Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Will Life Be Under A Pakatan Rakyat 'Ketuanan Rakyat' Government?

  1. There will be no freedom of the press. We thought that the Teresa Kok inspired madness ala-Singapore was temporary, and that polite engagement and ridicule would curtail further madness, but it seems not! Now, PAS has jumped into the bandwagon! I mean, we understand the PKR boys hating any negative press coverage about Anwar, but supposedly liberal DAP? And 'Islamic' PAS too?

  2. Economics will be run by populist rhetoric. It is troubling enough for me to see the Selangor government going all populist with free water, Perak's free land, and both Selangor and Penang's free municipal rates. But recently the Selangor government announced that they are moving away from privatisation by taking over Syabas. This also soon after Tan Sri Khalid's expressed view that the state government would benefit more from a cash sale of its land to developers than to go on JV's to jointly develop state property. He then gave an example based on cash returns, ignoring capital/equity appreciation benefits in his analysis. Huh??? By the way, this is also to curtail cronies benefitting from these JV deals. But past CEO's of state GLC's involved will not be sacked, but retained to 'fix things'. HAH???

  3. MP's will not act on merit but according to party lines. I found the re-branding of Langkawi from being Langkawi Geopark to Langkawi Jewel of Kedah by the PAS state government to be inward-looking and narrow-minded, seeing as the Geopark brand has by far greater value to the tourist islands. I hence find it galling that criticism of this was absent from the opposition bench, the same opposition bench that seems to now find the idea of changing the name of Jalan Alor to Jalan Kejora by DBKL so objectionable! So is the Langkawi re-branding less objectionable because it's a PAS initiative, or because it was done to a 100% BN voting constituency?

  4. ... I'm sure this is to come, together with 5, 6, ad nauseum... Maybe it's a good thing for BN to have lost 5+1 states in March!


Premium Business said...

Sementara prestasi Kerajaan Persekutuan sedang dipertikai dengan hebat terutama era pentadbiran Paklah sudah tentu Kerajaan Negeri di bawah Pembangkang akan menari ikut gendang mereka, tidak seirama dan senada dengan Kerajaan Perseketuan - sesuatu yang dijangka dan normal.

Meminjam kata kata Paklah tetapi dalam versi baru, siapa kita untuk mempertikaikan kerajaan baru Pembangkang yang baru berusia beberapa bulan untuk dibandingkan 50 tahun kerajaan Persekutuan yang hari ini juga di anggap gagal dan masih merangkak rangkak.

Kelantan sendiri yang sudah berbelas tahun di bawah PAS masih mampu bermewah dengan peningkatan ekonomi pelancongan dan prasana lain yang tidak kurang hebat. Malah jalanraya2 yang diselenggara Negeri dan Persekutuan di Negeri Johor misalnya kadang2 lebih buruk dari jalan2 di kelantan. Laluilah jalan Kluang-Mersing, Batu Pahat-Pontian, Simpang Rengam-Benut sebagai contoh. Jadi, apa yang nak dibaggakan sangat. Itu belum lagi disentuh kegiatan dan penguasaan ekonomi orang2 Melayu di Kelantan berbanding penguasaan ekonomi bukan Melayu di negeri lain. Di mana Melayu yang diperintah oleh kerajaan BN?

Lantas kita jangan dan terlalu cepat melatah apa jua perubahan dan pendekatan baru yang dibuat oleh kerajaan Pembangkang kerana mereka mempunyai pakar dan sumber yang merelevankan atas apa yang mereka lakukan, tujuannya tentulah untuk kebaikan rakyat kerana mereka masih mahu memang sekali lagi pada PRU13.

Tidak wajar apa sahaja atas label pembangkang kita memperlekehkan mereka tanpa memberi peluang mereka melaksanakannya dalam tempoh tertentu, sekurang kurangnya dalam tempoh 4 tahun lagi. Di kacamata sesetengah pihak nampak tidak praktikal dan tidak mampu berjaya tetapi hakikatnya kadang2 mata yang melihat sebenarnya sakit, pedih dan sayu.

Unknown said...

How does one define "Ketuanan Rakyat"?

Anyhow, folks should read what Felix Dennis (the publisher of MAXIM) has to say about government. Very enlightening! I don't agree with his views but there's some sense to it.

Politicians will always do what they need to do to survive.

Frankly, we should have referendums for both BN & PR (Parliamentary & State seats). Let's see what the majority of folks have to say about the performance of their elected reps after 6 months from the Generel Elections.

Now, won't that be interesting?

Akram, ko agree ngan tak tak weiiiii????

whackthembugger said...

I just can’t believe that such eventuality will happen now that PM and most likely his goons and family members will be out of power in BN/ UMNO; UMNO/ BN would be restructured to be more relevant to the times ie back to basics. If it ever happens, there will be chaos, instability and the hell for the people of Malaysia.

Will the Melayu sell out to be under the mischief and hypocrisy of DAP – Terasa Kok represents the insensitive crystallization of the BABI project, a social worker can turn into a green horn nasty politician, the ISA hypocrite at its best, championing the revision of Article 121 (1A), when the word Allah has the same meaning as the Holy Trinity and bitchy politicians like Terasa Kok can be acclaimed a “saint” when people generally don’t trust politicians?

Let’s not forget! It’s not Pakatan Rakyat- its Pakatan DAP; the DAP will steer the Pakatan leadership while DSAI play second fiddle. I would be surprise if Tok Guru, Hadi Awang and the PAS party echelon can follow the bontot of the chauvinist DAP and the human rights as propelled by PKR and members of the Bar Council and eventually sodomy will be made legal like in Turkey. God Forbid. I can bet you whatever the Pakatan Rakyat promises will be the lowest of priority while the top priority will be implementing the BABI project at all cost and giving out land titles to 85% Chinese as in Perak. Cakap tak serupa bikin – that is Pakatan DAP’s motto.

Unknown said...


No crap?

Sodomy legal in Turkey? U serious? Astaghfirullah!

Anyway, saw a pic of a nice Turkish babe being nuzzled by a puppy once...yeah, the pup was suckling her left tit!

Not surprised since it's the very same Turks who are getting a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, Felix Koerner, to help them in various reinterpretations of the Hadith in order to facilitate membership in the EU. Check out this link:-

Nauzubillahi min zalik.

Unknown said...

100% agree or even worst if Anwar in power. He will allow west power to manipulate our economy as per the Lyndon Larouche report.

Pls view the June 2008 report here at

Important that all Malaysian are able to view this report especially the opposition and DSAI hardcore supporter. And if you think intelligently Mr KJ himself might be the new candidate as well if you study his biz manouvers and how strong is his $$$ back-up..where all this come from???


Augustinian Successor said...

If this blog represents the Malay mind, tak ada masa depan untuk orang Melayu-lah! Utusan Keparat membuat fitnah, mengapi-apikan sentimen perkauman, sengaja nak menimbulkan syak wasangka sesama kaum, dan sebagainya sekali gus menjadi anasir utama dalam komplot jahat ini wajar di tunjuk ajar! Sepak muka umno kongsi gelap melayu! Yang baik, suci, murni, mulia tak nak buat, tetapi tetap degil dengan kelakuan jahat yang hanya memusnahkan jasad. bak kata kebenaran, masuk umno, masuk neraka .........

opcharlie said...

augustinian successor, kalau utusan difitnah sebagai mengapi2kan sentimen, tiada bezanya utusan dengan sin chew and akhbar2 lain. please la.

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