Saturday, January 09, 2010

Torched Churches... Reaping What Is Sown

Churches are now being torched, four at last count. I believe more churches will be torched, stoned, graffitied, sullied, picketed, etc, for as long as the use of the word 'Allah' by the Catholic church issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of Muslims in this country. Note that Muslims, in Malaysia include not just Malays, but also non-Malay Muslims, Indonesian, Bangladeshi and other foreign workers as well as an increasingly large overseas student population.

The description of Malays being comprised of all these groups in Malaysia is not a cop-out, but helps me with emphasis, as quite contrary to the view of Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, who DOES NOT understand NOR represent the majority of Malays (we don't understand or represent her either), THE MAJORITY OF MALAYS ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THE MISUSE OF THE WORD ALLAH BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!

Unlike Datin Paduka Marina, I'm not claiming to represent the majority of Malays, but am conveying their "whispered screaming", via gossip at kenduris, from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi through to the organising of protests by Malay and Muslim NGOs that do formally represent the majority Malay view. As pro-tem VP of the Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs (MAYC), I have also been approached by other organisations to join them in protest. (We've declined... for now...)

Now, there has been calls for calm from the Malay 'leadership'. Unfortunately, Malays may choose not to listen to the same leadership that has continuously failed to defend their rights or to correct past wrongs against them. Whilst non-Malays leaders who insult Malays, calling us 'Pendatang' say, are allowed to remain in power, Malays are expected to weather escalating insults, with one mainstream newspaper recently happily questioning our very existence!

Now we see even the opposition so-called 'Islamic' party, PAS, dithering, projecting confused statements in a pathetic attempt to gain political mileage out of the issue! What Malays want is LEADERSHIP in addressing this issue, not posturing for votes! To also then have so called Malay 'thought leaders' like Marina persist with liberal drivel when the matter has past the point of her comprehension of the Malay mind and sociological history adds insult to injury.

Malay history is punctuated by incidents of violence, with the common theme leading up to such being the continued denigration of the race simply due to our good nature. No majority ruling race has happily allowed for the culture of other races to bloom other than this country ruled by Malays. Also, in no other country has everything been shared so equitably, as even in the USA, for all the hype over Obama, the political and economic leadership is still overwhelmingly white.

As any mention of past Malay physical violence in the face of our continued denigration will be labelled 'racist', let us look at recent 'non-violent' history:

When Malays exercised electoral 'violence' against their UMNO leaders during PRU-12, throwing BN leadership out of 4 states and severely weakening it in 1 other, the message sms-ed by the DAP leadership,"... don't provoke the Malays...", worked well to halt the momentum towards Malay physical violence. However, the denigration of Malays has neither ceased nor been reversed, and if anything, has continued to escalate as many began to forget...

E.g., Malays are still dissatisfied with their reduced quotas at local universities, whilst non-Malays in their quest for 'equality' remain uninterested in the reasons why Malays need them. MOST MALAY STUDENTS HAVE NO-WHERE ELSE TO GO OTHER THAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES WHILST NON-MALAYS CAN GO PRIVATE! The result is, now, many otherwise university-bound Malays are on the streets, hungry, angry and with the intelligence to organise...

And for the Catholic Church to then venture down the silly path of robbing Malays of the exclusive use of the word Allah... Malays may be lobbing molotov cocktails at all churches indiscriminately, but this is only fair. It is not just the Catholic church that is responsible for this Malay anger, but also the Protestant and Evangelical (that have no use for Allah, to them, a pagan moon-god) for not joining ranks with Malays against the Catholic stand...

  • Malays will figure out that it is not just the fault of the churches, or the Christian heirarchy for robbing us of Allah, but the fault of all Christian congregations for letting their religious leaders continue to insult us.

  • Malays will figure out that now that they're in for a penny, might as well go for the pound by attacking Hindu temples for their original insults towards Malay communities by claiming the 'historical right' to build anywhere.

  • Malays will believe since many non-Malays were sitting idle by the side allowing Malays to be insulted, maybe they should be reminded to that they are condoning these insults.

  • Malays in organised mobs will turn on our leaders for being so limp in their defence of our rights.

  • By then it would be too late, as even intelligent Malays will figure out that as we're being accused of being racists anyway by the ungrateful children of 'Pendatang' in this country, might as be racists... the worst kind of racists...

Am I advocating violence? No I am not. I am saying that Malay violence is inevitable, at least if the current trend of apologising for Malay anger rather than addressing it continues. And in this case, Christian dogma does ring true, one reaps what is sown. The seeds of discord had been sown in this country for far too long in the guise of quest for 'equality'. And so it comes to pass that the road to hell is lined with 'good' intentions, or rather, pretentious excuses.

As for me, a rational educated Malay that Marina Mahathir assumes to know all about, there is little to do but sit back and protect what I can from the violence that will come... and pray... to Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta'ala... the correct, singular and unique one...


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Unknown said...

you describe yourself as an educated Malay? There is nothing in your article that suggest that you think like an educated person. Utterly disgraceful ignorant writing.What a waste of my time reading this rubbish..incoherent, illogical and clearly written with passion but empty of intellect

Anonymous said...

Dear Akhramsyah, you wrote
"Malays may be lobbing molotov cocktails at all churches indiscriminately, but this is only fair. "
Later you wrote you wrote:
"Am I advocating violence?"

Yes, you do.
May Allah forgive you.

Unknown said...

what a crap! Malays are far more better than what you preach here. You have officially down-graded the Malays with your bullet points.

You are just another cliche of racism and a disgrace not only to your race and religion, but to this nation.

hey... Malaysians are better than what you think lah! Grow up brother and cheer up!

Philip Chong said...

I think once claim close to Allah, are the one should fear Allah. Because He is so powerful and He can take your soul back. Ask yourself this question, Is your soul pure enough and ready to meet to meet Allah?
For me I fear Allah and not ready.

Unknown said...

Surprised at your writing and view points. Very narrow minded and twisted perceptions.

Unknown said...

I am a Christian and just took a cab ride this morning from KLIA. The driver was a Malay Muslim.It was an hour drive so we talked about this "Allah" issue. He said he's got no problem as a Muslim for other to use Allah in their prayers and that anyone who goes to the extend of burning places of worship in the name of god are actually worshiping the satan, as god would forbid such an action only satan would condone it.I think this lowly paid cab driver is more intelligent and you!It was good to know that only a minority of Muslims think like you. There are more Marinas out there.
As for burning churches, if so called Muslims like you want to burn more churches carry on, as we Christians are used to being persecuted from the Roman days. We can adapt to praying at home and you can go to "HEAVEN"

jcdrock said...

forgive me, but are you sure you're one of those educated malays? if so, could you please explain as to why the christians in the middle east continue using the word Allah alongside their muslim brethren without any qualms whatsoever? and why is this issue being brought up now when our east malaysian brethren have been using the word for decades? And finally, what makes you say that the word Allah is only exclusive to the malays? Im expecting an intelligent answer from an educated guy like you..and if its too difficult for you to comprehend, an educated guess will do. Thanks

Unknown said...

The author seriously needs to reflect on his own words, other than being under the delusion that he is fighting for his race, he is merely insulting it.

This article condones all the negative elements supposedly the Malays in this country posses. It is a shame one proudly writes how one's own race is petty, violent, ignorant and a bunch of bigots.

In the very illogical diatribe of an article, why write in English? It is not your language to use. Doesn't that sound stupid?

Voice of the Oppressed, Suppressed said...

an you be specific and tell us in what instances have Christians abused the word Allah.
But before that make sure the laws of Allah are reflected in your own life.
Today even rapist, murderers and criminals are defending the word Allah.
In any case I see you as a sick mind. Real sick, my friend.

Anonymous said...

"I believe more churches will be torched, stoned, graffitied, sullied, picketed, etc, for as long as the use of the word 'Allah' by the Catholic church issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of Muslims in this country. Note that Muslims, in Malaysia include not just Malays, but also non-Malay Muslims, Indonesian, Bangladeshi and other foreign workers as well as an increasingly large overseas student population."

I don't understand your last sentence lah, what do Indons, Banglas and foreign workers and students have anything to do with Malaysian law ruling? Why are you even lumping them together in matters that do not concern them? Do you consider them Malaysian? Or are all Muslims Malaysians to you? Seriously bro, tak masuk akal.

Anonymous said...

Also, may I add that your inclusion of Indonesians as a group that are not happy with the ruling becomes even more ridiculous when you realize that they actually use Allah in their bibles in Indonesia.

So, I call your bluff, you shit stirrer. Now please, go do something useful.

Admin said...

A mountain of words with not an ounce of credibility!!!!
You say they mant to take away from you the exclusivity of the word Allah. As a Malaysian, your knowledge is so shallow. Me and thousands of other bumiputera christians from sabah & sarawak and our ancestors have been using the word Allah for the last 400years or more in our church service, including those of the Sidang Injil Borneo. Unless, of course, you don't consider us as Malaysians! But then you must be surely aware that the federal government of the day is there today largely due to our votes.
Your last paragraph that you can only sit back and protect what you have: what do you have? A 2-storey house, 1 or 2 cars, lcd tv, home theatre, ect, ect, aren't these all a product ultimately of the Malaysian economy which cannot be what it is today if not for the contribution of Malaysians other than you?
On education, you have conevientlty forgotten the limitless grants & scholarships from MARA, other exclusive bodies, for local & overseas studies. Arn't these funds all contributions from Malaysians other than you, too??
Too tired and fed up to write more...
Oh, before I forget, why does your blog display google ad's?? So that you can make some extra bucks from people like us who stumbled upon your blog from RPK's Malaysia Today because of your article?? Is that the purpose of your article???

Lynne said...

"E.g., Malays are still dissatisfied with their reduced quotas at local universities, whilst non-Malays in their quest for 'equality' remain uninterested in the reasons why Malays need them. MOST MALAY STUDENTS HAVE NO-WHERE ELSE TO GO OTHER THAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES WHILST NON-MALAYS CAN GO PRIVATE! The result is, now, many otherwise university-bound Malays are on the streets, hungry, angry and with the intelligence to organise..."

You should ask why after 50 years of independence with UMNO in power, most of these students turn out this way even with government affirmative actions and privileges accorded? Whereas the "non-malays" strive to go private without any help from government? Truth is, we fight for survival and having no crutches strengthen our competitive instinct and unity. We are not a fan of Malaysian universities as the standards are truly deplorable. We scrimp and save in order for our children to gain better quality education. Malaysian universities are considered top of the crop after independence and look at where it is now? Does it not reflect the quality of our government since then? Stop insulting the intelligence of the Malays, not after 50 years of independence and affirmative actions! Everyone can be independent and compete in our own rights! The ones that actually need help and affirmative actions are not getting any regardless of race in Malaysia! Not the Malays, Chinese, Indians etc! Heal your crutches mentality! For all your 'education', it seems that you still rely too heavily upon crutches.

Randy said...

I cannot agree with you.
The Christians have been using 'allah' for decades.
Some claimed it has been used for more that 50 years.
Why does it only get blown so huge now?
Does that suggest that post merdeka Malay has a lower tolerance that the Malay today?
In fact more Malays are prosperous than back then, and this is a good thing.
Although I would have preferred the translations to have excluded the name Allah, it still does not answer why the middle east, and other countries like indonesia accepts the use by Christians, when Malaysia finds it so unacceptable.
Either that would suggest that tolerance is lost, or it is a fraction of extremist thinking that has crept into the country.
As of today 6 churches are attacked.
What's next? Twin tower? Terrorists on airplanes?
Unfortunately as much as we might want to overlook these crimes that were done, but neither can these 'faction' show tolerance.
Are we then do blame for fear of rising Islamization?

On university quotas, I've always believed to give the best education to those deserving. The current system rewards mediocrity and shuns excellence - such as the various cases of straight A students not being able to qualify for medicine and such studies. This has produced sub-standard doctors,etc. As such can you blame other races for opting alternative education?
Can you blame us when all these began from short sighted government policies?
I find it unfortunate that the 'lain-lain' races have to take the blame. Consider a Chinese or Indian that were given an equal opportunity, I'll dare say he'll outshine a Malay anytime. This is where you must ask yourself why does this happen and how what the Malays can learn to have a level playing field. Not protest and whine for Malay rights.

I have a Malay brother I law and sad to say there is no real impetus to succeed that I see in him.

tzuohann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Dear friends,
I am not a christian nor a muslim,so I am being fair here.
Please forgive our "educated" friend here, because he can only make noise here in Malaysia.He said."Malays may be lobbing molotov cocktails at all churches indiscriminately, but this is only fair. "
Think for a while what will happen if instead of Molotov, we are being rained with BOMB, like what happened in Iraq , Afganistan and many other countries.Back in 1969, during the May disaster organised by a party,(you know which), other countries didn't interfere.But if, the same fate should happen, I am sure, many other country will stand up for their brethren.
BTW,action speak louder than words.The incident in Malaysia had shown to the world,which religion preach PEACE and which is isn't.
Another thing is the writer said," issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of Muslims in this country." How about the satisfaction of others,Is it His religious teaching that ONLY they are important and others are not.My religion teaches me to be fair to ALL regardless of skin,race,language or most important RELIGION.Infact it say be humble and kind to others.
YES. we reap what we sewn but it is a matter of time, to who sewn, what.Only time will tell.but I know what kind of person this writer is.

Unknown said...

For a Malay Muslim who is supposedly educated and tolerant, you have shown yourself to be the exact opposite.God help Malaysia if all educated and tolerant Malay/Muslims were to have the same views as you. Even the lowly educated Malay taxi driver mentioned in one of the comments to your piece is MORE INTELLIGENT,TOLERANT AND HUMANE THAN YOU.

Kenneth Hew said...

the mass malays need to be educated, not brainwashed. If only you just google allah on the internet, take some time to read some history and facts, you'd realize you've been very wrong, but then that is if only you want to open up your mind. If you have faith in your religion, nothing can shake you. Just don't defend it with stupidity

joemannix62 said...

Typical of a UMNO man!

Anonymous said...

wow, you're indeed an educated malay. grauated from university of umno racist, i guess. if i'm not wrong. your degree must be ph.d of idiot racist.



to most of ours educated readers,

May ALLAH blessed you with more wits

gonduboy said...

The burning of the churches is no problem to us Christians in Sabah. We can always rebuild a bigger and better Church to replace what has been burnt. After all what is important to us is the "Church" in the heart of Christians and not the building. I take this opportunity to thank the BN govt and the people concerned for persecuting and oppressing us. Thank you very much and we forgive you.

But, what I fail to understands is WHY a group of people after performing their Friday prayers to a God Almighty can still be so full of hatred in their hearts? WHY? Something is wrong here.

Well, for those who still harbors the desire to do some Church burning, please come to Sabah the BN fixed deposit state and Sarawak. We have lots of Churches over here for you to burn. You are most welcome to come and burn our church if that will help you earn your pahala to enter heaven.(But be warned that some people might be tempted to NGAYAU you and help your speedy entry to heaven!)

The issue of the kalimah "Allah" is with us the East Malaysian Christians, not the west Malaysians. For your information, both the Catholic and Protestants uses the kalimah "Allah" in their BM worship and services. We have been using it for ages, even way before Malaysia was formed. Now you want us to stop us for using the word, just because some muslims don't like us to use it? Is it reasonable for you to do so?

By the way, for your information we are still using the kalimah "Allah" in our Bahasa Malaysia Church service. Its use will be continued no matter what the government or the court says.

Where will this stop? Will the BN govt also prohibit us from using other BM/arabic words like Amin, Nabi, Rasul, Kitab, malaikat, names of prophets (Isa, Mariam, Daud, Musa etc.)in order to appease the percieved sensitivity of some muslims? Are the Iban's also going to be stopped from using their Iban bible which also uses the word "Allah"? How about the Sikhs who also uses "Allah" in their holy book? For your info, the Mufti of Sabah have issued a fatwah on this since 2003 (Sabah Govt Gazzette 2003)

So much for Najib's 1Malaysia. For whom 1Malaysia? Can we believe him? AMUNO, we say in Sabah!

Dr. Anthony Tibok

Unknown said...

Sorry mate, what I read are restless musings of a twisted mind.
Product of Mahathir's education destruction.

Unknown said...

Tak payah nak layan dan gaduh dengan orang yang tak begitu rasional mcm penulis ni rasanya. Kawan2 saya yang melayu pun tak ada masalah dengan penggunaan Allah oleh umat kristian. Keganasan dan demonstrasi yang dilakukan hanya akan mencemar nama baik islam di mata orang bukan islam. Ingat, kita bukannya hidup di zaman batu lagi dan bukan semua masalah dapat diselesaikan dengan keganasan.

juseeker said...

You statement "MOST MALAY STUDENTS HAVE NO-WHERE ELSE TO GO OTHER THAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES WHILST NON-MALAYS CAN GO PRIVATE!" is a very unfortunate representation of ignorance, arrogance and sadly also the reflection of the mentality of many Malays who failed to see the other side . The sad truth is MANY NON-MALAYS GO PRIVATE BECAUSE THEY CAN'T GET INTO THE PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES!

Silencers said...

Oi. Jangan malukan kaum melayu dengan mentaliti bengap ngko ni boleh tak.

Ish. Sedih aku. Ntah mana aku sorok muka kalau ada melayu sengal macam ko nih.

Matbond said...

A worthless article by a bigot racist! Where were you educated from, by the way?

Ken said...

I guess I could now see what UMNO really is from what's written by this author.

chibek said...

I wasted so much time trying to figure out what this fucker is trying to say.
The rubbish collector can write something more sensible that him lah.!!


Unknown said...

Hello educated Malay mind, you are pathetic and confused. Unable to think straight. Member of UMNO is it? No wonder! I am sure also graduate of BTN too!

I suggest you seriously look at facts before you utter anything more. Malays students no where to go? If so then the non-Malays would be much worst especially those who cannot afford to go to private colleges!

Look at the statistics of employment in Government Agencies and Government linked corporations! Tell me what's the percentage of employment for non-malays there?

Yet you screamed about malays are being sieged? Guess you are totally sold out to UMNO's propaganda! Please use your mind in an impartial way and analyse the facts before you.

Is it possible for the minorities who have no control of the police, military and even in the lucrative privatized GLC threathen the malays? With what bro? Match-sticks? The recent church bombings were acts of a bully who only dare to perorm violent acts knowing well they have the protection of the police, military and perhaps even UMNO! If you do then I have nothing to say except that with all the affirmations, special rights accorded to you but yet are unable to bring an iota of self-confidence in yourself except self-pity, then think of those who are without such support.

The non malays are demanding for more you said but if you look at the figures as mentioned above do you think it unreasonable? The non-malays are not asking for even 40% share according to Dr. Ridhuan Tee's magic formula but just gave the non-malays say 15% it will help! No need to resort to any violence and don't you worry bro! If the situation persists as like now in a few years time, there will not be many non-malays around to beg for a bit more. You can have such a corrupt country to yourself and one day wake-up asking what happened!!! Who stole your cheese!!!!!! May Allah grant you wisdom instead of knowledge only and hope you know the difference between the two, educated malay mind!

boonster said...

may your Allah and my God forgive you your wicked words and thoughts

bungled said...

This Ubaidah from Aceh seems to be convinced he is not a pendatang :) he believes he is a true blue Malay

He also believes that the Malaysian Allah connotes a different Allah that is worshipped around the rest of the world.

He believes he belongs to a 'good natured race' (He mean Acehnese or what??) and good natured behaviour naturally leads to bloodsheds, bombings and violence.

He thinks Obama phenomenon is no big deal - but just wait till you see his saliva spluttering around when anybody mentions "Chinese Finance minister or Indian vice chancellor" to him. Stay 10 feet away when mentioning "Non Malay PM"

He thinks bombing activities need not be limited. the scope should include temples

And now the coup de grace: he believes he is a
1) "rational"
2) "educated"
3) "Malay"
AHArharharharrr he can't even guess one out of three right!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Akhramsyah, as a Christian I will defend your right to speak your mind and I hope you have the courage to be accountable for what you say.

May God bless you !

servistas said...

Saudara saya ingin menyatakan bahawa pergunaan "Allah" di kalangan bukan Islam di Malaysia telah berlaku sejak sebelum Merdeka lagi terutamanya di Sabah dan Sarawak di kalangan Bumiputra di sana. Saya tahu sebab saya dari Sarawak dan di sana tidak ada perselisahan faham mengenai pergunaan itu dari segi "salah ajaran" ataupun propaganda agama di kalangan Islam dan bukan Islam.
Yang saya ingin tahu sekarang sejak 52 tahun Merdeka megapa isu "Allah" ini dibangkitkan oleh ahli-ahli politik terutama sekali dari UMNO. Adakah ini merupakan bayangan terhadap operasi "False Flag" oleh kerajaan untuk mengistiharkan darurat?
Jelas daripada penulisan saudara bahawa saudara sendiri tidak memahami isu yang ingin dibahaskan dengan hati dan pemikiran yang terbuka tetapi ingin "menghalalkan" keganasan di kalangan umat-umat Islam di Malaysia terhadap agama Kristian.
Walau bagaimana pun saya menghormati pendapat saudara untuk berfikir dan memberi pendapat saudara dan syabas kerana memberi peluang untuk pembaca-pembaca di sini untuk memberi pendapat mereka juga.
And to those who post their comments here i said well done for giving out your views and reasons behind it. To Super Admin "my thought exactly". Another fellow Peninsula who don't know our way of life in Borneo. To Dr. Anthony Tibok "Agi idup agi nglaban!"
And to those who preach violence know this, one day there will be a day of Reckoning.

Salam Sejahtera dari Kuala Lumpur.

Habib RAK said...

sagdGv, My view is exactly the same. I feel stupid reading this crap. The only reason I came here is because it was linked to RPK's MT and he is Sanusi Junid's son. I thought, he would have some inteligent observation or suggestions to make. What a let down. Shameless.

Unknown said...

You spew words that make no sense at all, from a mindset set on totally not seeing things from the point of view of others. Were you one of those who didn't get into public uni and had no where to go too? You are not rational, nor educated. Let me enlighten you.

1. agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
2. having or exercising reason, sound judgment, or good sense: a calm and rational negotiator.

1. having undergone education: educated people.
2. characterized by or displaying qualities of culture and learning.

of which both you neither show.

In order to help you further

Rational = Rasional
Educated = Berpendidikan

You might be able to grasp the true meaning this time.

Joe said...

i believe 99% (the 1% = UMNO) of malays in m'sia disagrees with you. May GOD (ALLAH) forgive you.

UrangSabah said...

Educated this Read here

Kalu pandai baca lah

Rev Stew said...

Typical low self-image rhetoric & calp-trap. Your ignorance is dangerous. "Non-Malays can go to private universities" Many can't afford and only do diplomas in TAR college part-time. Malays have matriculation and MARA which are unavailable to non-Malays. If they are wandering the streets, it is because they are lazy - no cure for that - Malay Dilemna. Who rob who over Allah. Allah means god for 1000's yrs before Islam began. 1000's yrs public domain use now hijacked by 0.75% of world's muslims for private use - nonsense! If you can't control your own emotions, you are not fit to lead, not even your own self. IQ is nothing if you have no EQ.

Unknown said...

Dear Akhramsyah,

You no doubt consider yourself an educated Malay. - I am most impressed.

Why? Because this is the result of UMNO's policy to protect and help advance the Malay by giving them education and opportunities.

What the majority Malays do not know is that they are being short-changed. The education they get are mainly third grade with brainwashing programs. The opportunities they get are tokens whereas, the elite, UMNPputras send their children to private/international/overseas school for real quality education and seek multi million/billion ringgit projects/contracts.

UMNO's policy is going very well and you represent that success story.

houdini said...


Unknown said...

Firstly, thanks to all for commenting and for many to have refrained from the use of foul language on this most emotive of issues. I am rather pleased as I have not had so many comments since I outlined Anwar Ibrahim's credentials as a sodomite!

Secondly, I stand by my writting, and it is coming to pass. As mentioned, I don't advocate violence, but merely predict it to be inevitable, and even from the comments we see this coming true. 2more attempts at church burnings? And I hear the contagion has spread outside of Klang Valley!

So, maybe many of you would like to read my piece again without being so judgemental. What I am predicting is coming to pass. It would not be escalating if this was not an expressions of anger of the greater Malay mass. The violence is still in its early stages now, so something can be done... but before it is done, one must accept the reality...

Malays have been insulted for too long. Now with the Allah issue, those who trample on Malay sensitivities have gone to far... so reap what you sow!

Unknown said...

You are a bigot writer who tried to pass of as educated just because you can write English in a standard manner. What your heart feels may not be exactly what you trying to type on the keyboard. Are we supposed to decipher your double meaning here? Come off it. Call a spade a spade. Either you are a racist bigot or you are not.

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

My god! It's not wonder this country is going to the dogs!

And narrow minded shallow thinking people like you are the cause!

*shakes head in disbelief*

nckeat88 said...

In your opinion only Malay is stupid enough to be confused by just the word of Allah. All other Muslim in the world including the Indonesian have no such problem. Maybe you are insulting your Malay brothers or maybe as you said Malay is too stupid to differentiate for themselves and easily confused by just one word.

ron said...

The only difference I see here is you're able to articulate the same old bigoted opinions using proper grammar and big words. Having education and possessing wisdom are 2 different things.

houdini said...

... so reap what you sow!
3:29 AM

Please la, you are already in the toilet now you make it worse for yourself. UMNO is reaping what it sowed starting with that Yemeni son of Albar (and look at where he is now......look at where you are now for that matter).

The least you can do is at least to take to the streets and demonstrate your prowess. With some luck you might again get a cabinet post.

Michelle said...

allow me to share my thoughts on you with you:

"Memalukan bangsa dan negara"

that's what you are.

houdini said...

“There are extremists in this country and the government seems unable to do anything,” said Wilson
Also present at the service was CIMB Group CEO Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, brother of the prime minister. He presented a donation of RM100,000 on behalf of the bank to the church.

Matayun, a salesman who attended Mass at St Anthony’s Church in Kuala Lumpur. “I am losing faith in our government. I pray it does not get worse.”

Matayun is from Sabah, where a large number of non-English speaking Christians have worshipped “Allah” for decades. Christians account for 9.1 per cent of Malaysia’s 28 million population.

magellan said...

Musings of a narrow minded racist! Please tell me how you came to the conclusion that we misused the word "Allah"?

Sad to know how selfish you are! May God show you the right way!

.::KuCc|R@t::. said...

do u really think you are so great that so man people have commented?? tsk tsk, poor little disillusioned child. not one person who has commented here has defended your sentiments, doesn't that go to show that you are part of the minoritity of the shallow minded who think that they have been wronged... it is persons like you who have wronged your faith by condoning and encouraging violence. you said that you were predicting that there's more to come, but you are also condoning it. if u say the rest of the races are 'Pendatang', why do u need the issue of the word "Allah" to be resolved to the satisfaction of the non-Malay Muslims? you hardly care about the well being of the non-Malay Muslims. you just want to ensure that as a Malay, you still get your bumiputera rights, the rights that should be allocated to you since you are a son of the land. But guess what? so are the rest of us who have lived in Malaysia since we were born. what makes you any greater than the rest of us?

kesava said...

"I am rather pleased as I have not had so many comments since I outlined Anwar Ibrahim's credentials as a sodomite!" - a/l sanusi

I would say your favorite "sodomite" is doing much better than you (eat your heart out):

Anwar reiterated his stand that the Umno-controlled Utusan Malaysia should be made responsible for the attacks.

“Much of the blame for the recent attacks can be placed at the doorstep of the Umno-led BN ruling party,” he said.

“Its incessant racist propaganda over the Allah issue and the inflammatory rhetoric issued by the government-controlled mainstream media, including in particular Utusan Malaysia, are reprehensible,” said Anwar.

He called for an inter-faith dialogue to resolve the issue of the use of the word Allah.

“With respect to the use of the word Allah, for example, it cannot be disputed that Arabic speaking Muslims, Christians and Jews have collectively prayed to God as Allah throughout the last 14 centuries,” said Anwar.

Unknown said...

Restless musings of a sick mind. Mine, you are one sick dude. Even Jack the Ripper is not as sick as you.

amer-nazri said...

Read more, and educate yourself beyond fiery racial rhetorics. Where are the enemies that you speak of? Your paranoia is baseless and reflects your siege mentality. Your fear with the use of the word Allah is not to do with religion at all, but instead is to do with how Malays feel threatened. Since when did Allah belong to Muslims, let alone Malays? How can you say violence is inevitable? Are human beings devoid of common sense and the capability to reconcile through peaceful means? You need some introspection.

Unknown said...

My parents are devout Catholics and my sister was posted to Sabah after her studies. She married a muslim and had to become one herself. In this case, you should be happy that she was the confused one and not my brother-in-law.

You know as well as all us right-thinking citizens that this issue was used from the very beginning because too many wrongs came to light during the previous PM's time. This is 'Operasi Kabur' (since they love having names for the operations) to ensure that enough attention is diverted from whatever wrong is revealed - money being taken out of the country illegaly, taxpayers being cheated out of their hard-earned livelihood by bailouts, corruption in every level of government service causing unnatural price hikes and low wages, lack of transparency in awarding of contracts, etc.

Since you are of the belief that violence is deserved in this matter, may I remind you of Confucius' saying "HE WHO RAISED FIST LOSES ARGUMENT".

God bless you and save your soul.

Fatimah Zuhri said...

1. All Muslim should read this article to know WHY Muslim should stand up and say NO to the usage of "Allah" by non Muslim.

The "Allah" Controversy : The Future Implications of the High Court Decision

Anomie68 said...

Thanks so much, your writings have further convinced me and many of my UMNO friends to change their votes next election. And it's not going to be BN. Even many of us were pissed of with mahathir comments regarding this issue. So good bye UMNO.

joanne liyeng said...

If the Christians, who use Allah in form of worship, is accused of ridicule, then you should be stoned each time you use exclamations like 'Oh my God!' or 'oh God!'.

Also, if that be the case, then you are indirectly forbidding all Christians from singing the Selangor anthem. Allah lanjutkan.... Oh sorry, I just used the word. Does that mean you'll be tossing a molotov cocktail in my church? Call me if you need directions there. I'm sure the well meaning people of the 6 Muslim NGOs will find great use with well educated beings like you.

wan zaharizan b wan zan said...

Dear Sir
True ordinary Malays are unhappy! They are unhappy thinking the approval receive by the church is blanket which is not true. The Ministry of Home Affairs have the right to regulate the use of Allah by the church thus Allah can and should be allowed to be used in the congregation but not allowed to be used publicly! This was the stand made by all Ministers before Syed Hamid! It include Tun Mahathir who was at one time The Minister Of Home Affairs!

Regulating and not allowing the usage is two different thing. What the Judge did to my mind is correct because the judgment affirm the rights of people to call God in whatever name and Allah whether we as Malay might not be happy is not the monopoly of Muslim. If the Malays aspire to be Glokal instead of Lokal then we must accept this right.

But we can limit her use to only the congregation and members only! Remember the Sikh too use Allah and in their holy book Guru Granth Sahib Allah name is mention 46 times! While Baha'i too call their God Allah but as long it is use in the temple or church there should be no problem.

I blame this fiasco on the propaganda of UMNO and her media. Instead of disseminating the correct information and asking the Ulamak to help they heighten the emotion of the ignorant Malays. This was the result of their foolhardiness. In Rukunnegara the 4 items is 'kedaulatan undang2" again this piece of pledge created by UMNO, the brainchild of Tan Sri Ghazalie Shafie was forgotten in place the fanning of emotions was played out which result in all this unnecessary commotions and heightened tension so please understand the issue and as an educated Malay which I am not although I am a Malay what you wrote smack of arrogance and lack self piety which is also the attributes of our "penghulu" Muhammad pbuh!

Unknown said...


y r u letting only christians become martyrs at the hands of malays? It only projects u as racis.

when r attacks on sikh and hindu temples going to take place. they also "insult" u malays by using the "A" word. kasi ajar sama dia pun lar.

Try to be fair man...don discriminate.

Veena said...

all i care to say is..ridiculous!

PaulRW said...

You are educated ? How ?
Your ignorance shows through .
Us coverts have to study the religion we are not born to it and the family interpretations.
Why not visit here and begin to educate yourself..

The Word Allah In The Arabic Bible displayed in Arabic as we all know the meaning.

wan zaharizan b wan zan said...

I like to make amends the last sentence should read.....also not the attributes of our penhulu Muhammad pbuh, Imiss out the not!

tnkuek said...

Catholics in Sabah and Sarawak have been using "Allah" long before your ancestors migrated to Malaya from elsewhere and then called yourselves Malays.

If East Malaysians have no problem with you using "Allah", why are you so vehemently angry? What have you learnt from the teachings of your Allah? The barbaric acts of torching the churches have insulted your Allah and made yourselves the laughing stalks of this civilised world.

The image of a Muslim or a Malay is perceived through your behaviour, mentality and character. What have you shown us thus far except that you refuse to grow up and get well. Instead of a walking stick, you are demanding for a wheelchair. The Rakyat of Malaysia paid for your scholarship and now your are biting the hands that have been feeding you. Your narrow mind is a living proof that your education has gone to waste!

Unknown said...

What a sick piece of fascist garbage trash. You're so misinformed and ignorant it's scary. Did you have something to do with 9-11 by the way? I thought so.

Unknown said...

wan zaharizan. Thanks for commenting. I'm not sure if you intended to, but you've precisely demonstrated both the political opportunism by the opposition as well as the apologist position I so abhor on this and many other past issues that too many so called liberal and educated Malays have taken. Marina M doesn't stand as sole example here!

For many others I have chosen just to read and not respond to, I feel for you. I so understand your anger, however misguided. Nevertheless, your angry venting does not add to the value of my arguments, however witty you make your commentaries out to be. Suggest you take wan zaharizan's example as a guide for a more constructive commentary.

Of course, there is a minority here who have been constructive and have not been responded to. To you too I apologise as I am limited in time to respond.

Unknown said...

You can feel?

Look at najib and hisham laughing at the bombing scene, itu la feeling brother.

Noordin Top is proud of you.

Cruzeiro said...

Munsyi Abdullah- the Father of Modern Malay Literature - will be turning over in his grave - that there is a moron as you, who thinks that using Allah is "stealing from Malays" ... 200 yrs after he used the word when tranlating the Bible!!

Unknown said...

Wen i tell you, u don listen, now c ur indians insulting u bcos they know their temples r next:

To express our serious concern and in solidarity with our Christian Malaysians, HINDRAF is organizing a candlelight vigil in protest of the violent arson attack against the churches. All peace loving and democratic minded Malaysian brothers and sisters are invited to join us to express our concerns on the deteriorating Freedom of Religion and Minority Rights situation in the country and for us all in one voice to let it be known that these violent and criminal acts must be dealt with in the strongest of terms by the Government.

Date : 13th January 2010.

Time : 8.00pm

Location: Entrance (Outside) Assumption Church

Jalan Templer next to Assunta Hospital.

Betr get the Mat Rempit Brigade organisd beb.

slurpking said...

This guy wants to go to his "heaven" to get the 72 virgins and 28 boys:)...That's why he condones the arson of churches...

rage said...

Quote from a previous commentator:
"Catholics in Sabah and Sarawak have been using "Allah" long before your ancestors migrated to Malaya from elsewhere and then called yourselves Malays."

Not only that, but so too adherents of non-Islam religions in the Middle East.

And you say the opinions of the commentators here are misguided? So what's your response then? Simply "No time to respond?"
And then you expect your views to have any credibility when you are unable to give convincing reasons about the violent intolerance?

Let's just face it, the fact is you and your kind are just bullies and like bullying others just because you are the majority, just because you can, and strong-arm the minorities with violence and threats of violence.

It's easier for everyone if you just admit it as such, rather than trying to paint the picture in any other way.

It's precisely because of your types condoning violence against non-Muslims' places of worship as justified, that the rest of the non-Islamic world has such a low opinion of Islam. As you said, "you reap what you sow".

(BTW 'sow' is also English for 'female pig', did you check beforehand whether you're allowed to use it too?)

Unknown said...

Dear Akhramsyah,

You begin by stating that you include Indonesian, Thai, Bangladeshi and other non-Malaysian Muslims in your definition of Malays. Are you then saying that a Malay is actually any Muslim immigrant who receives Malaysian citizenship instead of the accepted definition that Malays are "Princes of the (Malaysian) Earth" whose ancestors fought to protect this land (alongside the Orang Asli, Chinese, Indians and Sikhs)? If so, you didn't pick the best way to begin.

You also opened by saying that the issue should be resolved "to the satisfaction of Muslims in this country." I disagree. We are all Malaysians here, and the issue should be resolved with a compromise that is satisfactory to all parties involved, with none receiving priority.

Secondly, you mention "non-Malay leaders who insult Malays, calling us 'Pendatang' say, are allowed to remain in power." What about the Malay leaders who have said the same about the Chinese and the Indians? I am not saying this justifies the discrimination, only that your blatent ommission of facts that are not in your favour shows exactly how strong you really believe your argument to be.

You then talk about how "no other country has everything been shared so equitably, as even in the USA, for all the hype over Obama, the political and economic leadership is still overwhelmingly white." What you fail to consider is that in Malaysia, only Bumiputeras are allowed to hold the Premiership. Is that equitable? Malaysia is no different than the US in that the overwhelming majority of the higher ranks are filled with Malays- not necessarily because each and every one of them is better than their non-Malay rivals, but because our laws favour them heavily. (Granted that there are a few who deserve their positions based on their own merit)

Unknown said...

Regarding the Malay quota in universities, you say that "MOST MALAY STUDENTS HAVE NO-WHERE ELSE TO GO OTHER THAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES WHILST NON-MALAYS CAN GO PRIVATE!" Have you stopped to consider that the reason so many non-Bumis study in private universities is because they cannot gain admittance into government unis in the first place? The very fact that non-bumis are fighting for an equal chance to gain access to government universities shows that they have a DESIRE to enter government universities, but are unable to because of discrimination. There should be no reason for Malays to fear the removal of all quotas if, as you claim, all of them truly deserve their places in their respective universities.

Your mindset of "if they are not with us, they are against us" with regard to non-Catholic Christians is primitive and uneducated, quite contrary to what you claim to be. You claim that the Catholics are insensitive to the Malay-Muslims; but you are equally insensitive to the Malay-speaking Catholics. You rant about how the ADVANTAGES of the Malays are being taken away whilst propogating the theft of BASIC RIGHTS from your fellow Malaysians. You seem to view this issue through the narrow scope of your own personal experiences and opinions without giving a moment's thought to the reasons behind the other party's actions.

That's right. I said FELLOW MALAYSIAN. That is because the fundamental error you are making is distinguishing yourself as a Malay from those of Chinese, Indian or any other ethnicity. We are all Malaysians when it comes down to it. If your response to this is to say that our ancestors are originally from China, India etc; don't forget that Malays can also trace their lineage back to the Indonesia, India and the Middle East.

I'll end this by saying that I fully respect your right to express your opinion. I equally believe in my right to comment and criticise your opinion given that you decided to publish it in a public domain. I am neither Muslim nor Christian and I have no personal agenda whatsoever.

I understand that you truly believe everything you have written, and in truth, that is what worries me the most.


Aerleen Anne said...

It's only fair to burn churches? OMG!!

You are sick!

May Allah straighten you out.

emergencyroom said...

if anything i hope you one day reap what you sow!

Unknown said...

No sane human would want to wish harm unto others...I am speechless and appalled with what u have written. Manusia jenis apa awak ni pun, saya tak tau. Orang macam awak membuat saya malu jadi melayu. What a load of crap you are! Yusmar Yusof

Unknown said...

Yes - it's Mahathir's faithful Sanusi's son: Akhramsyah

According to Akramsyah Sanusi, the son of former Umno secretary-general Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, having a well-known father means that people will easily remember his name.

“When I speak, people are more willing to listen as they can identify with me and understand that I am carrying on my father’s vision.

“There are people who still remember the good deeds that my father had done and that will help me in my campaign rounds. I hope this advantage will be translated into votes,” he said.....

The 35-year-old mechanical engineering graduate said people tended to approach such candidates for financial assistance and for various other purposes, expecting them to be in a position to help.

bibliobibuli said...

"denigration of the race"?

you're doing such a great job of it with your narrowness and bigotry!

Riverloki said...

I am wondering if you are confusing race and religion. You sit behind your computer and make all these predictions but what are doing to make a difference?! It is easy to write all the stuff you have in the safety of your private space. Instead of spending so much time on being angry and blaming everyone for the things that have happened, it would be so much better if you could be responsible enough to promote peace and harmony especially during trying times. Lalita Abdullah

mcfan said...

i am ashamed of being called malaysian with you.

even Islamic society of North America has to come out with this statement, you are really ignorant to the truth. I hope Allah bless you for more intelligence.

Unknown said...

Jon. Malays by the Malaysian constitution are all those who are of Muslim faith and practice Malay traditions. Hence, a Malay need not be a 'prince of the land'. by the way, the bumiputra, or as you say the 'prince of the land' is actually a larger grouping which includes all the ethnic Malay groupings who may not be Muslims, such as the Dayaks, ibans, etc.

Furthermore Jon, you need to really reread the history of this country and the affirmative action put in place to redress the economic imbalance we see now. Malays cannot go anywhere else other than Public Unis because we cannot afford to. Other races can and do provide private funding for their children to seek alternative means of education.

Some blinkers are liberal Jon. Please take them off...

mcfan said...

and i despise you being a youth leader corrupting healthy youth minds

Unknown said...

Final note before I move on to focus on my next posting, Many here are happy to believe I am condoning or advocating violence. This is probably because you/they misunderstand that I am merely stating that the violence is inevitable. It is not my doing, it just going to happen and not within our control any more.

Maybe it is the horror of this truth that is so painful, or hard to accept, leading people to think I am advocating violence such as these church burnings. Far from it. This is merely a prediction of a real immedeate future facing us. And it precisely comments like Jon's, that is liberally blinkered in nature, that has lead to this lack of understanding of Malays...

The violence has come, and it will not have been of my doing...

shlee88 said...

as a fellow Malaysian, i think your post was utterly ridiculous. it is because of people with narrow minded thinking such as yours that has caused so much chaos in our country. yes i say OUR country. it does not matter where our ancestors came from. most of the people in this current generation have been born and bred in Malaysia. so we are not Malay, Indian, Chinese, etc. we are MALAYSIANS. i am currently studying in the UK and till this day i still tell people i'm MALAYSIAN. none of our citizens is a pendatang. as long as Malaysia is our home, we are MALAYSIANS.

you say that even Obama's political and economic leadership is still overwhelmingly white. but their president is still black. one of the minorities in the USA. he was still elected president. but in Malaysia there is no way in hell that a non Muslim will ever come to that sort of power.

you say that most Malay students have no-where else to go other than public universities whilst non-malays can go to private. you forget that many malay students are given the chance to go to private universities on scholarship. here in UK universities i constantly meet Malay students who are ALL on scholarship. and their scholarship covers tuition fees AND living expenses. and their living expenses is sometimes even up to a 1000 pounds a MONTH. after paying for all the necessities they STILL have plenty of cash left over to afford to buy branded items, travel, etc. while we non-Malays who are unable to get scholarships from our government have to depend on our hardworking and self-sacrificing parents to pay for our education AND our necessities. and what of those whose parents are unable to afford to pay for their education even in our local public/private universities? what choice do they have? especially when its almost impossible for them as non-Malays to obtain a scholarship from our local government? and even if they're offered the opportunity to TRY And obtain a scholarship, they're exposed to countless brainwashing attempts in order to try to get the said scholarship.

if people like you go on supporting the debate that Catholics and Christians 'stole' the word Allah from you, the violence will never cease. you may not be advocating violence as you so proudly claim, but you are most definitely fanning the flames of violence.

Religion does not advocate ANY of this nonsense. but then again, religion is usually of human interpretation. so if you choose to interpret god's will like this, it is you who will ultimately have to face his wrath at the end.

i hope you and whoever else thinks like you will eventually come to your senses and see the light. and stop making a mockery out of our country. and of yourself.

Chee's Art said...

Dear sir,

Your opinions are very interesting and I don't doubt that many Malays/Malaysians share them.
I would like to know if you have any solutions to all these problems you have cited?
And I'm being sincere.
I think our country needs less finger-pointing, chest-thumping war cries and more productive/peaceful discussions about race, religion, politics etc...

Thank you.

A rational and somewhat educated chinese.
Ong Chee Yang

anaklangkawi said...

i cant agree with you more.. but some reader dont seems to understand the current issues here.. this stand of malays against the use of Allah is escalating.. if they say we're exxagerate let them be..

but is we look only in facebook ..
the members is excalating from 70k to 186,000.00 in a matter of few days.. this shows that majority of the muslims against the ruling..

this is only ppl inside the facebook.. what about ppl on the street which have no access to internet..

p/s: please dont play fire.. let us embrace each other.. can catholic leave without the use of Allah

Zashnain said...

Nothing is so contemptible as habitual contempt. It is impossible to remain long under its control without being dwarfed by its influence. Hopefully you can learn from that.

Donplaypuks® said...

Neither by the test of time nor rights of antiquity nor by current universality of usage can you prove that Muslims have the exclusivity on the usage of the "Allah" word.

This is a fact. Even diehards like Sakmongol AK47 admit that that word was used by Arabs to refer to their pagan Gods, long, long before
the advent of Islam in 632 AD.

So, if you want a compromise, just say so and we can accept that.

But by stating emphatically several times that "violence is inevitable" and doing nothing to prevent or subdue it, you are clearly hoping that it will come to pass and you will "win". That, by the tenets of your own religion, will be a hollow "victory"!

And that, by any human standard, is despicable!! The word OGRE springs to mind!

We are all of1 race, the Human race

Unknown said...

Dear Akhramsyah,

I am prepared to admit that my definition of what constitutes a Malay may not be completely in line with what is written in the constitution. However, one of the most common reasons for why Malays deserve special privileges is that this land belonged to them originally. If it is defined in terms of precedence, then your theory does not hold. If it is in terms of the constitution, then popular reasoning does not hold.

I also accede to your point that Bumiputras include the indigineous races of Malaysia. For me to have used said that only Malays have the right would have been completely incorrect. However, limiting the opportunity to only Bumiputeras is still discrimination. Furthermore, the indigineous Bumiputeras often get the short end of the stick in terms of aid, and the Malays are prioritised over all others.

This leads me away from my main point however, which is that we are all Malaysian, regardless of ethnicity. If you want to justify the fact that Malays are allocated a quota by arguing a weaker financial position than the average non-Malay; then I agree to the extent that capable students who are unable to afford private tuition should be given priority. This should include ALL less fortunate Malaysians, however, and shouldn't contain any element of race. That way, those Malays who truly deserve it but cannot afford it will be given a fair chance, as will all others.

Finally, affirmative action was put into place to help the Malays over 50 years ago. Its initial outline was that it should be a temporary measure to enable the Malays to catch up with the rest of Malaysia. It has now been 52 years since Merdeka; we are no longer a country ruled by colonialists whose forced segregation resulted in the marginalisation of certain races. Instead, we are a free and independent country whose government claims to be fair and impartial in providing opportunities for everyone. Just because a policy is historical and worked in the past does not mean it should be carried indefinitely into the future. It's called progress.

You may categorise me as a liberal, but I am content with knowing that I am able to rationalise my thoughts before I put them to action.

Ryou said...

I was sad when i read your bigoted postings..but i was pleased by the many intelligient and rational comments left by other readers, both muslim and non.

marina is a shining example that not all muslims are as uneducated as you

Connors said...

Religion never approves of violence, it's just political bodies perverting religion for thier own propaganda or motives. From what you have written, you're a man without any nice qualities, as far as I can tell. Humans only use less than 10% of their brain power, with you, it could be close to zero, and no im not being rude, your toughts sir are just insignificant.

Jerng said...

Well, I hate to be pedantic... but since no one else has brought it up, the Evangelical church is simply the subset of the Christian community which believes in the book called the Bible - this includes many Roman Catholic individuals, and many Protestant denominations. If you'd like a more detailed primer in the details of Christianity, beyond what you can find on Wikipedia and the like, let me know, I'd be happy to indulge you with the right contacts, if you don't already have them. Cheers.

Connors said...

nice try akksomething,
dont you get the irony?
its okay we understand your level of thinking, no worries were (hahaha) really (hahahahaha) not (hahahahahahah) laughing at you, just your narrow mindedness

Unknown said...

"Malays cannot go anywhere else other than Public Unis because we cannot afford to. Other races can and do provide private funding for their children to seek alternative means of education."

Issit? What makes you so special that you get to study at the Imperial College UK? Oh lupa, ko anak orang UMNO while the rest of us are pariah malays. U make me sick!!!

Unknown said...


Dear Friends,

Orang Christian mempercayai Allah kerana Nabi Isa. Nabi Isa berasal dari kaum Bani Israil (Yahudi)sedangkan agama Kristian berasal dari Europe. Nabi Isa hanya menjaga kaumnya sendiri, sebagai contoh sekeping roti pun Nabi Isa tidak akan berkongsi dengan kaum lain selain dari kaum beliau sendiri. Bagaimana pula orang Christian mengaku Tuhan mereka adalah Allah dan mengangkat Nabi Isa sebagai anak Allah padahal antara Nabi Isa dan agama kristian tidak ada kena mengena.

Di Malaysia majority umat islam adalah orang Melayu sebab itu orang Melayu mempertahankan hak supaya tidak ada agama lain yang boleh menggunakan perkataan Allah selain dari Agama Islam.

Unknown said...

You my friend is what's wrong with Malaysia, not the Church. The Church will stand long after the narrow minded 'kampung' mentality you propagate goes extinct... it will, because Globalization and forward thinking demands it.

In 50 years, you angry and self-pitiful musings will be the songs of regret. Malays and Muslims will come to realize that it has been people like you who have kept a very nice people from being as accepted as they could have been in what you claim is your "own" country.

In this light, I understand your anger and irrational hatred. Your bigotry ripens in the midst of the understanding that your kind is dying. And contrary to your belief, it won't be because someone used the word Allah to describe YHWH (look it up you tool).

It'll be because you refused to look past your own bigoted opinions and realize that you're wrong.

May God Bless you and Keep you, and cause His Face to Shine Upon you.

I'll pray for your enlightenment.

Slash said...

BLOG SIAPA NIE???buat malu je org malayu kita ni and juga buat malu je keluaga ko sendiri, itu pun nasi baik org christian x buat kacoh.Org cam ko lebih sesuai tinggal di afganistan dgn askar taliban yg perangai cam ko ni.islam ialah agama yg suci,kita hormati kuam lain.Kerana perangai cam ko lah yg buat org asing salah angap yg kita orang islam ni semuanya "terrorist".
bertaubat lah...

sinleong said...

hi Akram, I went to study in the UK the same time as you. You might not remember me, but I remember you as someone who is a progressive Malay. One who is successful because of his own effort rather than rely on state hand-outs (if you know what I mean). I looked up to you as a role model, one who is more successful and better than me intellectually and academically. However, all these changed when I came across your blog. You are just a closet bigot. Instead of so-called "representing" your Malay race and Muslim religion, why don't you help explain to them, historically how the Muslims, Jews and Christians call their God? Of course you would deny this part of history because you just want to use this to champion your political future. Your father is a great man. You can be too. If you start thinking more as a Malaysian, rather than a racist Malay. That's what I think of you as of now.

Unknown said...

your father used to have 2 houses of books in Bangsar .......and you have not understood anything at age 35?

Your education seems to be at mamak stalls....podah

Slash said...

ohh ya nak tanya ckit,berapa Umno bayar ko utk buat blog yg bodoh ni? 5rm? 10rm?
sanggup ke hang buat demikian dgn duit yg dibagi tu?kalau aku,ko tembak aku dgn bistol pun aku x kan buat blog yg lawak cam ko ni,paham? jgn jadi Racist, berdosa tu!!malay mind cam ko tu dah ketinggalan zaman.Zaman skg ni kita hormati semua org melaysia tak kira Org Melayu, Org Cina, Org india dan lain2 lagi. kita hormat agama depa.kita anggap depa kawan yg baik(adik beradik)kerana kita semua Rakyat malaysia!kita gantikan"Ketuanan malayu" je "Ketuanan Rakyat" ok bro?

shinliang said...

I'm sure you are a rational Malay as you claim. You do not condone violence but said that violence is inevitable because Christians are reaping what they have sown?

Maybe we can repeat that sentence and replace Christians with Muslims. Works for me too.

So are you inciting violence or not? rational Malay?

I guess I know why Malaysia is in the state it is. Many ppl like you, who claim to be rational, incites violence.

shukor said...

Salam Ibnu Sanusi,
Saya tak sependapat dengan pihak tuan di sini.

shinliang said...

and one more thing. If a true Muslims will follow what the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. would do, I have a question for you, the faithful one.

Would the Prophet, in view of this incident say what you say? i.e. "padan muka (in Arabic)?"

You are doing a great favor for your race and religion, you know that, don't you?

sugar88 said...

My, my, my, I'm honestly very astonished at the fact that an 'educated' Muslim like you actually exists in this world. I pity the other Muslims who are educated and have a mentality like yours. I find that it is a complete waste of time and money providing the likes of you an education when you end up being narrow minded and severely mentally strewed. An education is meant to turn one into a wholesome person and equip one with better thinking skills to come up with better reasoning for any kind of matters. This is obviously not the case for you as your post has been severely bombarded by approximately 80 or more comments out of 90 comments over here ( at current time ), all comments of which I presume are written by well educated beings as well.

As for your remark 'in the USA, for all the hype over Obama, the political and economic leadership is still overwhelmingly white.' True that it has been and is still overwhelmingly white. But think again, at least the USA finally has Obama, who is not white, as a president. At least we are starting to see positive change in the USA that they are more accepting of other races. For goodness sakes, the PRESIDENT of the USA is no longer a white. That spells major news around the world. No doubt the political and economic leadership is still overwhelmingly white, but given time, it will change for the better. I have faith in that. As for us in Malaysia, so long as we have bigoted gits like you around, I have no confidence that our country will see that change even multiple decades into the future.

With regards to your remark on the universities issue, I feel that it is only fair that all universities should operate by merits system, and not a quota system. Whoever who works hard will be granted permission to enter for an education, immaterial of race. It shouldn't be race-dependent at all. Look at the quality of our local universities' graduates now. A lot of them can't even pull a single sentence of English to save their life. If our quality of graduates are good, employers would not be complaining about them.

Since you insist all the time that it is only fair that the churches get burnt, let us reverse the situation and take it as an example. What IF, the Al-Quran were to have mentioned the name Jesus in it and the Christians get pissed off their mind and blow up 3 mosques. Would you say that it's fair? Just reverse the situation for a while and think if your religious place gets this kind of treatment. How would you feel as a Muslim? Would you think it's fair? Would you be writing this post now? Say whatever you like, violence is NEVER the answer or solution to anything. An educated person like you should be well aware of that and not condone this kind of act, which you ARE by even writing this post. Stop living in denial.

Lastly but never the least, you seem to dislike Marina Mahathir a lot for her intelligent post. If it is really you, the 35-year-old mechanic who wanted to run for elections as pointed out by one of your commenters, well I personally think that she has been educated much better than you by a milestone. At least her father was one of Malaysia's most prominent leaders in the eyes of the world. Where does your father stand? Heck I doubt any of us know him to begin with. At least Tun Dr Mahathir brought his daughter up with the right mentality. Your father needs to seriously consider what type of mentality his mentally incorrect son has. You can bash me for this personal assault on you. But hey, you assaulted a whole lot of people in this post itself. I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Payback is always a bitch especially when it comes from 1. ;)

P/S : Pardon me everybody for some usage of crude language. The writer of this post has fueled it to uncontrollable level.

Paul Moloney said...

It's unfortunate that the years you spent in London, you didn't learn any Enlightment values such as the ability to rationally debate without violence or the right to freedom of speech.

Malaysian said...

We've problems with corruptions, rape cases, unemployment rates, quality of education system, etc and we're so worry about the word. We as fellow Malaysian shouldn't stir racial emotion especially the leaders in the government. Most of us are not that ignorant. In Indonesia, folks have been using the word "Allah" for different religion for so long. Also, even the Arab Christian uses the word "Allah" too. Lastly, are we that dumb to believe whatever the main media is feeding us?

kevlar said...

dear akhram,

what you are writing is dangerous and really harmful to the country.

we, christian has nothing to hold against you, and we really love you malays people as well as the others in every parts of the world.

No further comments would be written down here as people are responding to your writing.

All I want to say is we, Christian loves you, as God loves you. We forgive people who did these to us as God has also forgiven and forgotten our sins.

I hope you'll encounter with God in some time in future, as when Paul of Tarsus encountered Him.

God Bless You.

Malaysian said...

Did the government truly help the Malay/non-Malay? Did you know we've high inflation? Did you know the price of Milo went up? I don't believe you understand the plight of middle and low income Malaysians. We're fed up with you folks. You've no idea what poor means. Do you ever help build dialysis center for Malays? In my home town, Muslim/Christian/Buddhist/etc build a non-profit dialysis center to serve the poor. So, stop stirring the racist sentiments!

aidila said...

people of other religion using the word Allah is not an insult to me, an educated Malay Muslim.

What is an insult, instead, is the fact that people like you are speaking on my behalf.

Please, don't.

I am embarrassed and shamed enough by the kind of behaviour that has taken place in the past week to have you try to justify it, in the voice of an "educated Malay".

Jeryc said...

I am amazed with your postings. Seriously someone who spoke the truth!

So we won't be seeing BN in 2012 then.

I am afraid with leaders who have such great credentials (Mind you, IC is not your local community college) but such narrowmindness, Malaysia would dumb down further. Ahhh, I guess its a requisite to be part of UMNO.

semalau said...

mula2 sekali, saya urang minta maaf dulu lah, sama kamu, sebab saya urang ini tidak ada sekolah yang tinggi-tinggi macam kamu.
sebabnya, kami ini, yang ada disarawak ini, masa kami sembiang, memang kami panggil itu tuhan allah bah. kami punya datuk sama nenek punya datuk sama nenek memang sudah lama sembiang sebut ini allah.
itu tidak apa lah, mau kasi tau kamu urang saja.
lagi satu mau cakap, kami urang sini, bumiputera, tapi tidak sama macam kamu urang sana. kamu urang lihai itu. kamu tuan. kami ini, kalau isi pom, mintak kerja ka, pom masuk sekolah ka, mauk isi lain-lain. sebab, 1 memamng melayu, 2 cina, 3 india, 4 lain-lain. situ lah kami urang
kesian lah kami urang disini, datuk/dato/tuan (tidak tahu betul ka tidak ini)

jwanusa said...

Bro AKhram, you are right. Two things that cannot be touched, Islam and The Sultan. The 1969 riot, triggered by DAP members torching the gate of Sultan Selangor Palace. The rest is history.

That is why May the 13th happens, because they forget that the Malays cannot tolerate anymore when it comes to religion. I guess, it is a good reminder for those who forget. may the 13th why not?

KiyoshiJoz said...

I quote you
"Final note before I move on to focus on my next posting, Many here are happy to believe I am condoning or advocating violence. This is probably because you/they misunderstand that I am merely stating that the violence is inevitable. It is not my doing, it just going to happen and not within our control any more.

Maybe it is the horror of this truth that is so painful, or hard to accept, leading people to think I am advocating violence such as these church burnings. Far from it. This is merely a prediction of a real immedeate future facing us. And it precisely comments like Jon's, that is liberally blinkered in nature, that has lead to this lack of understanding of Malays...

The violence has come, and it will not have been of my doing..."

why are you still droning on about your predictions?

are you a sage?
are you a fortune teller?

Open your eyes.. can't you see that most ppl here are condemning your narrow views?

if you say you're so educated.. act like one..

you say most malays cant afford private unis?

hello reality check...
1) most of the minister's children.. (aka 3/4 of the cabinet)
check out where are they..(prolly partying in the city of Melbourne)

2)50 years of independence.. with advantages and yet you are still "too poor"?

3) which leads me to my next question: how did the rest of the non-priviledged Malaysian survived?

Im not working and my parents fund my studies.. i know how tough it would be... i got A, B, C for my A levels.. and i feel downright stupid over my results as that means i wont qualify for any scholarship... yet some people with priviledge who got D, D ,D or worse managed to qualify for MARA with scholarship.

you tell me... who is having the upperhand?
i now vow to get a 2nd upper in my degree just so i can have fighting chance..

when and IF i succeed.. who are you to tell me that i have not earned it...

that said.. what have your race done? they have the upper hand but yet they cant improve themselves?

as a commentator said in one of the comments..

there is no cure to laziness..


i urge you to open your eyes and take the comments on your page with an open heart and question yourself..

how can 95% of the commentators here be wrong? majority is against you... yet you choose to close your eyes to them... who is at fault?

them or you?

have you checked on the word Allah yet? go wiki them..

and one more thing...
dont ever ever ever say you or your race are at disadvantage or being robbed off your priviledges..

we "other" malaysians have NOTHING to begin with...

if we have the same privileges as you all.. same equal grounding....
need i say more?

but that said.. we're not even asking for anything..

we're just asking to be given our rights, our freedom..

you have lived with this "crutches" (read special rights) for so forgot what is it to fight on equal footing with others..

well good luck to you

know that i'll pray for your forgiveness, and hopefully one day you will be truly be "educated"

KiyoshiJoz said...

oh btw.. note:

when i said most of the cabinet minister's children..

i meant the malay ministers..
3/4 of their children are probably partying in melbourne or some other place.. its an open secret..

some are even "khalwat-ing"

so yeah

Joven aka joPod aka SloppyJo said...

In your article you mentioned:"Malays will believe since many non-Malays were sitting idle by the side allowing Malays to be insulted, maybe they should be reminded to that they are condoning these insults."

You then went on to say "Many here are happy to believe I am condoning or advocating violence. This is probably because you/they misunderstand that I am merely stating that the violence is inevitable. It is not my doing, it just going to happen and not within our control any more."

Is it me or do i smell the putrid stench of a hypocrite.

You DO have the power to prevent but you CHOOSE to sit back and let it slide!

Funny thing is some of my closest friends are Malay and they disagree with your delusional musings. You're a joke to your race..A disgrace..Malu masyarakat la!

What a waste of a supposed 'educated' mind. People like you make me sick.

I've never been more sad to be a Malaysian. God help us all.

Joven aka joPod aka SloppyJo said...

As seen in your disclaimer: "The views expressed are not intended to sow malice, discord, disharmony or violent or criminal acts by any individual, entity, organisation or company upon another and A M Ubaidah S disavows knowledge or culpability of any such acts or claims on such acts in any way related to the views and opinions expressed in this blog."


Jesse Jim said...

Hello Friend,

What You are Writing Are Utter rubbish and Narrow Minded. To say that you're Educated Is Indeed A Laughing Matter. Syabas!...The Goverment Has Trully Spend Their Money well On You.

What makes me Angry Is The Way You Describe The Education Quota. You say They will be lots Of Jobless Malays In The Streets Because Of The New Quota! Are you kidding? This Is Just The First Year Of The Implementation And You Are Crying Foul! We non-Bumi's, have been sufferring for the past 50 years under this policy, and you don't see millions of chinese or indians Throwing Fire Bombs at Mosque or Goverment schools, Do you?

For your Info, Not all of Chinese or Indians can affort To send our children To Private Inst. For me, I have to Mortgage my house, just that my children Has a better education.

Even Worse, it's only Recently that the goverment allow Private Unv To operate. The UMNO goverment simply cannot Allow other races To be better educated. So, what should we do? go around creating Riots ? No, We Work hard and simply try our very best to give our children an education.

It all comes down To ''SIKAP '', You and your likes are a bunch of ''spoilt Brad ''. You have been Hand feed by the goverment for too long, just short of a Cash Monthly Hand out.

Wake up Lah Dude!....Open your eyes and see What We are Doing for a living. We work for it, and we don't wait for the kerajaan To Help us.....Look who's the one who should be on the streets.We are The one that The Income tax department Kejar And Tax The most. And all we ask for Is just a place In the Unv For our children, base on Merit and Not quota. No wonder The State of our local Unv Has Deteriorated To such a stage. If I Am not wrong, we are the only country In the world where Unv entry are base on Quota and not education Merit.

Go Get A Life lah dude! Think before you write! You are a good example of what the education quota Produce....Fools!

Nis said...

this post makes me embarassed to be Malay. actually, Malays like these make me embarassed at all to be Malay. because of them, I forever live under the cloud that whatever I've achieved is because of quota and bumiputera status instead of my actual intelligence and hard work.

disgusting, repulsive filth of a post. you are Muslim first before a Malay, and Prophet Muhammad himself guaranteed the right of all Christians to worship and have a safe place for worship in their churches. advocating or condoning any violence against them means you're violating your Prophet. repent and may Allah forgive you.

E3 said...

What is so insulting about the word Allah when non muslims refers it as God (whether yours or theirs)?

artic turban said...

Actually I do have a questions for the author of this self delusional article namely,
Dude what have you been smoking?
Are you for real?
Did your parents drop you when you were young?
Did you really study at a University and if you did, What?... See More
Did you buy your degree from the internet?
OK so How much were you paid, to spin UMNO'S damaged and shattered Image?
That this is a satirical piece, and your real job awaits you, as a postman?
Are you high, ON WHAT?
Are you a patient of Hospital Bahagia, Tg. Rambutan, DO you still reside there?
AND finally the million dollar question, Are you the son of EX-mIN. Sanusi Junid, The same tool who came out with the ridiculous idea of growing Padi on the roof, bro after selling of the padi franchise to foreigners and pocketing the money, he sends you to take his place?
Actually I respect you for airing your views, as now I know, as dim- witted as you do sound, you made me laugh, with enemies like you, it will definitely be a walk in the park, Can you imagine with all the schooling you have received you still have the aptitude of the country bumpkin. The adage 'You may take Ali out of the kampung, but in the end you can't take the kampung out of Morons. What was your daytime job again? postman? well sonny, don't loose it, it suits you.

Azizi Khan said...

Robbing you of Allah ? Are you for real ? Allah is the name of God in Arabic. If anyone who should be concerned is the Arabs from whom the Malays seem to have robbed from. In fact most Arabs in Sydney especially are laughing at Malays like you whom they call "idiots" and "munafiq". Why ? Christians, Jews and Muslims in the Middle East have been using Allah for centuries. Its part of their language.
Just because Malays copied that Arabic word, will never mean that it has become exclusive to the Malays.
If so, I recommend Indians and Chinese, Portugese to take back their contributions to the Malay language.
I believe that will leave you with Batu, Kayu and Api.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

Hi, I came across this article and I suggest you check it out for it is written by an educated muslim too!

TanakWagu said...

hey u who wrote this, i really dont want to say u r stupid but something funny reflecting of what u r from what u wrote.
I'm not well educated as u do. but i keep myself wondering what have u learn from all of all ur education?
Maybe u just bought ur Degree or it is just a false copy!!! possible, u have lot of money to do that anyway.
What have u experience in ur life? violence is good for u? if that what ur religion ask u to do, then i can say that stupid and totally wrong!! common sense..
what was wrong with u man? r u just perverting n flirting in University? or go to University just to get ur mind clogged with potweeds and smokes or whatever weeds u have. go and wash ur brain, clear ur mind.
The space in ur mind is too narrow!!!
we r living in Malaysia with different races n religion. A good leader should not only care for his own race but the whole "rakyat" that matter.
u r too pesimistic, just discriminating people, being racism and likely proposing terorism!! Too bad man...shame on u!!

Ur r not "Allah" to judge others religion. a religion is possesed by "Allah" not "Allah" possesed by a religion. respect that!!

Think wider with opened minded!!! Be wiser n fair.
(go n read the link below)

**sorry if i make u mad. but thanks, u make me. Bless u.

der Neugeborene said...

i think your post this time clearly desribes your own level of thinking!congratulations!!

Diaspora said...

Dear Sir
When you wrote that non-Malays 'can go private' did you spare a thought for the chldren from lower income groups? These are people from ALL RACES.

And you say that university-bound Malays have taken to the streets - if they truly had the intellectual ability and tenacity, shouldn't they be devising ways how they could achieve their ambitions ie work their butts off and fund their own education? Your idea of intelligence is the ability street riots and the burning of churches?

The issues confronting Malaysia are complex. It's you who should remove them blinkers.

Dori Lukey said...

Please do some research before writing any rational posts. Your failure to take into account other facts is amazingly hilarious.

Educated people take into account all views, not only theirs. You can start your research here:

And for your info, that piece or article is written by a Muslim, if you consider races other than Malay Muslim.

Poh said...

We have not taken anything away from you (read Malays). The government machinery is too powerful to allow that to happen. We have on the other hand in a big way contributed to the economic prosperity of the country. Your father and you benefitted from this.

The rumblings and discontent that we are experiencing now is due to poor economic state we are in now.The economic cake has shrunk and it is becoming more difficult for the government to give handouts to the malays. Hence the use of the word Allah and the building site of temple become distractions. Please don't forget that the present economic downturn has also affected the the non-malays even more and they are not getting much help from the government.

So if the economic situation does not improve quite fast enough it would become more and more difficult to appease the poor who are the majority. Then I am afraid the inevitable would take place God forbid.

It is not due to what you said in the article. It would be due to economic reasons. If you have enough to feed your family and your own stomach you would not bother to take to the street.

Michael said...

If you consider yourself an educated person, I am sure you must have noticed that more than 95% of the comments received here are against what you wrote. Have you then wondered why this is so? Have you asked yourself why so many have questioned your writings, objected to your thoughts and denounced your viewpoint. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, that they were right and you were wrong.

And as for future violences that you say may happen, I say let them come, let them happen. Already, Christians are holding prayers everywhere even as you sleep, eat, work and rest; praying not only for peace, harmony and goodwill to prevail in this country but for God to allow us to use this opportunity to show everyone what Christians really believe in - that love prevails over all things. The more violence there will be, the more prayers will be held. We will fight violence with peaceful prayers.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
simon said...

What a load of rubbish! You are a menace to Malaysia.

Who called who 'pendatang' in the first place? Racial bigots like Ahmad Ismail, not the non-Malays. It was only when he and those like him called non-Malays 'pendatang' that the non-Malays also reminded the Malays that they (Malays) are pendatang also. The TRUE bumiputras are the Orang Asli.

So from one 'pendatang' to another, please change your thinking and stop polluting the country with your rubbish.

Unknown said...

E.g., Malays are still dissatisfied with their reduced quotas at local universities, whilst non-Malays in their quest for 'equality' remain uninterested in the reasons why Malays need them. MOST MALAY STUDENTS HAVE NO-WHERE ELSE TO GO OTHER THAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES WHILST NON-MALAYS CAN GO PRIVATE! The result is, now, many otherwise university-bound Malays are on the streets, hungry, angry and with the intelligence to organise...

god will not help those who refuse to help themselves, moron. are you telling me that other races are richer? what kinda rubbish are talking?

i don't see any reason why they should be given anymore chance

atalamat al wasim said...

kau ni bodoh ke apa?
oh lupa, kau umno.

Unknown said...

Indeed, you reap what you sow. So, the same can be said for all your Muslims brothers & sisters suffering all over the world ya, example in Gaza, Iraq, Afganistan…. So we can say, padan muka you! When the tsunami of 2004 happened and Acheh was the worst hit, which means most who died & suffered losses were Muslims…. So, if I were to use your concept, then we can say they reap what they sow. Because it is very evident what your heart is made of. From your article, you are a person who would think along the line of : “you deserved to be raped because you provoked the man by wearing a bikini to the beach!”

Jon Antilles said...


I stopped reading from there. What a twisted perception. You're right if you're referring to senior civilians but a no-no if you're referring to younger generation of Malays. Maybe I should marry my Chinese girlfriend to prove that we're above racial and religion bullcrap.

Sylvia said...

hey educated malay, you are smart enough to put google ads here and i bet your posts had made you quite some bucks but why don't you use your rational and educated mind to think why malays cannot afford to go to private universities. seriously think about it dude.

Unknown said...

I have a bunch of Malay friends who are open minded, well educated and some who just have plain common sense. By reading your article, it just shows that there are still people in this world that have third world mentality and cannot progress much further.
Our actions in this world are judged by the Good Lord.
May God forgive you.

zenquantumpendant said...

What a waste of the tax money I have contributed all these years to the BN government, part of which has been used to finance the scholarships of unworthy wealthy exMinister's children for studies overseas like yourself.
Looking at the product we have got, you better refund us the scholarship money.
What narrow minded racialistic views you have!

Steffi said...

I think you wrote this just to garner 134 comments wrapped with rotten eggs. You made it. Congrats. Here's the 135th. I sympathize your dire need of attention.

Maverick 's Quantum said...

After wasting a considerable amount of time, the author has succesfully convinced no one on the matter. Absolutely poor research, and no facts but just emotions of losing the silver spoon. Try reading JM Robert's; History Of The World.
My piece: Electricity comes from electrons, obviously you belong in the : - stupidity comes from morons.
Have a nice day.

Unknown said...

Secondly, I stand by my writting, and it is coming to pass. As mentioned, I don't advocate violence, but merely predict it to be inevitable, and even from the comments we see this coming true. 2more attempts at church burnings? And I hear the contagion has spread outside of Klang Valley!

– Do you know that you do not have to outright say that you advocate violence for others to know in your heart that you do advocate violence? You seriously need to check what is in your heart.

So, maybe many of you would like to read my piece again without being so judgemental. What I am predicting is coming to pass. It would not be escalating if this was not an expressions of anger of the greater Malay mass. The violence is still in its early stages now, so something can be done... but before it is done, one must accept the reality...

– Are you serious? That we would read your article again so that we can satisfy your ego? So there, you have proven in writing that the Malays will use violence or threat of violence to induce fear in order to have their way…. It’s my way or the highway because I am Malay!!!!

Malays have been insulted for too long. Now with the Allah issue, those who trample on Malay sensitivities have gone to far... so reap what you sow!

– Can you please list down how Malays have been insulted for too long??? If you meant that they have to resort to being servants for the pendatangs Cina, well, again, you reap what you sow. But now with the help of government, yes, the Malays are getting there; we, the non-Bumis call it spoon-feeding. One day when the spoon sudah habis pakai, what will happen to the Bumis, being so used to having the spoon, you will definitely be left behind while others are already adjusted to the current environment. So again, you reap what you sow!!!!!!!!!

houdini said...

Of great concern to many foreigners is the deep seated hatred towards non Muslims in Malaysia.

The recent Christian church firebombings by Muslim extremist should be a warning sign to any foreigner that it's welcome is tentative.
If you are Muslim, the "My second home" program is something to consider.
If not...go at your own risk

In addition the growing unrest of ethnic Chinese and Indians, who constitute 40 percent of the population but are treated
differently by law from ethnic Malays is a reason for concern.

As long as the government carves out special privileges for Muslim Ethnic Malays I don't see a very bright future for foreigners in Malaysia

Admin Note:

Syabas Najib Razak and BN/Umno, now you guys have really done it in promoting 1Malaysia and Malaysia My Second Home. Not the Mat Sallehs but the bigots from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan will be coming in droves to make Malaysia their Second Home after these displays of Islamic Heroism on Malaysia soil!

houdini said...

Here are pictures of the 2 cousins at the firebombed Melawati church [click to enlarge].

Their grins indicate they are pleased with the results of their handiwork.

DramaKing said...

'Sick' is the first word that came to my mind to describe this article. By persistently invoking Marina M’s name he clearly is suffering from a complex of sorts and dearly hopes Marina’s widely respected musings may add credibility and respect to his blog in a reverse psychological way! It does not.

If only this fella had been properly integrated with other races, he would have been so much richer in his outlook. Unfortunately, it suffices to say he is so narrow-minded, he is apparently beyond redemption. It is too late to save this one lost soul.
However, others of his kind may possibly be helped by the www to enlighten them on the joys of sharing and brotherhood.

Louis said...

"Malays have been insulted for too long. Now with the Allah issue, those who trample on Malay sensitivities have gone to far... so reap what you sow!"

Above is an overstatement from you my friend..... The truth is,
1)it was the Sabahan and the Sarawakian that have been insulted for soooo long with sooo many issues (tho we are holding the cards to determine who shud run this country)....
(2) was not the malay but the other non-UMNO Malaysia (that's including most of the other Malays ...

Our ancestors agreed to form Malaysia with Malaya thinking this kind of issue will never happen as it was clearly stated in the 18-points for Sabah/Sarawak to joint Malaysia - THERE IS NO AGAMA RASMI for Sabah and Sarawak and our BAHASA RASMI shud be ENGLISH...but "someone" force us to accept BM and then the rest as they say is history...
I was tempted to write something becoz this issue affected we "Malaysia Timur" the most... without prejudice
Peace be upon you.

(just my 2cents of thought and i'm just a pasar malam trader by the way)

nayket said...

pls go do more research b4 coming up with your ridiculous reasoning.

Allah loves you but you need to change your mindset and be filled with His love.

I love M'sia - the Malays, Chinese, Indians and others. That's our identity and heritage. Ppl like you only destroy what took over 50 years to build.

Stop your nonsense here & be more productive @ ur work rather than thinking how great and righteous you are. Lastly, help build a better and brighther 1Malaysia.

FYI, Allah sends rain and sunshine to the righteous and unrighteous. If you're a follower of Allah, that's food for thought for you.

Liliane said...

hey, have u forgotten wat malaysia is made of? aren't we all made of different races and religions? this free country, altho muslim, has allowed equality among other races and religions in this country. the word 'allah' is arabic for God.... so when u use the God, should u get torched up too? these acts are barbaric and non-civilised. did you leave your brains somewhere inside your cupboard??

come one la! what you wrote about your fellow malays being unable to make it to private unis are total crap. the fact that none malays are just fighting for their equal rights are not wrong. but wat you have said about your own brothers and sisters are definitely degrading. if i were them, i'd probably torch u up as well....

c'mon... look at wat you are writing.... u are not merely putting your thoughts down, u are giving untrue facts and turning everything around.

malaysia is my country, whether or not i am a malay or muslim. this is wat malaysia is made of. the three happy races living HARMONIOUSLY!! do yourself a big favour and learn to see things with your heart... not just youer twisted brain and selective eyes. we have been living in harmony for a very very long time and i dont think any of us would want that changed.

there are so many negative comments on this post, dont you think you shud just stop and think twice about wat u are talking about? the amount of rubbish that comes off that mind of yours, is sick! better go see a doc soon, before u go nuts.

fellow malaysians who are reading this, come on, why are we fighting agaisnt each other in the same country? shouldn't we all be praying for peace and start practising it? arent u all tired of all these fighting over power yet? bangun la.... stop dreaming!! there's more to the world than our little racism acts.... we've promoted ourselves as THE country where all races live in harmony, so live up to the expectations!

i wan my children and their children and their children to be able to enjoy the world and our country as it is now. at the rate that we are all going, we might not see how beautiful malaysia used to be anymore...

where is your heart? have u replaced it with stone?

Lord Hamstera said...

He thinks by posting a wall of text, he could represent his "intelligence".

Shallow, childish. Go back to your Jahiliah time!

Habib RAK said...

I had to come back today and read all other comments. I am glad there is only condemnation of this misguided son of a politician. In particular, im impressed by the comment made by Wan Zaharizan b Wan Zan and I reproduce it below

wan zaharizan b wan zan said...
Dear Sir
True ordinary Malays are unhappy! They are unhappy thinking the approval receive by the church is blanket which is not true. The Ministry of Home Affairs have the right to regulate the use of Allah by the church thus Allah can and should be allowed to be used in the congregation but not allowed to be used publicly! This was the stand made by all Ministers before Syed Hamid! It include Tun Mahathir who was at one time The Minister Of Home Affairs!

Regulating and not allowing the usage is two different thing. What the Judge did to my mind is correct because the judgment affirm the rights of people to call God in whatever name and Allah whether we as Malay might not be happy is not the monopoly of Muslim. If the Malays aspire to be Glokal instead of Lokal then we must accept this right.

But we can limit her use to only the congregation and members only! Remember the Sikh too use Allah and in their holy book Guru Granth Sahib Allah name is mention 46 times! While Baha'i too call their God Allah but as long it is use in the temple or church there should be no problem.

I blame this fiasco on the propaganda of UMNO and her media. Instead of disseminating the correct information and asking the Ulamak to help they heighten the emotion of the ignorant Malays. This was the result of their foolhardiness. In Rukunnegara the 4 items is 'kedaulatan undang2" again this piece of pledge created by UMNO, the brainchild of Tan Sri Ghazalie Shafie was forgotten in place the fanning of emotions was played out which result in all this unnecessary commotions and heightened tension so please understand the issue and as an educated Malay which I am not although I am a Malay what you wrote smack of arrogance and lack self piety which is also not the attributes of our "penghulu" Muhammad pbuh!

Unknown said...

Your article is so inflamatory as only a bigot can manage. And you conflict your words. First you state that malays are good natured:
"continued denigration of the race simply due to our good nature"

Then in you second last paragraph you say that malay violence is inevitable:
"Am I advocating violence? No I am not. I am saying that Malay violence is inevitable..."

So which is it, are malays good natured or violent? I have many good natured malay muslim friends that I can't imagine showing any violence.

But I have a feeling that despite being a "rational educated" person, you are capable of this violence you speak so freely of in your article.

May Allah forgive you and show you the way.

Ryper80 said...

hey you who call yourself an 'educated malay'....your mind is TWISTED! u need help...

It is because of ppl with mentality like you that our country is moving backwards with all these pointless and shameful conflicts!..

thanks to ppl like you, malaysia is on the world's a NEGATIVE manner!

stop being a puppet and do some good for our country..

there are much more important things to do in life than fanning flames of hatred and division using race & religion as a tool, bro...

your blog is an utter fiasco....

Unknown said...

Wat a damn waste of public funds sending this buffoon to live in the laps of luxury in the UK. This is wat umno produces and then they wonder why these "mechanical graduates" cannot get jobs.

It reminds me of the proverb "ketam menyuruh anaknya jalan betul" and sure fits the case here.....this chap`s father a Minister never was a straight walker and a rabid racist as well. The Kedahans used to shout out "oi Botak" and the crab would scurry.

I cannot remember what happened to the case where a police report was made where he patted a woman`s butt at the airport.

Unknown said...

Wat a damn waste of public funds sending this buffoon to live in the laps of luxury in the UK. This is wat umno produces and then they wonder why these "mechanical graduates" cannot get jobs.

It reminds me of the proverb "ketam menyuruh anaknya jalan betul" and sure fits the case here.....this chap`s father a Minister never was a straight walker and a rabid racist as well. The Kedahans used to shout out "oi Botak" and the crab would scurry.

I cannot remember what happened to the case where a police report was made where the crab patted a woman`s butt at the airport.

KiyoshiJoz said...

"Note that Muslims, in Malaysia include not just Malays, but also non-Malay Muslims, Indonesian, Bangladeshi and other foreign workers as well as an increasingly large overseas student population."

the best thing is..
he claims to speak for all muslims..

i wonder who does he think he is.. claiming to represent them all..

as far as i know.. i've never heard of his name before..

hey "educated" malay.... are you Religion first or Malay first?

so far all your arguments are based on racial issue.. malay pride, malay rights, malay this malay that...

are you ashamed of yourself?

when you meet your Allah.. what are you going to tell him?

1) i am a faithful Muslim


2) i am a faithful malay?

we're all malaysians regardless of race....

and Allah dont need you to defend his name... if he wants to.. he can incinerate all of you with so much of a tweak of his fingers..

again i ask you

are you a Malay first or Muslim first?


who are you to speak for those people?

you're not even an MP..

and with your mindset.. God FORBID you be a MP.. you will cause more harm than good..

KullaNari said...

Did anyone realize this is a divide and conquer plan? And this guy is just flaming up the animosity hoping for retaliation?

Hamsap Daddy said...

You are an idiot.

Being a malay and muslim myself, I do not agree that MAJORITY of muslims are angry about the use of Allah by the Christians. Facts you need to sink into your stupid maggots infested brain:

1. Allah is an arabic word for Tuhan. It is just a word. Allah = God = Tuhan = Most Superior Being.

2. Christians have been using it for decades.

What next? You want to copyright Amen/Amin to be used for muslims too?

You should stop blogging if all your intentions is to segregate Malaysians into a racial/religious chaos and disorder. Your writings seems so.

Don't be an idiot, just grow up.

Unknown said...

You wrote:
Jon. Malays by the Malaysian constitution are all those who are of Muslim faith and practice Malay traditions. Hence, a Malay need not be a 'prince of the land'. by the way, the bumiputra, or as you say the 'prince of the land' is actually a larger grouping which includes all the ethnic Malay groupings who may not be Muslims, such as the Dayaks, ibans, etc.

Furthermore Jon, you need to really reread the history of this country and the affirmative action put in place to redress the economic imbalance we see now. Malays cannot go anywhere else other than Public Unis because we cannot afford to. Other races can and do provide private funding for their children to seek alternative means of education.
– Oh wow wee!!! You the self-proclaimed educated one is teaching Jon about who constitutes the Bumiputra. You are so WRONG. Perhaps you’d re-read what you’ve wrote to realise where your error was.
– So this proves how ignorant you are. You really think that the Chinese & other races have it easy huh. Really the Malays can’t afford to, but you can have new curtains, new sofa sets nearly every Hari Raya. Oh, then can afford to buy Queen Anne crystal ware. Then, you can have branded trainers while the Chinese used no brand. So your claim that the Malays cannot go anywhere else other than Public Unis because they cannot afford to, is true to the concept of your article - you reap what you sow.

So don't blame others or take away their rights because of your self-inflicted misery.

Andrew Ng said...


I'd thought you'd only see this kind of suppressed nerd rage on television.

Ultramarine said...

Always throwing in the victim card . . Do you realize that you're making a fool not just out of yourself but your RACE as well ? Malays can't go to private varsities? Aren't you an overseas graduate ? You look down on the Malay people as being ill-equipped and prejudiced against by the government when in truth, it is likewise! Wake up! We're not in the 70's anymore. We're smarter and we can rise to any challenge including THIS so called challenge.

Find yourself a new nationality because no Malaysian would want to be associated with you. God bless your children too and hope they're not following in your fascist footsteps.

gwerk said...

Right or wrong, everyone is entitled to voice their own opinion. The writer is not right, but certainly not entirely wrong either.

Some of the comments on his blog exemplify the same primitive (read: caveman) mentality as displayed by the insignificant minority that incite hatred and race based arguments. So for those seeking to crucify the writer for his opinions, shame on you! You are no better.

One thing can be observed however is that we are very much stuck with a race based mindset and need to eliminate this in order to move forward.

Like it or not, the civilizations of today that display admirable understanding and harmony beyond racial factors have at one point or another in their history, gone through civil unrest. Maybe violence is really the answer? Something to think about.

To the author - I cannot totally agree with your viewpoint. But whatever it is, its only a view. Look on the bright side. Look at how much reception your blog is getting? The paycheck this month might be looking good :)))

Wengz said...

LOL.. i'm just pass by here and read your blog. It really make me laugh hard coz i saw the time of the comment.. It actually start shooting from 12:15am until the next day of 8pm+..

if you can said majority of malays dislike the non-muslim used the word "Allah".. I bet you are definately "RIGHT" coz you are supporting by 158 comments.. Great Job..

I guess i have to say, May Allah Bless You the Educated Malay then..


M. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M. said...

I personally feel embarrassed to call myself a Malaysian now. Did you not know that so many people still think we're living in trees?
And then this inhumane behaviour comes about, torching and arson attacks on churches, smashing cars belonging to those who believe in Christ.
Besides, Allah is an arabic word. Yes it is used by Muslims. And I'm sure the Quran is against violence as is the Bible - which states that God's name CANNOT be used in vain. But EVERYONE does so, even the Muslims. Do you not say "Oh My God"?
I mean, you have to respect other religions too.

SagdGv, I totally agree with you there.

Unknown said...

You are absolutely right in your opinion and just expressing what Islam is all about - the supremacy and glory of Islam will triumph in Malaysia, both East and West.. Allahuakhbar!!!

"Surah 9:5 Kemudian apabila habislah (masa) bulan-bulan yang dihormati itu maka bunuhlah orang-orang musyrik itu di mana sahaja kamu menemuinya dan tawanlah mereka, dan juga kepunglah mereka, serta tunggulah mereka di tiap-tiap tempat mengintipnya. Kemudian jika mereka bertaubat (dari kekufurannya) dan mendirikan sembahyang serta memberi zakat, maka biarkanlah mereka (jangan diganggu). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani. "

"Surah 9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "

Unknown said...

No point getting senseless in provoking one party or another to go amok.

Law abiding citizens of this country from all faiths do not take the name of their God in vain. We need to address this issue rationally. But where do we start?

1. From the standpoint of Islamic tenets?
2. From the standpoint of the constitution?
3. or from the standpoint of "since I am the majority race, the tyranny of democracy dictates that I boleh buat apa I suka"?

Anonymous said...

" The violence has come, and it will not have been of my doing...Akhramsyah "

May be you're not directly involved but you're guilty of instigation.

Well the final judgement will be known when you meet your Creator, the Judge of all judges.

May 'Allah" bless you !

Jon Ming said...


I am a very uneducated, unaware, ignorant, selfish and uninterested youth with regards to this country's politics, religious conflicts, and quality of service to it's people.

Nevertheless tihs country has allowed and helped me to develop a capability of logical reasoning and common sense to say that if you can't get enough Malaysians or AT LEAST Malays to support the objective or intent of this article's synopsis, then you might as well stop blogging. Because you know it yourself that you are wasting your time reading comments after comments which are not in your favour. And wagging your tail vigorously when you see one comment in support of your cause among another 60 denying it ain't helping you develop your way to heaven either.

Your time is precious, mate.

Damien said...

What a piss shit article. Who si this guy?

Adivj said...

"Al-lah" is not one of God's names in Islam. There are 99 names (Asma' ul-Husna) listed, sung, celebrated and studied, but not one of those names is Al-lah. 'Al-lah' means 'the God'. It is a contraction of "Al-Ilah".

Stating that as exclusively Malay is a misunderstanding. If you have a chance, visit an Arabic country, where people of various religions speak Arabic, and you will discover that the word "Al-Lah" is used widely.

It would be (just slightly) less nonsensical if the argument is claiming that Allah is an Arabic word, and other languages cannot use it. At least, in that case, it is somewhat truer that Allah is an Arabic word. However, of course that too is a silly argument.

The "padan muka" tone of your post is very childish.

Mr Properties said...

Thats why our country is not moving forwards, because have you this type selfish perception! Any I believe most of my Malay friends is not what you describe! and they understand clearly what happening, this is because they THINK by using their brain.

Unknown said...

oh boy .. i wonder if you are behind these attacks... such a narrow minded fella.. you have wasted your time of writing and our time of reading your rubbish... Typical character of an extremist .. I'm thinking why you dragged Hinduism in this .. What Hindus has got to do with this? I feel you are a moron.. a psychopath .. Better go and check your brain with a doc..

Corgant said...

I believe you are one sad soul. There is nothing more to you even you claimed yourself to be an educated MALAY persona. From this post, people can see your incoherent, illogical reasoning against the very nature of things without proof nonetheless.

What comes sad is that you yourself cannot rise above the racial sentiment, no wonder we have retarded personas ruling this country.

Insulting the minority and downgraded the majority of the Muslims and you have proven it with your passion but lack of intellect and rationale.

I wonder how can you sleep at nights while YOU as a MALAY "educated" persona support the rise of violence and crimes in the country.

Deranged souls such as YOU, would only pray and let fate takes it course. What a farce!

P.S The Muslim friends i knew are far more liberal and educated than YOU, a moron who wants some attention. Plus we are good friends and make jokes of EACH of OUR RELIGION

Salomon said...

Dear Akramsyah,
I just read your twisted, deluded, bigotted diatribe. You are lucky to be Malay and with UMNO. Anyone elese would be arrested immediately and charged with the Internal Security Act (1960) for inciting hate and violence. The only redeeming quality of your rant is that the vast majority of commentors that condemn your ignorant and racist views. You are a disgrace to the Malays and Malaysia.

Unknown said...

You ARE advocating violence... Think with your brain! Not your emotions!

spchu said...

I thin you should be the first to be investigated for the torching of churches....

bungled said...

Ubaidah (and similar minded people) exist in a state of mind where 'sensitivities' and 'emotions' are the rule of the day. They have a higher priority than justice, fairness, equality, humanitarian grounds or principles.

An example is this favourite line
that "Malay/islamic culture and practice has been here for hundreds of years and that sensitivity has to be respected"
Fine, but so do other cultures that have been doing this in East Malaysia. But why doesn't that count? Is this fair? Is it because you are bigger and stronger? Is this what Islam advocates?

Another particular quirk of this mentality is exclusivity:
"We are not the Middle east, africa, indonesia and this cannot be compared to the practices of the rest of the islamic world"
So what does that make you? An international hermit?

There is nothing one can say to people like Ubaidah to alter his warped views. After all if your gold standard is 'sensitivities and emotions' then, the more sensitive and emotional you are, the more right you are.

supa_jock said...

wan zaharizan b wan zan, I share your sentiments. A truely unbias and independent point of view.

Cheryl -_-" said...

One of the reasons I'm refraining myself from leaving Malaysia is to make my vote counts in the next general election. You made it much easier. Thank you.

Anonymous said...






sachinkangkungbelacan said...

our anger is misguided?it seems that you are the one misguided here!
the word 'Allah' has been used by the indigenous people in east malaysia for as long as they could remember.christians in indonesia publish bibles with 'Allah' referring to their God.
you claim to be an educated Malay and it does show in your post,written well in english.the sad case is even the uneducated Malays are condemning the arson attacks.
you don't represent the EDUCATED malay community at all.its time you break off your chains of negativity and look at the bigger picture.
racist bigots like you make me feel ashamed of having you as a fellow countryman.

Unknown said...

I don't know if the bullshit you're spewing from your ass is a sorry attempt to garner attention (perhaps that may help you win the exco seat in the next Umno Youth elections awwwwwww). But I will not waste any time trying to construct something properly for you.

If you think Christians are “hijacking” the name, please look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a good slap. Do not try to flatter yourself, you already look stupid as it is. No matter how much Christianity/ Catholicism would welcome the likes of you, should you wish to convert (God forbid), nobody would want you in anyway.

In fact, let me enlighten that stupid little head of yours: Protestants may like converting others, but Catholics don't. And even then, who the hell would wanna convert a Muslim? Are you delusional? Nobody even gives a shit, so don't get your panties in a twist. Don't you worry, if anyone is confused, its you and your cronies, and your fanatical fans.

Don't blame other religions if yours is BRITTLE and WEAK. Christians has never complained when Muslims FORCE them to CONVERT because of marriage. Wow, imagine if the situation was reversed. Oh since we're on that note, here's a useful link to entertain you. It should be easy to read and not too difficult, yes?

Also, here’s a timeline for a son-of-a bitch, history-challenged low IQ mongrel like you:

Hundreds/thousands of years BC- The use of Hebrew, Aramaic and Ancient Arabic used the NOUN Allah to describe their gods, whoever they were. Idols that were worshipped were also called Allah, stupid.

10AD – Islam was founded. They were speaking Ancient Arabic, hence, they used that NOUN. Nobody said anything because people had more sense then.

Pre-Merdeka – Christian Sabahans/Sarawakians who spoke Malay adopted the NOUN Allah in their Bibles. Nobody caused any ruckus.

2010 – Suddenly certain ppl are insecure (as if there are no laws that forbids them to convert OUT of their religion).

The underlying issue is this: you lame-ass jokers in M’sia think Allah is a copyrighted NAME. Wake up, you religiously-misled moron, it’s NOT.

Who died and made you fanatics the Islam authority of the world? Even Mecca allows it, so who are you to bark up the wrong tree?

Surah al Imran ayat 3.64 of the Quran actually says: “O People of the Book [Jews, Christians and Muslims]! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah. That we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah’s Will).”

There are five reasons why it is legitimate to use Allah among Christians.
They are as follows:
1. The loan word Allah is the Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew names of God El, Elohim, Eloah in the Hebrew Old Testament.
2. Arab Christians from before the dawn of Islam have been praying to Allah, and Allah was used by Christian theologians writing in Arabic. So the Christian usage of Allah is actually older than Islam.
3. Allah is the word used for “God” in all Arabic versions of the Bible from the old Arabic Bible all the way to the modern Arabic Bible (Today’s Arabic Version).
4. Christians in countries like Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and other places in Asia and Africa where the languages are in contact with Arabic, have almost all been using the word Allah as the Creator God and the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
5. Last but not least, in Malay and Indonesian the word Allah has been used continuously from the time of the first printed edition of Matthew’s Gospel in Malay (A.C. Ruyl, 1629). It was used in the first complete Malay Bible (M. Leijdecker, 1733), and in the second complete Malay Bible (H.C Klinkert, 1879), and has been used in other published Scriptures up to the present day.

Unknown said...

If YOU wanna pick on idiotic things like these, then the Jews should have picked on Muslims using the words “assalamualaikum/ walaikumsalam” because THOSE came from the Hebrew words “shalom aleichem/aleichem shalom”.

But of course the Jews knew better. They strived and succeeded in business, finance, media and entertainment. WITHOUT THE HELP OF THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS. And they do not complain that they are still poor.

What do the fanatical Muslim Malays do? They drag around cow heads, burn churches down and insist that they’re being ostrasized.

The self-proclaimed "educated" ones? They "study" overseas using gov money, screw around, comes back, marries a poor Malay girl, knocks her up 5 times to keep her busy while they screw around even more, get into politics so they can get lotsa "projects", and when their daughters are of age, they screw THEM too. Oh and they marry more poor Malay women and the cycle repeats itself. Story of your life, eh?

And if so say that the Malays cant afford education in private institutions, why is that I wonder?
Whose fault is it that their family has lousy financial planning?
Whose fault is it that their family fucks around so many times and has 10 kids, so nobody gets a tertiary education?
Whose fault is it that these Malays are assured from the VERY beginning that the gov will continue to protect them?
Whose fault is it that they are continuously SLOW in their work and studies?
Whose fault is it that even though their permits for food stalls and roadside stalls and misc businesses get approved and not those of non-Malays?
Whose fault is it that even THEN + lotsa Bumi discounts and leeways, they still claim they're poor?
Whose fault is it that they're laidback, lazy and aren't fighters?

Every year, thousands of applications to public universities by non-Bumis are rejected, even though they get 10As and above. Don't even get me started on the results by the majority Malay Bumis. Ridiculous. Is that not enough chance for the stupid them to strive, because their competition is out of the picture? Who do you think gets to be a Petronas/Mara Scholar? A Christian? hahahahaaha.
That's why non Bumis are forced to spend money at private colleges. And when they adjust and succeed and those colleges get a good name (at the same time, the rankings of public universities drop like hell, due to their low standards and exams that are made specially easier to help the Bumis), jealous and vindictive mongrels like you will say "ohhhhhhhh welllllll thats cos my poor malay citizens can't afford it". So full of shit.

Most Malaysian Muslims may not want to "share the name", which is fine because they're only citing their opinions and most of them don't know any better (again, whose fault I wonder).

But they strongly oppose the church burnings as well. Your little title "you reap what you sow" is a clear indication that you encourage violence, no matter how many times you insist that you're not.

Now look at yourself in the mirror again and give it another go.

Anonymous said...

It don't have to come to this... whatever you all do we still love you as God do... and we forgive you... May God bless you and your family... :)

Unknown said...

I am a Malay and i totally disagree with this racist self declared educated person who called himself a muslim..i think he prides himself a muslim but he doesnt follow the muslim teaching and thinking..

ZuwL89 said...


1. Not all Malay (sadly) are Muslim, don't turn a blind eye on that.

2. Islam, NEVER teach hatred toward other religion, if they do not cause any harm.

3. What you can use get from burning down churches/temples/mosque?! Even in war, it is forbidden to destroy churches or mosques or any spiritual place!

4. Pls, don't simply write ANYTHING with your limited knowledge. I fear the worst for you, for you may call yourself Muslim, but you certainly didn't represent a true Muslim.

5. Lastly, racist is the most pathetic people in the world. How can YOU live in this world? You HAVE to INTERACT with every1 not just your own kind.

May Allah show you the right path.

senaiboy said...

You, sir, are an ignorant racist.

We are all Malaysians, Malay or not. When will you finally see that? Is the colour of the skin so important to you?

"MOST MALAY STUDENTS HAVE NO-WHERE ELSE TO GO OTHER THAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES WHILST NON-MALAYS CAN GO PRIVATE!" Are you that ignorant? Malay students have just as much chances of getting into private universities as non-Malays. And I think so because I have Malay friends who are smart and do work hard enough to deserve what they get. If you think Malays have nowhere else to go, you're insulting your own race. And as a Malaysian, I feel insulted on behalf of my Malay friends.

It's people like you that Malaysia has not progress, and the reason I'm very, very disappointed.

Unknown said...

Sir, with all due respect, your post was littered with inaccurate facts and careless assumptions. You almost made yourself sound smart.

But then you went about with some "disclaimers" to preserve yourself some dignity.
"..What I am predicting is coming to pass. It would not be escalating if this was not an expressions of anger of the greater Malay mass. The violence is still in its early stages now, so something can be done... but before it is done, one must accept the reality....."

It's as if you're saying "Hey, all these things will come to pass and if they do, then I'm smart. if it doesn't, oh well, there are some other reasons why but I'm still smart."

Nonsense. That's all we're left with at the end of the day. Ever heard of false prophets?

Look at the amount of comments supporting your view. PEOPLE are jumping out in your "defense" man!

Save yourself (everyone else) some electricity next time you wanna come out with something like this.

Unknown said...

Semoga Allah mengampuni kau dan anak cucu kau wahai Akhramsyah. Dalam nama Yesus Kristus, kami berdoa-Amen.

See that similarity in Amin = Amen?

Hope you get the msg and blessing.

Mr. Curious said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Curious said...

I went to university with so many Mara, Petronas and JPJ Malay scholars in UK. Whilst I was studying hard and attending every lecture, these Malay students spend your hard earned tax money to 'Jom, main bola'. They were all in the summer resits whilst I held 3 summer jobs to pay my own way through university.

So definitely I 'reap what I sew'. Now open your narrow eyes and wake up. What you think is happening to you is what you did to yourself. Despite what the government has done to the non-Malays, we still manage to keep up.

You will not last a mile in my shoes. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

Mr. Curious said...

Selangor State Song:
"Duli Yang Maha Mulia Selamat di atas takhta "Allah" lanjutkan usia Tuanku Rakyat mohon restu Bawah Duli Tuanku Bahagia selama-lamanya Aman dan sentosa Duli Yang Maha Mulia"

So how now? burn the schools too because the non-Malays sing 'Allah' every Monday?

Unknown said...

you are an arsehole!

Michael Lau said...

Incredible comments for a crap piece of shit. The Malay of your likes are ignorant, stupid and unreliable bunch of goons. You can have your Allah for all I care.

Awesome comment, Fung Joon!

Tony said...

As a research fellow of ISIS I am surprised at the article "Torched Churches....."
Please do a web-search(Google search) on the following:-
Kaaba a Hindu Temple?

Kaaba a Hindu Temple taken over by muslims

and related articles.

Please research your subject before you make statements and do not be emotional in your statements.
May GOD guide you

sN@iL0810 said...

Unlike Datin Paduka Marina, I’m not claiming to represent the majority of Malays, but am conveying their “whispered screaming”, via gossip at kenduris, from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi through to the organising of protests by Malay and Muslim NGOs that do formally represent the majority Malay view.
You are actually acting as if you are representing them, think again

Linus Linnaeus said...


Who gives you the right to judge in God's place. It is only God's rights to judge...not yours...may he forgive you of your sins...I am not here to judge you either...u my opinion.

The Friday when the first churches were attacked, I drove down to kampung baru subang with my big cruficix dangling on my car back view mirror. I saw some durians...

Calmly, I parked my car and went down to buy some. I was unhurt and was greeted by the Malay sellers courteously. They also gave me really good durians. I asked if they have an issue with me using Allah. They said none.Glory be to Allah. They wish me goodnite after.

Stop firing the flame. UMN0 fu**s...there's hope for Malaysia.


ajoyly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ajoyly said...

What is needed here is calmness, not anger or provocation. Flexibility,level headedness! And a desire to solve this problem to the satisfaction of all Malaysians. Not to use threats but diplomacy and civility.

Unknown said...

Dude, don't malukan your kaum la. You sound like a neanderthal.

I know that the Malays are better than that. Have you no shame? You instill hatred and advocate violence.

Unknown said...

i am not quite sure wot are you up to really? i think u need to go out from your shell and be friends with other malaysians... then u will know your country better!

Unknown said...

Ni lah dia penyokong tegar Tun Mahathir...racist till the end.

kacheek said...


OMG. That is the stupidest thing I've heard from a supposedly educated man.

The fact that you're implicating that all non-Malays are rich and therefore can afford private institutions is itself a retarded and racist mindset.

I'm a Malay, by the way.

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