Friday, July 17, 2009

Pemimpin Muda UMNO Mahukan Suruhanjaya DiRaja?

Saya terkejut mendengar seorang pemimpin UMNO mendesak supaya sebuah Suruhanjaya DiRaja dibentuk untuk menyiasat kematian Setiausaha Politik kepada seorang Exco kerajaan negeri Selangor, Teoh Beng Hock. Ternyata beliau ingin mendahului para pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang memang gemar mendesak siasatan melalui Suruhanjaya DiRaja. Mungkin pemimpin muda UMNO ini juga serasi dengan Pakatan yang tidak yakin akan keupayaan Polis DiRaja Malaysia?

Mungkin ini sebahagian dari startegi pemimpin muda tersebut untuk memikat hati penyokong pembangkang yang tok-tok? Beliau pun dikatakan rajin ke sana-ke mari bermajlis bersama Tony Pua, budak se-Oxford yang menjadi harapan DAP. Di majlis-majlis tersebut, pemimpin muda UMNO tersebut melafazkan niat murninya untuk mempermodenkan UMNO sambil memohon kesabaran dari penyokong Pakatan kerana kononnya beliau 'tertambat' oleh 'kelapukan minda' orang UMNO.

Tetapi, saya agak hairan, rakyat sebenarnya mahu sangatkah Suruhanjaya pelbagai dibentuk seperti yang didesak ni? Saya rasa, rakyat lebih gemar kalau pemimpin UMNO mendesak supaya harga bas dan teksi diturunkan semula sedikit. Ini rasanya lebih penting kepada rakyat dari kematian seorang ahli politik, tak kiralah yang mendiang itu muda, baru nak kahwin dan baru lepas ditemu-bual Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).

Rakyat pun pasti hairan, kenapa pemimpin muda UMNO ini sibuk pula mahukan Suruhanjaya DiRaja ditubuhkan bersabit kematian ahli politik muda DAP tersebut? Apakah kematian beliau lebih penting disiasat dari kematian puluhan mangsa ragut, ratusan mangsa rompak dan ribuan mangsa kemalangan di jalan raya sehingga Suruhanjaya DiRaja diperlukan, padahal yang lain ini tidak? Atau mungkinkah beliau merasakan Suruhanjaya Diraja diperlukan untuk semua ini?

Gamaknya banyak benarlah Suruhanjaya DiRaja diperlukan ya!? Apakah perlu lagi Polis DiRaja dan Mahkamah sekiranya Suruhanjaya DiRaja boleh dibentuk sewenang-wenangnya pada masa ini? Pada suatu masa dahulu, Suruhanjaya DiRaja hanya ditubuhkan sekiranya ada sesuatu tragedi besar, seperti kejadian rusuhan kaum pada 13 Mei 1969 yang menyebabkan kematian ratusan penduduk dan hampir memendekkan umur Malaysia sebagai negara merdeka berharmoni.

Kematian Teoh beng Hock ini juga bukan kali pertama seorang ahli politik disyaki terbunuh. Dahulu, Datuk Mohd Taha Talib, ADUN Tampin dan Dr Joe Fernandez, ADUN Lunas, juga didapati terbunuh, tetapi tak terlihat perlu pun ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya DiRaja. Tetapi pada zaman Pak Lah, sebuah pita video pun boleh menyebabkan terbentuknya sebuah Suruhanjaya DiRaja! Adakah pemimpin muda UMNO ini terlibat juga dalam penubuhan Suruhanjaya tersebut?

Dan macamlah hasil Suruhanjaya DiRaja rakaman video VK Lingam dan yang sebelumnya untuk "Penambahbaikan Perjalanan dan Pengurusan Polis DiRaja Malaysia" berkesan sangat! Hanya sekadar menjadi modal politik pemimpin tertentu sahaja, selain meragut lagi imej dan maruah dua institusi negara, yakni badan Kehakiman dan Polis DiRaja Malaysia sendiri? Padahal yang menjamin keselamatan negara selama ini siapa, ahli politik?

Saya sebenarnya sudah jijik akan tabiat pemimpin politik memperlekehkan institusi DiRaja dengan mendesak Suruhanjaya DiRaja diadakan untuk benda-benda remeh yang seharusnya ditangani oleh Polis DiRaja Malaysia. Kematian seorang ahli politik muda, tak kiralah betapa hiba dan tragisnya, bukan petanda kiamat untuk Malaysia. Biarlah sahaja pihak berkuasa menyiasat, dari kita terus-menerus menghina dan memperkecilkan institusi DiRaja.

Saya faham sekiranya pemimpin DAP sedang bersifat dan bertindak lebih kurang rasional dari lazimnya tentang hal ini... mendiang Teoh tu anak buah mereka! Tetapi mungkin sudah tiba masanya para pemimpin DAP mencapai sedikit kearifan tentang adab dunia. Dunia ini tidak berpaksikan sesiapa... Allah punya semuanya... maka hormatilah adab dunia ini, bukan semuanya harus menurut pendapat dan keinginan DAP... Institusi DiRaja bukan alat politik semata...

Ha, pemimpin muda UMNO yang berkenaan pun kelihatan buang tabiat pula... tapi kenalah faham... pemimpin muda mana yang dimaksudkan...


AnTi AljUbuRi said...
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Unknown said...

AnTi AljUbuRi. Maaf, komen saudara/i lari dari topik, maka dipadam... TQ

Premium Business said...

Ekonomi di Malaysia akan terus di stabil dengan isu isu politik yang berterusan tanpa perlu langkah2 ekonomi yang tersusun - begitulah hebat rakyat dan negara ini kerana politik sudah menjadi makanan harian mereka dan soal ekonomi bukan lagi satu fokus atau yang perlu dibimbangkan?!!

Tetapi apabila 'merudum' jalan penyelesaiannya ialah pembangkang menuduh kerajaan sekarang lemah dan rasuah.

Muhyiddin juga flip flop dalam isu penubuhan suruhanjaya siasatan apabila mendapat tekanan pembangkang tetapi 'bertegas' dalam isu PPSMI kerana nak jaga hati pembangkang juga - inilah keputusan politik walaupun Muhyiddin kata itu keputusan kajian.

Kesimpulannya, Menteri sekarang dalam membuat keputusan selalunya goyah dan tidak tahu di mana mereka berdiri sehingga disignalkan oleh orang lain.

Apa sangatlah kematian 'terancang' itu jika dilihat banyak lagi kepentingan rakyat lain yang perlu diutamakan. Cuma kerajaan mendapat keuntungan atas isu ini kerana menenggelamkan isu kenaikan tambang pengangkutan awam.

Jalan terbaik PRU13 nanti atau pilihanraya kecil yang terdekat ialah rakyat tidak keluar mengundi kerana nampak sangat pemimpin kerajaan dan pembangkang sekarang tidak ikhlas kepada rakyat.

Donplaypuks® said...

The call for this RCI must be seen in the context of the present times and NOW!

Public confidence in the MACC and Police is at an all time low following a spate of NFA and selective investigations. There have been over 100 cases of death in custody and more where the Police did not carry out Inquests as is mandatory under Malaysia Law!

Why is UMNO/BN not on the back of the IGP or sacking him to get a more efficient replacement? Crime rates have saored and no amount of spin by our IGP will fool the citizens.

What's happened to the Kugan (prosecution was promised within 1 month)case, the 2 frogs in Ipoh, the 2 RCI's (slap in the face for our King.

In the last week alone, besides Teoh's case there were 2 other deaths in police custody both classified as accidental or sudden. Yesterday there was another report about a guy who died of drug overdose while in police custody!

Under these circumstances, we have no choice but to call for an RCI because the publics' perception is that otw, there will be a massive cover up and NFA!

Ask yourself also under whose watch has all this been happening? None other than during the continuous regime of UMNO/BN.

jimbo said...

Bila MACC nak siasat kes KJ, Khir dan Ali Rustam yang didapati bersalah politik wang semasa pemilihan...
Dah berjanggut tunggu ni...
Tu kes paling senang, fail semua dah siap, MACC pergi je mintak kat HQ UMNO..
Without fear or favor, really?

Unknown said...

donplaypuks. I love the way you guys declare your views to be the views of the 'public'. Last I saw, Pakatan leaders aren't even representing the majority of Malaysians. I have rather quiet confidence in our police force, especially in the resolution and prevention of hard crime. That crime has gone up are symptoms of the economic environment.

I'd much rather trust the police than politicians that protect scum-of-the-earth triad bosses and their 'rumah urut' establishments. It doesn't matter that the politician is in DAP and not UMNO nor any other BN party, wrong is wrong. And I suppose since you are such a Royalist, you do agree with Sultan Azlan's decision to have BN take over the Perak government?

I don't think the Royals feel even the wind off a slap from the Najib administration - they are quite happy actually. They were upset with Pak Lah on tricking them into running an IPCMC - against another royal institution - the ROYAL Malaysian Police! And the Lingam case... which then tried to take away the Royal perogative... well...

Much prefer jimbo's remark, though also a little inaccurate. Jimbo, UMNO Disciplinary committee proceedings can't really be used by MACC unless government context or monies were used directly in bribery and corruption of said fellows. I would rather prefer the LHDN investigate how am unemployed guy in the early 30's had so much resources to 'buy' votes...

Donplaypuks® said...


If the Triads are flourishing, who should be held accountable?

The PDRM and IGP or Pakatan? Whose job is it?

If you look at the statistics, serious crimes have soared between 2000-2009? Under which majority govt rule did it occur? Pakatan? In most cases they are higher than HK and Singapore.

Get real man, and don't fall under the spell of UMNO/BN/PDRM/MSM spin doctoring machinery!

Admin CCZ said...

cuma mahu tahu..decision utk kuatkan Pemuda UMNO melalui perang cyber adalah idea siapa?sebenarnya saya lgsg tak berminat dgn pemimpin muda yg sdra maksudkan.kemenangannya dalam pemilihan pemuda hari tu meranapkan keyakinan ramai pihak untuk melihat UMNO kembali kuat.sepatutnya bayang-bayang Kj pun tak dibenarkan ada dalam UMNO. Itulah..Langkah masuk ke dalam UMNO dah niat tak elok.Perjalanan tak berkat.

jimbo said...


I beg your pardon?
You mean the definition of corruption is only when govt money is involved?
Apa ini?
If somebody bribe a police officer (using his own hard earn and taxable income), that would not be corruption?

The actual difference that I see is when a common man do it, they can get caught because they are what I called 'ikan bilis'. But when KJ does it, he can't because he is what i call 'ikan besar....thought i distinctly remember the former PM wanting to catch 'ikan ikan besar'

So, I beg to differ on this one. Corruption is a disease touching both the public and the private. whatever source of KJ's money, he practiced corruption when he was found guilty using it to buy votes.
Corruption is corruption and I really tought that word is what MACC is supposed to combat. And this case involving KJ (and the 2 others) is a clear cut and easy one to take over by MACC...

Best regards,

Anonymous said...


Thanks to the Lingam RCI we know what a fabulous judiciary we inherited from Tun Dr Mahathir.

The RCI was a good idea in that case, but those named should have been prosecuted, but alas Pak Lah, alas.

How else should we view Lingam tape, saudara Akhram? Are you far superior in knowledge to the distinguished panels of the RCI.

As to the RCI in this case, I agree, it should not need to happen. So I beg of your greatness to indulge me a helpless blogger and to please debate the point I raise and not go around the mulberry bush.

Anti Mulbery Bush @ WJK

Unknown said...

mungkin kalau anak, atau isteri anda yang diminta hadir ke pejabat agensi kerajaan, kemudiannya dijumpai mati, baru kamu akan sedar kenapa perlu sebuah suruhanjaya bebas untuk menyiasat

Hang Tuah

Unknown said...

donplaypuks. I know you guys are frustrated that you voted into power a protector of 'rumah urut' and other triad activities. I suppose it's even more embarassing as complainers of BN's anti-crime policies that you actually have a protector of criminals as a leader! This on top of having gay rapist convicted of corruption as Pakatan de-facto leader!

I believe Pakatan has lost the moral high ground in complaining to BN about crime. Clean out the criminals from your parties first please!

jimbo. I think we have to be very careful not to trip up from our understand of corruption in principle and corruption by the law. I would love for KJ to be prosecuted legally based on the findings of the UMNO Disciplinary Council, but, unless this involves some abuse outside of the workings of the party, the MACC's hands are tied.

I may be wrong. Suggest you examine the MACC act. You're likely to discover that the MACC's mandate aligns with the law and is very specific about how our definition of corruption within an organisation is outside of the purview of the MACC.

Unknown said...

Anti Mulbery Bush @ WJK. The Lingam RCI should not have occured based on the DVDs released as there was insufficient evidence for even a police investigation or a civil suit to be launched! No one could prove that Lingam was even talking to anyone on the phone. So one must question, why was the Lingam RCI called?

The Lingam RCI was called for political reasons. Pak Lah's regime was desparate to discredit Tun Dr M and played into DS Anwar's hands. The Bar Council was also complicit as they needed to discredit Tun Fairuz as the bench Fairuz led not only rightly dismissed the Lina Joy case, but he talked of bringing Syariah principles into our secular courts!

The Lingam RCI was actually legally faltering, as even though Tun Dr M's Q&A was bad press, it meerly emphasised that Tun, and all other PMs before and since, was within legal bounds to propose or support whomsoever he wanted for promotion in the judiciary to the Agong. Lobbying was also clearly NOT ILLEGAL!

So, it was in desparation that the Eusoff Chin <-> Lingam story was dragged back out into the light! The RCI's conclusions were drawn primarily from this fountain of bad behaviour, which was NOT RELATED to the original basis of the RCI's formation, the alleged and unproven lack of probity of Tun Fairuz and Tun Dr M in juror selection implied by Lingam's tape!

So, why did the Lingam RCI not lead to prosecutions? Because no one could be prosecuted, as NO ONE DID ANYTHING WRONG, and even if it looked like Eusoff Chin did wrong, THERE WOULD ALWAYS BE SUFFICIENT DOUBT! The Lingam RCI, just like other stuff during Pak Lah's time, was yet another example of incompetent application of power for political ends.

WJK, whether my knowledge of matters of law is superior or not to that of the Lingam RCI panel is moot. What is more important is whether we have the capacity to think with right mind and act with right morals. The Lingam RCI was not formed in right mind (for politics, not justice) and is actions immoral (changing basis of inquiry to draw said conclusions).

And the impact of the Lingam DVD and RCI? We lost a good Chief Justice in Tun Fairuz, who had the courage to exclude himself from Anwar's appeal against sodomy due to his father's role in counseling Anwar's family in the past, and not interfering when this led to Anwar's release. Fairuz who had the moral courage to dismiss the Lina Joy circus from our courts!

The RCI's impact? A half-baked solution that left the power of appointing judges in the same hands! OK, so now there are 9 people to lobby, then the PM and Agong!? What a joke! Do you really wish for RCIs to continue to be degenerated in value as we pepper it with poor reasons for being and wrong action? So what will we call if we have a real need later?

Faisal @ Hang Tuah, saya menjawab persoalan seperti dibangkitkan saudara dalam bosting terbaru saya,

Donplaypuks® said...

Hah, you mean rumah urut and Triads suddenly sprang up from the ground after GE 2008 when Pakatan won Selangor? Ha, ha, ah! That's rich!

Who are you trying to kid? Rumah uruts and prostitution have bben thriving under the UMNO/BN Govt for nearly 40 years especially in KL, Kelang, Penang, JB and Ipoh! Where and how do you think the phrase 'China dolls' came into local parlance.

And if you had taken a walk one evening down Bukit Bintang and places like the Beach, you would have seen the red light activities on the streets a long, long time ago. It all had its roots under UMNO/BN/PDRM watch and that's the absolute truth!!

So, please do not spin about DAP being behind these vice activities. It does not become you.

You cannot fool all the PEOPLE all the time.

We rae all of 1 Race, the Human Race.
Thatis all that really matters.

Unknown said...

donplaypuks. Indeed, you cannot fool the people all the time. I suppose that is what Pakatan is starting to realise, with much horror, now...

You can only spin, confuse and protest as long as you are in opposition. In government, you must practice and DELIVER. However much you blame BN for the past donplaypuks for the problems in Selangor today, after more than a year, Pakatan's government should take ownership of 'the bag' and admit that it is failing the people...

... and it gets tough when you lose your moral high ground, which you obviously do when it becomes all to clear that some Pakatan leaders are unforgivably in cahoots with our society's criminal elements...

Gekko said...

Makin bodoh kao ni nampaknya... Tolong KELUAR DARI UMNO!

Apa sahaja yang pemuda buat semuanya tak betul. Adakah ini disebabkan kekecewaan saudara setelah kalah tempoh hari.

Hang pi jaga bap[ak hang tu lebih baik...

Gekko said...

Aku rasa la kalau anak bini hang yang kena baru hang tau... Jangan PENTINGKAN DIRI SENDIRI!

Detguaq said...

Salam bro,

Dua tiga hari ni jgn sentuh sangat pasal Ketua Pemuda Setia Kat Wang. Kan ke dia baru jer lancar KJFC?, Dia orang takut nanati jadi tak lancar pula operasi memungut ahli. Tu yang marah bebeno! Teringat aku kelab Kami Sayang Pak Lah. Agak-agaknnya team tu jugalah yang dok organize KJFC sebagai kelangsungan poket mereka....KFC finger's lickin good.

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