Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why Is Pak Lah Giving Najib The Finance Ministry?

Wow, seems like my last posting came at the right time. So why is Pak Lah 'swapping' ministries with Najib? Because... THE GLOBAL ECONOMY IS GOING KAPUT!

So, by handing over the MOF to Najib now and taking MinDef for himself, Pak Lah:
  1. Can blame Najib for the difficulties the country will be facing when the waves of economic turmoil hit our country in earnest.

  2. Faces low risk of Najib using MOF's vaunted financial 'muscle' as all the money has already been allocated/promised to Pak Lah's friends and family.

  3. Can have direct access to the army, which he will probably need some day to remain PM forever!

So as usual, the swapping of ministries between Pak Lah and Najib is to benefit Pak Lah, not the country! But at least Pak Lah has made one Freudian slip... he's admitting he can't handle the economy at a time of crisis... ehm, he can handle the economy at all mah?


Unknown said...

Dear Akram,

I cannot help but laugh at Najib's expression when cornered for a confirmation that he would 'not accept any nomination for the top post'. I would describe it aptly as, in your words, terkejut kangkung!

Najib has been played out and he has only himslef to blame for being lembik/soft on Pak Lah.

Dalam bab bab politik ni pak lah tak kurang juga bijaknya, but it stops there.

Hmmm... Kuli, Muhyiddin and mukhriz...they all have to really step it up.

Premium Business said...

Dolah mahu menilai najib dalam hal menangani soal kewangan dan ekonomi negara samalah seperti ketam menyuruh anaknya berjalan betul.

Kedua duanya sudah tiada kredibiliti, dan yang paling malang, najib yang begitu 'bersinar' suatu masa dulu boleh jadi 'malam' dan kelam ketika sebakul dengan dolah. Nyata najib bukanlah dilahirkan hebat sangat cuma dia nampak 'trampil' ketika ada bayang2 Tun.

Memang nyata yang paling ketara mampu dan setanding buat masa ini ialah anwar, cuma anwar sudah termasuk dalam 'ajaran sesat' dan kini sedang giat bermain silap mata yang belum menjadi jadi.

Saya percaya negara akan lebih maju jika berada di tangan orang2 seperti MB Perak dan Lim Eng Guan.

Premium Business said...

Bagaimana pula dengan Muhyiddin - dia hanya akan jadi tukang kipas, hangat2 tahi ayam.

all about food said...

Boleh ke si Najib handle the economic situation and will Scomi get more tender dari kementerian pertahanan. and will POKBODOLAH survive/ wei, bila POK LAH nak letak jawatan. awat la Tun M tak di luluskan kebenaran kembali ke UMNO.

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