Nasaruddin <-> Husam baru-baru ini (yang hanya dikelirukan sejenak dengan penyertaan Mat Sabu juga dalam pertandingan) adalah kali pertama 'perang proksi' secara terbuka berlaku dalam PAS di antara 2 pemimpin paling berpengaruh di dalam parti tersebut, terutama sekali sejak PRU-12. Ada yang sering mensalah-tafsirkan perang ini sebagai perselisihan antara DS Hadi dan TG Nik Aziz, tetapi ini suatu andaian yang kurang tepat.

Datuk Husam Musa sering dibilang merupakan anak buah TG Nik Aziz Nik Mat dan semestinya, kedudukan yang ulung diberikan beliau sepanjang berkhidmat untuk PAS di Kelantan seolah-olah membuktikan sedemikian. Namun, ada 3 fakta yang menyangkal perkara ini, yakni:
  1. TG Nik Aziz tak berapa banyak pilihan antara pemimpin-pemimpin muda PAS Kelantan yang segenerasi dengan Husam. Memang Husam terserlah yang paling berbakat dalam mengimbangi politik dan kelihatan mahir juga dalam pentadbiran mahupun teori ekonomi. Maka Husam terpilih diasuh ke jawatan penting di Kelantan kerana tiada pilihan lain di depan mata TG Nik Aziz.

  2. Penulis yakin 'kepakaran' Datuk Husam sekadar persepsi sahaja, kerana kalau betul beliau hebat dalam mengurus ekonomi, mana bisa Kelantan tetap mundur sekian lama? Fakta ini bila digabungkan dengan pendapat yang dibuahkan oleh Nik Abduh Nik Aziz, yang bapanya 'dipengaruhi', memberi gambaran yang bukan TG Nik Aziz yang membimbing Husam. Mungkin sekali Husam yang memperkudakan TG Nik Aziz!

  3. Datuk Husam Musa merupakan anak didik DS Anwar Ibrahim di Yayasan Anda dahulu sebelum beliau giat berpolitik di arena PAS. Kesetiaan beliau juga kelihatan jelas kepada DS Anwar, apabila beliau membantu usaha Datuk KJ PAS (Kamaruddin Jaafar) membatalkan kerjasama PAS-BN untuk menubuhkan kerajaan campuran di Selangor dan Perak sejurus selepas PRU-12. Ini kemudian membenarkan PKR meraih jawatan MB di Selangor.

Maka, pertandingan yang pada lahirnya berlangsung antara Nasaruddin <-> Husam di Muktamar PAS baru-baru ini sebenarnya adalah PERANG PROKSI ANTARA DS HADI AWANG <-> DS ANWAR IBRAHIM!

Pembaca tidak harus terkejut tentang perkara ini. Memang inilah perangai DS Anwar Ibrahim - beliau tak berani menyertai dan memimpin parti pembangkang, walaupun parti PKR yang taksub kepadanya, kerana berharap dapat kembali memimpin UMNO satu hari nanti. Namun, kerana keupayaan beliau menyatu-padukan Pakatan Pembangkang, suara beliau didengari para pemimpin PAS dan DAP. Tambah lagi, di dalam PAS, anak buahnya menduduki jawatan penting.

Namun, kekalahan Husam pasti membimbangkan DS Anwar sekarang. Inilah usahanya yang paling nekad untuk merebut kuasa di dalam PAS melalui pertandingan di peringkat tertinggi menerusi proksinya. Adakah kekalahan Husam akan membahayakan kedudukan semua proksinya yang lain? Mungkinkah DS Hadi akan menuntut lebih banyak pengaruh untuk dirinya dan PAS lalu mula menyisih DS Anwar ke tepi?

Wallahualam... namun PAS mungkin kini lebih sedar akan kekuatannya sendiri. Dari dipimpin peliwat di arena politik kebangsaan, bukankah mereka seharusnya memimpin Pakatan Pembangkang?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Kalau Tugas Timbalan Menyokong Presiden, Dan Presiden Mahukan Kerajaan Perpaduan, Jadi...?

Oleh kerana saya naik seronok tengok pelbagai jenis cyber-trooper membidas posting saya yang lepas tentang perebutan jawatan Timbalan Presiden PAS (sampai bukan saja cyber-trooper Husam/Anwar, tapi siap cyber-trooper KJ UMNO pun masuk campur...!!!), di sini ingin saya teruskan pemerhatian saya. Persoalan yang ingin saya timbulkan adalah:

Lazimnya, Timbalan Presiden bertugas menyokong dan membantu Presiden dalam menjayakan misi serta visi organisasi. Timbalan Presiden tidak berperanan membangkang Presiden. Walaupun lazimnya wujud kegeseran kerana Timbalan menjadi pengimbang dari fraksi lain dalam organisasi, namun tugasnya tetap menyokong. Atas dasar ini, lojikkah Datuk Husam Musa dipilih sebagai Timbalan Presiden PAS?

Sekali lagi, saya ingin melihat yang di atas dari kacamata UMNO... mengkaji... Timbalan Presiden PAS manakah bakal paling menguntungkan UMNO?

Yang mencadangkan rapatnya PAS dengan UMNO dengan tujuan mewujudkan kerajaan perpaduan ummah Melayu Islam di Malaysia adalah Hj Hadi, yakni Presiden PAS sendiri. Satahu kita, Nasharuddin Mat Isa sebagai Timbalan hanya menyokong usaha Hj Hadi. Tetapi, yang jelas menentang ide ini adalah Husam. Tetapi Husam tak pula mencabar Hj Hadi, tetapi mencabar Nasharuddin pula dan menghamburkan tuduhan pelbagai ke arah lawannya.

Dengan melakukan demikian, adakah Husam juga bertindak menentang usaha Presiden PAS menuju perpaduan UMNO dan PAS? Oleh itu, mungkinkah Husam sebenarnya mahu mencabar Hj Hadi sendiri, tetapi kerana kemungkinan besar kalah, beliau bertekad mencabar Nasharuddin sebagai proksi Hj Hadi? Kalau begitu, ini bermakna sekiranya Husam menang, Hj Hadi akan menerima Timbalan yang berperanan pembangkang kepada beliau, bukan penyokong!

Makanya, sekiranya Husam menang, kemungkinan besar perpecahan besar akan bermula di PAS dari peringkat teratas sekali! Husam tidak mungkin dapat meyakinkan Hj Hadi yang kemenangannya kerana majoriti orang PAS menolak ide kerjasama dengan UMNO. Ini kerana Hj Hadi tetap menang tanpa bertanding walaupun cadangan perpaduan tersebut adalah usaha beliau sendiri!

Tambah pula, Husam, sama seperti tokoh-tokoh pro-DS Anwar yang lain seperti KJ PAS, yakni Kamaruddin Jaafar, kian melonjak naik nama akibat keupayaan mereka membiaya pembangunan PAS. Pembukaan Ibu Pejabat PAS di Kuala Lumpur dahulunya tak tercapai, sehinggalah Husam mencadangkannya dengan sokongan beg duit dari KJ PAS, secara tidak langsung dari DS Anwar juga pastinya! Ini kan cara sesetengah orang UMNO naik, bukan cara orang PAS!

Hai, jadi apakah agaknya rencana Husam sekiranya menang? Pemimpinnya, DS Anwar, masih belum ada parti. Mungkinkah beliau akan menghidupkan ide lama arwah Datuk Fadhil Noor untuk menjemput DS Anwar untuk menyertai PAS, sekaligus membenarkan DS Anwar merampas kedudukan Presiden PAS dari Hj Hadi kelak? Wallahualam... Tapi untung juga UMNO sekiranya Presiden PAS suatu hari merupakan seorang peliwat! Parti Islam apa macam tu?

Tapi takpa, setakat ada Husam sebagai Timbalan Presiden PAS pun dah cukup cantik untuk UMNO. Dah lah pembangkang kepada Presiden PAS, anak didik setia peliwat pula tu! Bagus PAS... Husamlah pilihan UMNO untukmu... hihihihi...

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Husam Musa... Pilihan Terbaik Untuk UMNO?

Oleh sebab pemimpin Pakatan Pembangkang sering suka memberi pendapat tentang siapa patut memimpin UMNO dan parti komponen BN lain, tergerak hati saya untuk memberi pendapat siapakah pemimpin terbaik untuk PAS. Saya rasa UMNO patut menyokong Husam Musa sebagai calon Timbalan Presiden PAS yang baru.

Ini bukan hanya kerana dari segi pendekatan dan prinsip, Husam adalah calon paling hampir dengan perjuangan UMNO, tak hairanlah memandangkan beliau anak buah DS Anwar Ibrahim di Yayasan Anda pada suatu masa dahulu, tetapi juga beliau telah banyak berbudi kepada pemimpin UMNO serta Barisan Nasional sebelum ini.

Contohnya, Husam terlibat secara langsung dalam usaha memastikan Pak Lah tidak dibatalkan kemenangannya pada PRU-11 oleh kerana masalah teknikal. Beliau dan YB KJ bersepakat untuk membatalkan segala bantahan pilihanraya PAS dan BN anatara satu sama lain, sekaligus memastikan kekuasaan PAS berterusan di Kelantan. Pada masa tersebut, memang UMNO lebih mahukan Pak Lah selamat dari mendapatkan kembali Kelantan... kan?

(Ada ura-ura juga perbincangan tersebut juga menghasilkan persepakatan untuk dibebaskan DS Anwar yang rapat dengan Husam mahupun KJ)

Husam juga kelihatan sedia untuk menonjolkan kehebatan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang rapat. Contohnya, KJ mengadakan debat dengannya menjelang pemilihan UMNO. Pada masa yang sama, Husam juga sedia menjaga air muka anak buah DS Anwar dalam UMNO, walau yang bekas, dari dimalukan. Contohnya apabila beliau saling enggan berentap dengan DS Zahid Hamidi pada program Hujah baru-baru ini.

Peng-UMNO-an PAS oleh Husam haruslah diteruskan, kerana pengikut PAS kini sudah terlalu fanatik. Sekiranya Mat Sabu menang, dengan kesediaan beliau melaungkan visi ala-syaih sekalipun dan kesediaannya mendedahkan DS Anwar sebelum UMNO sebagai seorang peliwat, sudah tentu PAS akan lebih jauh fanatik dari sekarang.

Saya juga agak bimbang sekiranya Nasharuddin Mat Isa terpilih. Walaupun beliau dirasakan susah menang walaupun pencalonannya yang terbanyak... orang Johor la... bukan tapak semaian lazim PAS... tetapi beliau bukan sahaja berupaya mengekalkan prinsip pemimpin ulama PAS, tetapi penampilannya, terutama sekali sepanjang pertandingan setakat ini, adalah yang paling matang sekaligus menarik.

Siapa yang nak menang... wallahualam... tetapi demi melanjutkan umur UMNO... harapan kami Husam le...

Kemaskini 1: Menarik bila melihat cyber-trooper Husam bergerak dengan pantas mengkomen di bawah topik ini. Mungkin juga cyber-trooper DS Anwar membantu. Kenapa, takutkah disuluh kebenaran yang membawa PAS mampir menjadi lebih UMNO adalah Husam Musa? Blog ini bukan membawa 'spin', tetapi bertujuan memberi tangen dari pendapat yang diwar-warkan, kerana yang sering kedengaran tidak semestinya yang benar...