Wednesday, September 03, 2008


It's been a few days into Ramadhan and I find myself reflecting how it was the last time. Last Ramadhan, I took advantage of the Malay political tradition of toning it down during the holy month to stop blogging for awhile and reflect upon what I wanted to achieve. This was partly due to feedback from my wife that some of my writting was taking on an unnecessaryly nasty edge then.

I find myself more comfortable with my writing these days, and whilst frustration does lead me to stray towards the overly nasty on occassion, and my wife still wants me to reign in some of the more personal references, the break was useful. I am keen on feedback other than my wife's though on whether there are areas that I can improve, so please comment on this if you are so inclined.

And finally, I hope Muslims will take the opportunity during this holy month to pray for the salvation of our country, our nation and the ummah. For in the end, it is Allah who chooses our leaders and it is through His grace that these leaders are enlightened. We are both instruments and beneficiaries of what Allah deems worthy for us to experience in this world and the next...

He gave us Tun Dr M with all that it entails, Alhamdulillah...

He gave us Pak Lah with all that entails, including perhaps some late awareness of what we gave up when too many of us sighed relief at Tun Dr M's retirement... so however painful, Alhamdulillah...

May Allah provide us with more of the positives or the former and latter and none of the negatives of either... unless He deems the negatives to be best for us...



Abi Ayyub said...

Yes this Ramadhan we should all allow ourself time to reflect, take advantange of this month and seek more "PAHALA"

Of all the days that Ramadhan offers, te final 10 days will be the most important and of those 10 days, 1 night shall be the greatest should we be lucky to witness it. Lailatul Qadar.

Yes, Allah SWT has provided, did we really take the opportunity, Insyallah if we are lucky we can be the few who can get it.

Just do not believe the malay tradition at all, for it is not true, but rather seek from the sources of the Hadith.

May Allah SWT Hidayah be upon you and your family, as well as for those who really seek the truth of ISLAM for the sake of ALLAH alone.

Shortly, we shall fast, and my son is still angry for me not allowing him to buy from the bazar today.

Unknown said...

Abi Ayyub. I find your statement, "Just do not believe the malay tradition at all, for it is not true,..." to be a little bizzare.

We are Muslims and Malay both, and Allah SWT does not ask that we reject our identities and groupings. Else Rasulullah would have forgotten his identity as from Bani Hashim in exempting his clan from receipt of zakat and he would not have made a distiction between Ansar and Muhajirin in Madinah. And Salman RA would not have been known as Al-Farisi...

There is much in what is Malay that is from Islam. There is also much in what is Malay that is Harus. The little that is Makruh and the even lesser Haram that Malays still do are being weaned away as it has been progressively since Malays became Muslims, with little cost to Malay identity.

So how can you make such a bizzare statement abi ayyub, when Allah has deemed it fit for us be various colours and creeds within the ummah?

All in the spirit of Ramadhan...

whackthembugger said...

In this Holy Month of Ramadan, I tend to reflect the dangers encroaching the unity, peace and tranquillity of our people, the Malays and Muslims alike. Not since 1969 have I felt such negative reverberations but with a big difference – the cause for the split among the Malays into generally 3 groupings are a weak PM, an ambitious political and destructive “animal” by the name of DSAI and a party supposedly championing the cause of Islam. The DAP and the human rights group who has little regard for our history and social contract are capitalizing the perceived weakness of the Malays. Still I am hopeful that we Muslims will pray and strive during this blessed month of Ramadan that these negative elements will not in any way cause the destruction of our UMMAH. Insha’allah, He will give the Light of Guidance to us all onto the righteous path.

Premium Business said...

Di Ramadhan yang lepas, tidak banyak aktiviti yang saya lakukan di blog dalam memberi komen dan pendapat, tetapi lewat 2007 terutama 2008 menjadi satu aktiviti 'gian' yang berterusan melayari web blog yang sensasi dengan isu politik.

Apa yang pasti, rasa kemarahan telah diluahkan dengan begitu melampau, tuduhan, kutukan, makian dan pastinya ada fitnah (atas kepercayaan kepada cerita yang disebarkan melalu blog dan 'heersay') kepada individu atau kumpulan tertentu.

Ramadhan ini memberi saya insaf dan mengajar supaya lebih sopan dan berhati hati, dalam lain perkataan besederhana dalam semua perkara itu adalah yang lebih baik.

Bagaimana kita mahu mensucikan dosa kita kepada individu dan kumpulan tertentu tersebut??? Memohon maaf yang bagaimana..lafazkan di blog ini ???
Contoh: Kepada Pak Lah, saya memohon maaf di atas segala kata kata kasar dan tuduhan saya terhadap Pak Lah sepanjang saya berblog ini, tetapi segala yang salah Pak Lah lakukan tetap bersalah dan ia diketahui Allah, balasannya saya pulangkan kepada Allah jua, sekian, terima kasih Paklah.. harapan saya PakLah berundur bukan kerana paklah tidak baik tetapi kerana berundur itu lebih baik..
Agak agaknya begitukah...

Yang lebih penting ketika dapat mengawal perasaan dan kurangkan pemulisan di dalam blog ini, saya berharap sikap yang sama dapat saya lakukan selepas Ramadhan, dalam lain perkataan, kritikan yang ada fakta dan membina..

Akhirnya, betulkah cara saya ini..

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