Monday, February 16, 2009

Elizabeth Wong's Public Statement... NOT! Regretably...

I am disappointed that YB Elizabeth Wong has not reacted like the consumate and mature politican of the modern age that we expect in the face of her recent photo scandal. Instead, she has reverted to a more reactionary, albeit subdued, 'victim' role, that is probably more within her comfort zone as a social activist. Nevertheless, this scandal, which would have provided her a great opportunity to rise to new heights in public perception, has been wasted ...

Rather than
this supposedly 'stoic' statement, I would have drafted the following to be the keystone of her statement instead (my words in italics):

This constitutes a gross outrage on my modesty, a gross invasion of my privacy, and in particular the sanctity of my personal life and I thank my supporters, friends, colleagues and members of my constituency for their concern, support and encouragement.

However, we are currently facing trying times, with the nation's economy under threat of an economic crisis of proportions greater than what was faced in the late 90's. The challenges presented should be at the forefront of our minds as individual citizens as well as leaders of our own communities and families. My fate and travails are of little consequence as compared to the looming crisis before us.

We are also in an era of dynamic transition for our democracy, made even more interesting with the recent active participation of our state rulers on matters of government. Let us not mention Perak, but rather listen to the Agong's titah at the opening of Parliament today where his highness in his wisdom chose to thank Pak Lah for his services and wished all a smooth transition of government. Surely this should occupy the mind of Malaysians more than my own personal problems.

My family members are standing behind me. I would like to appeal to the media to give me and my family members some breathing space in this trying time so that I can weather this huge challenge. And I urge all Malaysians to please consider the great many things we as a nation must do in the coming days, weeks and months. Fret not about me, I'll be fine...

My sympathies Elizabeth on you and yours' current travails, but regrets also for your loss of opportunity to truly rise above the occassion...


Premium Business said...

Tupasai oghang oghang dulu tidoq pasang kelambu..

Nyamok takdak, kain pun tak terselak...

Orang pekan dengan orang ulu..

WY said...

well, while such grandstandin would serve well with her typical supporters of well educated malaysians, the rural malaysians, played to umno mass media will probably fail to understand that why she is so strong, being a woman etc.

I symphatize with her.

ChengHo said...

Symphatise yes but once in public life your past will haunt you
To redeem her honor and integrity to rep the public she just have to resign from public life and goes back to private life...all the best Eli..

Zukri Valenteno said...

Dear Akram...

Setuju dengan kluangman, tidoq kalu kena la boh kelambu, tidak kalo mcm2 penyakit nanti dapat. Orang la ni dah takmau pakai kelambu, dapat la mcm2...

Satu lagi, dolu2 orang pakai singlet pi sekolah dan habit lama tu terbwa-bawa sampai alam pekerjaan, macam la saya, sampai la ni dok pakai singlet dalam baju.

Kalu2 baju terselak, ada lagi tabir jadi badan tak nampak dek orang...

Salam Dari Mergong...

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