Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ayah Better... But Not Out Of The Woods Yet

Firstly, thanks to all the well-wishers and especially those who prayed for Ayah's well-being over the last few weeks. He is fine, the procedure to clear a partially blocked artery to the brain at IJN went well, and he is now resting at home after a brief spell at the hospital. He underwent a vascular-angioplasti, if I am not mistaken, that basically cleared a 75% blockage on the artery - a potential risk for stroke especially as the blockage was 'herniated'.

However, Ayah is not out of the woods yet. Following the procedure, he expressed some surprise that he was still getting tired far too soon, forgetting that he is still due a by-pass or alternative procedure to improve the state of his heart. On a more positive note, Ayah has lost some 10kg since all the drama began last month, testament to Nyak (my mother), seizing back control of his diet I am sure!

As for myself, between Ayah, work, MAYC (Hari Belia!) and other things family, I have not been blogging as much as I would like, and am getting a little annoyed with myself. Still too much nonsense being bandied about as considered opinion I think, but that's for another post. For now, I'd rather pause and post the grateful message, due to Allah's good grace, that Ayah is better, but not quite out of the woods just yet...

One final word... I find with great interest that I may not actually need to do any suing of TS Syed Hamid to vindicate myself, as it would seem TS Syed Hamid's cronies are already being sued for things related to the abuse of power and corruption at MAYC! The Veterans of MAYC, now led by the variously 'notorious' Dato' Nasir Safar, have uncovered quite a lot of evidence of just such corruption! Fun I think to sit back, watch and learn a while as the Veterans get stuck in!

Mass (measured last week): 104kg (ya, ya I know... WORSE!)


Unknown said...

Mudah2an Tan Sri akan cepat sembuh, insya Allah. Saya pun baru kena heart attack dan baru 2 minggu keluar hospital. Saya tau perasaan org sakit yg terpaksa duduk di hospital. Insya Allah, things will get better for Tan Sri.

kassim.ahmad said...

alhamdulillah. semoga ayah saudara lekas sembuh. doa dari saorang adik (dia prefect saya di dormitory 'big school' mckk 1963)

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