There Are Many Subtleties And Hidden Meanings, Patterns Leading to Surprising Outcomes, For Us To Consider As We Ponderously Venture With Hope Still Towards A Better Malaysia
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Menjelang MERDEKA, Punca Pertelingkahan Antara Kaum Terpampang Buat Rakyat Selangor

Monday, August 24, 2009
The Cane Mutiny... By Kartika, With Shahrizat, Then Bar Council... Lagi?
- Selangor Pakatan exco and PAS Commissioner Datuk Dr Hassan Ali, fresh from hugging Ronnie Liu in front of DS Anwar Ibrahim, has given the state's Mosque officials power to nab Muslims drinking alcohol! HO HO! Not sure really whether this is because of the Kartika case, seeing as the offending woman was nabbed in a BN state (!), or if it is Round 2 of the state DAP vs PAS slugfest!
- Bar Council President Ragunath Kesavan, in response to fresh news that the punishment will be postponed to after Ramadhan, and perhaps in heat with the chance to bantai our Syariah courts, which is NOT Bar Council territory, declares he wants 'whipping' abolished! One wonders whether he feels the same about the more vicious mandatory whipping sentence against convicted drug dealers? If so, why not declare something earlier on that?
In the end, all these people are declaring this and that to get the same thing Kartika is now getting, a chance to be prominent in some way... WOI! THE WOMAN GOT CAUGHT DRINKING ALCOHOL, SHE IS MUSLIM and SHE'S BEING PUNISHED! Dah la tu! This is between her and Allah! The religious authorities are just facilitating this and her family has at least 'shown her the light'! WE SHOULD BE WISHING MORE OFFENDING MUSLIMS ARE CAUGHT AND PUNISHED!
But nooo... the saga continues! Sure punya...
Amnesty International, an organisation that has singularly failed to achieve any change in the world, but continue to get money by pretending to achieve stuff, now has jumped into the band-wagon! Please-lah Amnesty, go achieve something more meaningful first lah, like stopping Palestinian kids and babies from being killed by the Zionists, then maybe we and the rest of the world will listen to you more... No need to butt into our small local drama ...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
YB Radzhi Lari Dari PKR, Bukan Ke PAS, Tapi Kenapa Tidak Ke UMNO?
- Kenapakah beliau keluar parti PKR. Yang ini ada banyak teori, tetapi sebenarnya saya sendiri akui TAK TAHU tentang hal ini! Ahli Parlimen PKR Padang Serai, YB N Gobalakrishnan dah cukup hangat menuduh YB Radzhi dan yang keluar parti bersama dengannya, sehingga terbubarnya PKR Bahagian tersebut, macam-macam - strategi nak menang PRK Permatang Pasirlah, semuanya dah lama bertindak-tanduk memang mencurigakanlah...
- Kenapakah YB Radzhi tak lari ke PAS memandangkan beliau sedia untuk kekal di Exco Kerajaan Negeri? Siapa kata dia tidak mencuba? Soalnya sekarang, kalau dia cuba pun, PAS tidak mungkin sedia menerimanya kerana ini pasti akan menimbulkan ketegangan di antara PAS dan PKR Kedah. Dah la PAS dan DAP Kedah tak ngam pasal babi! Lagi pun, Pengerusi PKR Kedah, YB Ahmad Kassim, memang rapat dengan PAS sejak zamannya di ABIM lagi.
- Soalan yang paling menarik sekali, kenapakah YB Radzhi tak lari ke UMNO! Ha, ini soalan cepumas ni! Yang ni kena huraikan sedikit lagi... di bawah...
- Jelas YB Radzhi, beliau tidak mahu dikatakan 'kena beli'. Wah, nampak gaya kalau ada orang lompat ke UMNO atau BN, akan terus dilabel 'kena beli'! Bukannya kerana prinsip atau kepincangan parti Pakatan mahupun untuk berkhidmat dengan lebih berkesan. Tetapi terus kena label 'kena beli'! Malah, YB Radzhi lebih rela tak berparti dan seksa menguruskan ADUNnya tanpa bantuan dari kena label 'kena beli' dari masuk UMNO!
- Kenapakah ada imej 'kena beli' pada yang lompat ke UMNO/BN? Mungkinkah kerana UMNO masih berimej 'membeli' undi? Mungkin ini bukan kerana aksi BN pada PRU atau PRK, tetapi cerita beli-jual undi pada pemilihan dalaman parti adalah antara yang menjijikkan rakyat! UMNO pula masih membiarkan mereka yang sudah bertaraf ikon korupsi berleluasa dalam parti! Manalah orang tak anggap yang melompat ke UMNO jenis 'dibeli'?
- YB Radzhi juga mengatakan,"selepas Pilihan Raya Umum 8 Mac lalu (2008), saya lihat hala tuju parti (PKR) telah berubah. Ia menjurus kepentingan peribadi pula, orang yang bekerja kuat untuk pucuk pimpinan parti pula diketepikan." Ha, mungkinkah sebab YB Radzhi tak menyertai UMNO kerana pada beliau parti kita sama buruk dengan PKR yang baru ditinggalkannya? Mungkinkah ini juga tanggapan rakyat?
Ramai 'pakar' akan membuat pelbagai terjemahan terhadap keluarnya YB Radzhi dari PKR, tetapi saya lebih tertarik dengan soalan kenapa beliau tidak menyertai UMNO. Soalan inilah harus diberi perhatian oleh pemimpin UMNO untuk memperbaiki keadaan, kerana kalau tidak, bukan sekadar wakil rakyat lawan yang kecewa sahaja bakal menolak Barisan Nasional dan parti tunjangnya!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Kejijikan Imej Calon Pemimpin Malayu-Islam Menenggelamkan Isu... Setibanya Ramadhan!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
“Football is not really about winning, or goals, or saves or supporters- it’s about GLORY. It’s about doing things in style, doing them with a flourish; it’s about going out to beat the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom; it’s about dreaming of the glory that the Double brought.”
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Orang Jahat DAP (Tertuduh...) Kena Tangkap, Tapi Yang UMNO?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Has The Selangor State Government Lost The Plot?
Today, we saw the unveiling of yet another strange policy of the state, of course reported by the pro-Pakatan newspaper, The Sun, as some sort of breakthrough of things "Democratic". The Sun had it as its main headline (admitting again which side of the policial divide they stand) whilst the other, less sensational and more sensible mainstream press didn't see any merit in even reporting it! Something to do with making making the State Legislature 'more independent'.
I had a look at what this new policy was 'delivering' to the Rakyat, and this is what I interpret from the way it's described:
- The state assembly will now have its own budget and committee to manage its administration. It will not have to 'rely' on the state government. Comment: Isn't the state government made up of the legislature, indeed making up it's majority? In actual fact, the state government is NOT independent of the state assembly! So, other than allowing Pakatan to now appoint more of its ADUNs into 'positions' in the 'assembly management', how does this benefit the Rakyat?
- The state assembly now can manage its assets independently. Comment: Hmmm... the state assembly is supposed to be fully funded by the state government. Its job is to pass state laws, act as a voice of the people as check-and-balance to the state government, so, why does it need assets? It has assets mah? Wah... maybe this way Pakatan can sapu the people's money more easily, via the state assembly's 'new management and independence'!
- The state assembly now will have a committee managed by the Speaker and will have members of both sides of the political divide in it. Comment: So, who really runs the place? Where is the state secretary and other civil servants in the management of the assembly? Are they doing this to try and take power from the civil servants charged with managing the assembly's workings under the auspices of the Sultan? Are they trying to create a barrier to what happened in Perak? How is that more democratic? And the poeple?
- Continued rising crime in Selangor!
- Cleaning up the exco from all negative influences, especially criminal elements, real or percieved.
- Clearing up the beer sales issue.
- Figuring out how to run the state's finances properly so that they don't need to sapu the Baitulmal (Muslim charity/zakat) money!
- etc
- etc
- ...
- ad nauseum
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
A Couple Of Worthy Plugs
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Bingung Rakyat... Demo Pro Dan Anti Semalam Untuk Apa?
- Kumpulan pro-ISA menyokong ISA dirombak supaya lebih sesuai dengan zaman pasca 50 tahun merdeka. Namun ISA haruslah kekal!
- Kerana menghormati nasihat DS Najib supaya demonstrasi tidak diadakan, mereka tetap berkumpul untuk menunjukkan bahawa ada kumpulan rakyat prihatin yang mahu ISA dikekalkan.
- Sesuai dengan saranan DS Najib agar cadangan diajukan untuk memperbaik-pulih ISA dari sedia-ada, memorandum yang serahkan MAGARAN ke DYMM YDP Agong juga membawa 5 baris ajuan pindaan kepada Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri.
Ha, kan lebih sopan cara yang dibuat oleh kumpulan pro-ISA ini? Mereka menghormati undang-undang negara, menerima nasihat pemimpin, malah tidak menyokong ISA membuta-tuli lalu menyerahkan cadangan bagaimana ia dapat dibaik-pulih! Pihak GMI pula, beria-ia menggerak penyokong mereka, termasuk para pelajar universiti, untuk berdemonstrasi tanpa jelas niatnya atau terlihat hasilnya selain porak-peranda. Seperti kata orang tua sayalah:
GMI/Anti-ISA seolah orang yang:
Manakala MAGARAN/Pro-ISA pula:
Namun, akhir kata, yang paling rugi dalam kejadian semalam bukanlah warga KL, bukan juga pelancong mahupun para pendemonstrasi jalanan. Yang rugi sekali adalah Pemuda UMNO. Oleh kerana pemimpinnya, YB KJ, tidak tergerak melawan kata bapa mertuanya, yang baru sahaja menyarankan ISA dimansuhkan, maka Pemuda UMNO, telah terlepas peluang menunjukkan kematangan, kebijaksanaan mahupun keberaniannya sebagai sebuah kumpulan pendesak.NIAT BAIK, KERJA RAPI,
Yang untung adalah MAGARAN dan pertubuhan-pertubuhan anggotanya sebagai gagasan NGO pendesak gantian untuk masyarakat Melayu...
*Kemaskini 1: Sebenarnya, yang menghantar memorandum MAGARAN/Pro-ISA ke Istana hanyalah seorang wakil sahaja ... dan tidak berkonvoi pun! Tak perlu demo-demo pulak...!!!