Saturday, May 17, 2008

Kuasa Diketagihi Pemimpin, Lina Joy & Musuh Melayu Yang Untung Lagi

Pemimpin Melayu terlalu pendek fikiran. Yang Anwar terkejar cara menidakkan dosanya, Pak Lah pula merebut peluang mengaibkan musuhnya. Yang rugi umat Melayu Islam akhirnya.

Gara-gara kedua-dua 'pemimpin Melayu' ini bersekongkong memperagakan, memperbicarakan DVD Lingam yang mencelakakan, seorang Ketua Menteri Cina sudah bersuara supaya kes-kes lama hakim-hakim Melayu yang telah dimalukan dibuka semula.

Yang kes si Lim yang dipasang oleh Chin abad lepas Melayu nak peduli apa? Masalahnya, kes Lina Joy pun mungkin dibuka semula! Selepas Tun Fairuz berjasa menutupnya, kerja Pak Lah dan Anwar membukanya semula! Astaghfirullah!

Mungkin ada Melayu yang ingin mengesyorkan diri bahawa kes Lina Joy diputuskan ikut prinsip undang-undang dan tiada pengaruh lain yang boleh mengubah keputusan tersebut. Memang betul juga yang penting adalah rakyat ingin Mahkamah bebas dari tuduhan tidak telus dan penuh rasuah.

Namun tidakkah terfikirkah Melayu kenapa Bar Council yang sememangnya sekular dan sentiasa mencabar ketuanan Melayu turut mencanang kejatuhan Fairuz hasil paparan DVD durjana tersebut. Ini sejak Fairuz menolak tuntutan Lina Joy yang memaksa Melayu subahat dalam murtadnya. Ini sejak Fairuz mengisytiharkan keinginnya membawa undang-undang negara merapati lunas-lunas Islam & menjauhi Common Law tingalan penjajah?

Pada masa musuh-musuh Melayu dalam gembira, haruskah Melayu bersorak sama? Belum tiba lagikah masa menolak pemimpin yang durjana?!

Seperti kata seorang temanku yang setia,"Masalah melayu berputar kepada kegilaan kuasa. Mudharat orang melayu datang dari pemimpin yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri. Sekarang semakin suntuk masa untuk orang melayu mempertahankan hak kita.

Dari Melaka ke Malayan Union negara kerap digadaikan oleh pemimpin dan raja, hinggalah semua tersedar dan bersatu menentang musuh bersama. Terpulanglah kepada semua kaum melayu untuk membela nasib bangsa. Kepimpinan yang suci datang dari keikhlasan. Keikhlasan datang dari kebenaran."


Fikir Tajam said...

Salam Sdr Ubaidah,

Percayalah permainan REMEH (trivial) Anwar dan Abdullah ini akan melingkupkan mereka jua akhirnya.

Kedua-dua manusia(?) ini merupakan PENDENDAM dan mengalami sindrom INFERIORITY COMPLEX yg cukup kronik. Mereka tak habis-habis cuba memadamkan legacy YB Tun Dr Mahathir, seorang doktor perubatan yg hebat dan tajam mindanya. Sedangkan kedua mereka hanyalah graduan cabuk pengajian Melayu dan pengajian Islam yang sering bercakap tak tentu hujung pangkalnya.

Anwar dan Abdullah ini adalah jelmaan DAJJAL yg sanggup memporakperandakan nasib bangsa dan negara. malah lebih dahsyat lagi memperdagangkan agama demi survival politik dan laba material dunia! Hairan ya sejak bila pula Anwar menjadi seorang pejuang nilai dan akhlak mulia. Pejuang ketelusan dan anyi rasuah. sedangkan tatkala mengalahkan Allahyarham Tun Ghafar baba dulu beliaulah BAPAK segala RASUAH! Habis semua ketua bahagian UMNO dirasuahnya. Memperkatakan idealisme Anwar umpama mengatakan Britney Spears masih dara.

Anwar umpama TONG KOSONG! Tatkala siswa Cina dan India sibuk menelaah sains, kejuruteraan, perubatan dia asyik dengan demonstrasinya. Menyalak saban hari bagai anjing gila mencari tulang di samah-samai.

Abdullah bagaikan pepatung (orang-orang) di tengah bendang. No brain. Yg dia tahu hanya menyalak slogan demi slogan. Penuh retorik sarat temberang. Lihat saja hari ini setelah tertonggeng di PU12 pernahkah sekali kita mendengar beliau memekik 'Islam hadhari?', 'modal insan', 'pertanian perniagaan'? Beras pun hantar Mustapa Mohamad ke Bangkok mengemis bekalan. Apa punya BINGAI manusia(?) bernama Abdullah ini?

Yg memerintah Malaysia kini sebenarnya pembangkang. DAP dah lama menang semenjak Abdullah menubuhkan satu lepas satu Suruhanjaya DiRaja. Cuba renung sejenak bukankah Lim Kit Siang yg asyik sibuk menyarankan supaya ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya Di Raja selama ini? Lawak apa ini? Tak sangka Abdullah telah menjadi budak suruhan DAP!

whackthembugger said...

Don’t worry brother, the fight for truth is just brewing up; kita baru nak tunjuk langkah main seni silat tempur, belum lagi silat olahraga atau pulut atau pun silat Melayu.

Let’s look of some of the early vibes following the lodgment of the Police Report on against several papers for publishing the commission before the report was made public.
1. Lim Kit Siang – “The police report runs counter to the renewed pledge by PM for more open, accountable and transparent society including a Whistle Blowing Protection legislation……keeping abreast with international benchmarks” said LK Siang in his blog.
My comment: Who does this nyayok old shitter think he is? If he is open, accountable and transparencies, he should demand a full blow up of all the fiasco dealings of the 1st Family and extended Family. So brother, very clearly you can notice this old shitter and his band of Malaysian Malaysia sees only with one eye….the left one and I guess you know who or what I refer to. Dajal?

2. Bar Council – “The police report is a blatant act of intimidation …..” said Bar Council Human Rights Committee Chairman.
My comment: Ekor dah keluar because of the Tun Salleh Abas case, the compensation payments and of cause the reforms to the Judiciary Appointment Committee. Kepala dah besak kut!

3. Saifudin Nasution – in condemning the move to lodge the police report, the PKR Strategic Planning Director said “under the National Integrity Plan, media freedom was one of the seven points to promote integrity”;
My comment: Kepala otak dia, Media MSM dan Alternative Media ada banyak sangat integrity ke? Kalau ya, mengapa boss dia suroh boycott national papers? Hipokrite nombor 1.

4. Guan Eng – “Review cases decided by Eusoff, Fairuz…..the focus of the probe should be mainly on Eusoff and Ahmad Firuz…”.
My comment: Ahhh…..this CM is an interested party since he was one of those affected by the decisions made by the judges. Under best practices, he should abstain himself from making any statements; someone else should have done it for him. But of course Malaysian Malaysia, they apply double standards to international best practices standards; just like the US administration. This fellow dares tell the IGP what and where to focus; in telling so, he has no respect/ confidence in the Police Force, well, he never has anyway but he should have shut his gap.

5. Lawyer for de facto PKR leader – “The former DPM would be seeking a review of all his court cases heard by the two former top judges”.
My comment: This is the conniving person who leaked the Lingam Video Tapes. Guess birds of a feather flock together – DSAI and Guan Eng. Really Guan Eng, you want to be closely associated with a sunk like the former DPM. See the latest idiotic act by the Chief Opposition Leader (probably acting on the advice of her husband) in accusing the government of corruption in the award of the submarine contract; she was told that her husband then had approved the deal. Guan Eng, jaga your integrity otherwise you would be infected unnecessary.
Should these cases be open for review, the opportunity rises to bring out new details of the past history of former DPM and these would be blown up again and in greater proportion under the guise of greater press freedom. I just hope his family can bear through the full circle again.

You would notice how concerned this gang bang is about on the police investigation. What are they afraid off - that the investigation gets out of hand and or the coarse of more freedom curtailed or are they protecting some one BIG? Or are they just afraid of nothing?

6. TDM – “I'm Prepared To Be Investigated And Charged In Court”. “By charging me in court, I will have the opportunity to explain many things that the judges did, including lobbying". TDM hoped that investigations on him would not be stopped on grounds that there was no case. "In that case, I will have no opportunity to explain what had happened, but instead if I was charged, then I can explain what I had done and what others did including the judges with regard to lobbying. "I want to tell about the judges who had come to me to lobby. He said the decisions he made on the appointments, including that of judges, were based on his own assessment.

"My decision is based on my assessment. I don't care who lobbied or who spoke to me. If I decide that the individual concerned should be appointed, then I will appoint. If a person should not be appointed, even though he was recommended by the judge, I will not appoint.
"I am not a postman, when the chief judge recommends, I straight away approve and see the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the King endorses. If that is the case, it can be said the appointment of the chief judge is decided by the outgoing chief judge.
"Then, I don't have any role at all. I don't want to be a postman," he said. If lobbying is wrong, then these judges should be probed"

I need not say more except that TDM seemed all prepared to challenge the whole gang and others who may a hand in wanting to make his life a “little difficult”. Many people I know including non-Malays have very high respect for TDM and therefore the actions of those trying to demonise TDM will surely have a boomerang effect.

So my brother, have patience, let’s see how this intrigue develops as it still has a long way to go. The Police should cover all angles including finding out who have the motive in the release the Commission’s findings. Perhaps some interesting BIG names will come out from the investigation. .

mCrossings said...

Sdr Ubaidah,

This is just another spin from Pak Lah's Spin doctors.

Just wait & see who's the real doctor.

This case is so subjective that it will be easily dismissed. Time wasted, and UMNO may not gain further strength that it needs.

Pak Lah has to be stopped before somebody else takes over.

Anwar need to be ferociously attacked and that is not difficult if UMNO unites. Anwar tidak akan boleh menegakkan benang yang basah.

Any rational malaysian will still support BN for economic stability and progress.
what BN need is a make over. The opposition are just dancers. They have no idea what real work is.

Unknown said...

Terima kasih atas komentar setakat ini. Membina dan memberangsangkan.

Namun saya rasa Melayu harus lebih waspada dan tidak terlalu meremehkan perkara-perkara ini - sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit boleh digunakan atas himpunan cabaran sama!

Cik Kiah said...

As'kum saudara,

Kiah berharap "kumpulan" saudara ada ikhtiar untuk menyedarkan orang Melayu. Kiah sendiri sudah letih berbicara dibalik tabir.. harus ada tindakan susulan untuk menyedarkan orang Melayu bahawa kalau "keadilan sempurna" yang dicari-cari itu kelak bisa mencelakakan diri jika tidak disertakan dengan kesedaran tentang kepentingan mempertahankan bangsa dan ugama pada "degree" yang tertentu. wallahualam..

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