Thursday, August 28, 2008

Censorship... Not Just The Government's...

There is news of censorship by the government of the internet, specifically the Malaysia-Today 'news' portal. Not sure if the site is still censored, but I managed to get in earlier. Maybe the idiots at MCMC flip-floped... or maybe KJ's cousin, the MCMC's minister, Shaziman did... "Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan"... Pet's quick setting up of a mirror site must have helped.

As usual, the current government, especially the young and increasingly unpopular Shaziman has myopically taken an indecisive politically motivated action that damages the nation... that is what Lah-ism is after all. Yet again, we have been Badawi-ed, this time on internet censorship.

Just want to make one observation though. Whilst I have no problem with Jeff and Rocky commenting and criticising censorship, since they famously do not censor their sites unless the stuff posted is inappropriate, I do have issue with some anti-BN sites' who would be hypocrites if they choose to complain. For instance, Malaysia-Today itself, since PRU-12, has been practicing censorship of comments. I've experienced this in a few others sites.

Their right to censor their sites, I do some to ensure relevancy of comments for instance. But whilst I disagree with the government's censorship of the internet, I find it richly hypocritical for some other bloggers to make a big deal of it if they themselves are censoring views they disagree with on their sites....


Yara said...

"I do have issue with some anti-BN sites' who would be hypocrites if they choose to complain"....

I believe it happens with pro-BN sites too. Let's not be hypocritical ok.

Down with censorship of the internet!

Unknown said...

Fair comment yara, but I have no evidence of censorhip at pro-BN sites, probably because my stuff don't trouble them much... even the anti-Pak Lah anti-KJ stuff BN guys agree with.

whackthembugger said...

Let us refrain from reading and talking fitnah, deception, hearsays, nonsense and garbage not only during the coming Holy Month of Ramadan but also thereafter such as those aggressively promoted by RPK. It’s good that finally RPK’s blog has been censored by the Malaysian authorities. I have been waiting for such action for so long. Whoever is responsible for censuring Malaysia Today deserves a pat on the back; it ilk’s reading the “shit” just like his boss, DSAI. For those die hard RPK and DSAI supporters, Malaysia Today remains accessible through its mirror website.

It was reported in the Star 29/8/08, pg W32, the following;
“Muslims embrace economic globalization as long as it doesn’t mean western influences will snuff out their cultural identity, the head of a US-based and polling group said on Wednesday; Steve Kull, head of the World Pubic Opinion”

I am most certain censuring Malaysia Today (read RPK personal postings and his supporters of absolute UN declaration of human rights) is an endorsement of the goal of keeping unhealthy western values out of our rich Malaysian culture; RPK postings is like Mukhriz saying about DSAI 20% truth 80% shit; not the type of ethical culture befitting our society – what is right is right and what’s wrong is wrong as spoken in our Book of Criterion for those who understand. Don’t mix up truth with falsehood to grossly mislead others.

Premium Business said...

Apaila kita telah menetapkan fikiran untuk menyokong dan berada sebelah pihak mana, maka soal 'rasional' telah hilang dalam pertimbangan maka kita akan 'judge' dan menilai ikut kecondongan selera minda...

sebenarnya said...

'lah-ism' is the right word that show how badly our politic situation look like now. really bad but it is a reality that we have to face now. may i suggest that we do like our neighbour do in thailand now - impossible?

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