Bloghouse Malaysia President Syed Akbar Ali has chosen to post and comment on the writting of a so called MCA Head of Research Stanley Koh here. Whilst I have some respect for what was written, I cannot find myself agreeing with either much of Stanley Koh's writting and even some of Syed Akbar's commentary. Why? Because I think the premise is wrong for a nation that is supposed to be maturing. If anything, it seems more as if our nation is going through teen angst!
For instance, for some reason the idea of removing subsidies is so taboo in Malaysia that even when category C2 subsidies are removed from some 'fishermen' in Malaysia, everyone from across political lines are up in arms, seeking justice for the injustice against these 'fishermen'. Many fail to note that the said fishermen are not those doing subsistence fishing, but doing deep sea fishing, with ships and businesses worth millions! These are not poor fishermen!
Some also neglect to examine the following logic. These fishermen are boycotting from doing any fishing due to the subsidy cancellation. If they were poor subsistence fishermen, could they have afforded this? The amount of subsidy for them have nigh doubled this year in order to reduce cost of fishing, but have the price of fish reduced? No? So what is the point of the subsidy? To make these rich fishermen more rich and even at the expense of us consumers?
I am disgusted... and have to go home... more later...
Kalau beria-ria sangat nak hapuskan subsidi, kenapa pulak tidak hapuskan APs/monopoli/quota?
Barang naik mencekik darah ni. Gaji tak naik cam barang naik. Kenapa?
Kau anak orang UMNO berpengaruh, kau tahu kesusahan orang kat kampung? Kau tahu situasi orang kampung bila barang naik cam ni? Kerajaan nak orang-orang kampung jangan tagih subsidi tapi subsidi orang-orang kaya cam AP kereta, AP lesen teksi, AP cement, AP tak tahu apa benda entah dikekalkan.
Sampai sekarang, saya tak pernah dengar penghapusan AP/monopoli.
Terima kasih.
En Said. Saya rasa En Said tak faham apa yang saya maksudkan. Subsidi C2 yang dibatalkan oleh kerajaan baru-baru ini adalah untuk orang-orang bisnes belaka! Malah, para Nelayan yang terlibat hanyalah Nelayan Laut Dalam, yang botnya sendiri bernilai ratusan ribu, malah berjuta ringgit! Maka bila dibuang subsidi C2 ni, memang sesuai dengan saranan En Said lah.
Janganlah terpedaya dengan semua yang merungut bila subsidi mereka terbatal. Cukup ramai yang makan subsidi sekarang orang kaya-kaya belaka... setidak-tidaknya, sekarang taukeh yang buat duit dari subsidi B2 tak lagi menikmati manfaat yang tidak seharusnya...
Dan En Said, buat pengetahuan, saya juga makan gaji dan tak pernah ada apa-apa AP. Orang UMNO yang berpengaruh, mahupun anak mereka, tak semua curang En Said.
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