- KuLi pun dok kata suruh tumpukan perhatian kepada pemulihan ekonomi. Ni dok sibuk lagi pasai politik pasai pa? Macamlah orang muda faham apa untung-ruginya menjadi ahli "KuLi Fan Club".
- Depa tak sedaq ka yang dengan menunda Perhimpunan Agung serta Pemilihan tahun ini, Pak Lah akan kekal berkuasa sehingga selesai pula isu penundaan ni. Padahal, kita dah tau negara perlukan kepimpinan baru dari la ni, nak tunda pula peralihan kuasa?! Yang dulu KuLi nak Pak Lah pi secepat mungkin, depa ni tak dengaq juga ka?!
- Dah le tu, kalau tunda barang sehari Perhimpunan Agung, siapa nak atuq PRK-PRK 3 Bukit yang nak mai bulan April ni? Apa, nak biaq UMNO semakin merudum semangat melalui kekalahan di 3 Bukit sementara kepimpinan kita celaru? Yang depa ni nak bantu KuLi ka, ingin pebetui UMNO ka, nak angkat Anwar Ibrahim?!
Celaru macam-macam politik pula hari ni. Padahal, rakyat pun dah beramai-ramai geleng kepala. Kira kalau semua rakyat berambut basah masa melihat gelagat di atas ni, nescaya bah, banjir-lah di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat dari guguran air gelengan kepala kita semua!
La ni, rakyat semakin panik pasai ekonomi! Wei, tsunami dah nak mai dah! Kat sesetengah tempat tu, dah melanda pun, sampai sudah ada suami tak bekerja, isteri tak berbelanja, anak tak berkasut tanpa lubang dan silap hari, keluarga pun tak berumah, kena balik kampung! Dah la kampung tu bukan ada hasil apa... kelapa sawit pun harga dah takdak apa!
Kepada yang berminat memahami sedikit lagi punca meleset segala ini, layari nukilan Op Ed yang ringkas menyentuh bagaimana merudumnya ekonomi Amerika Syarikat serta Eropah kini menjejas ekspot, dan secara langsung, pendapatan rakyat kita...
Saya dah mula berpolitik, tetapi dengan agenda ikhlas untuk berbakti kepada rakyat. Kepala ni dah nak pecah ingin bersuara tentang masalah dan mencari jalan melontar ilham kepada yang berupaya melaksanakannya dalam kerajaan. Tetapi kalau ahli politik sibuk sangat berpolitik, bilakah masanya untuk berbakti? Atau mungkinkah politik mereka saja syoq sendiri, bukan lagi tentang kepimpinan yang membakar diri semata-mata agama, bangsa dan tanah air? Wallahualam...
I've been following your blog and your writing more because I actually like your father's style and ideas. Taman Pertanian Malaysia, was one of his best until everybody else is incharge. They should let him oversee the whole project until full completion. How is he nowadays? My assalamualaikum to him when you meet him.
Being young, I assumed you believed that you can be a factor to the changes that you hope of UMNO. If and when you can, maybe there are hope ... maybe.
However, with the type of people in UMNO, and the talk about money politics here and there (big war chest), I wonder how can this happen in UMNO. Do you really think that this will ever change?
The Economy is at its worst (at least that is what TDZ and Dato Kadir Jasin says).
My point is actually very simple for the "good ones" in UMNO, which I think there are quite a few, it has to start from outside, like what TDM has done.
The rakyat are fed up, and from what you see any which way, until and unless UMNO really really kick this "group of crooks) there will be no hope.
You are intelligent enough from what I gather, although sometimes your writing are too emotional for the wrong reason.
I have to agree that politics are such that it is so flexible, but always remember right is right, wrong is wrong, white is white and black is black although some people has always like to see it from the gray area.
As I see it, the people has spoken during PRU12, if it does not happen sooner they probably will totally act comes PRU13.
Anyway ...
lets agree to disagree. Good luck to you.
Abi Ayyub. I have been accussed of being too much my Ayah's son in my quest for a post in UMNO - and yes, emotion and passion is part of it. At your age, you must be aware of how much passion there was and still does drive my Ayah's decisions. But nevertheless, despite all that UMNO, especially the youth wing, is made up to be, I am still getting support.
Whether the 'support' I am getting will translate to votes during pemilihan, who knows? What I do know is that the grassroots in UMNO, those that still believe and rely on the party to fight for their needs and wants deserve our blood, sweat and tears, especially now. It is for them I am making my effort, for they include my wife, kids and countless others...
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