Saya sedang menghadiri Persidangan Blogger-Blogger Serantau Malaysia-ASEAN pertama (MARBC singkatan dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Para blogger di Malaysia kekadang terlebih bangga tentang pencapaian kita, terutama blogger sosio-politik (SoPo). Namun dalam tempoh 1 jam pertama, terlalu banyak yang dapat dipelajari dari kekawan jiran kita. Contohnya, di Indonesia, pestaBlogger yang bermula pada 2007 yang berlangsung selama 1 hari bakal berkembang ke acara 2+ hari, termasuk seminar dan kursus menjelang Oktober 2011.
MARBC pertama ini bakal diberikan pengiktirafan rasmi dengan penerimaan Tun Dr Mahathir sebagai penaung penganjurnya, BlogHouse Malaysia, dan perasmian oleh DS Najib Tun Razak esok. Insya'Allah, kita bergerak ke hadapan. Saya juga tak sabar menanti apa lagi pengalaman yang dapat ditimba sepanjang hujung minggu ini!
There Are Many Subtleties And Hidden Meanings, Patterns Leading to Surprising Outcomes, For Us To Consider As We Ponderously Venture With Hope Still Towards A Better Malaysia
Friday, April 22, 2011
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Ngauman MAYC Menggegar KBS
Saya di London, namun walau di sini sayup kedengaran ngauman MAYC yang menggegar Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) tempohari.
Ada seorang tokoh veteran memberi cabaran kepada generasi muda MAYC untuk mempertimbangkan ide menyelamatkan roh MAYC melalui suatu persatuan yang lain. Cadangan ini diperbincangkan pada mesyuarat exco 1 April 2011 selama hampir 4 jam, dan ditolak bulat-bulat! Amnya, generasi ini lebih rela punah mempertahankan warisan MAYC yang asli, dengan nama, lambang dan sejarahnya tanpa putus walau atas alasan untuk 'hidup'. Soalnya, MAYC masih hidup.
Maka AJK MAYC yang ditubuhkan pada 31 Julai 2010 bertekad untuk membuktikan MAYC masih hidup dan berupaya menggegar serta mengancam mereka yang berani mencabuli hak ahli-ahli kelab gabungannya. MAYC masih berkuku dan bertaring untuk merobek-robek mereka yang dengan rakus ingin memunahkannya demi mengaut harta. Maka ratusan ahli dan pemimpin Belia MAYC turun ke Putrajaya dari 10 Negeri pada 8 April 2011... mengaum... SELAMATKAN MAYC!!!
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Building A New Society Whilst Saving An Old One
I am inspired to resume blogging as both NGOs where I aim to serve well made great strides this past week. Also thought it worth me waking up from my stupor and do something better with my on-line time than playing Shogun 2 Total War or wondering when Spurs will start winning again (we left it almost too late last season!)
Blog House Malaysia attended its first function last Sunday night as invitees to the celebration of the early success of Tun Dr Mahathir's Memoirs... 40 Thousand sold as of last Sunday, and counting! We also started talking more seriously about our first marquee event, the 1st Malaysian-ASEAN Regional Bloggers' Conference! Very exciting... With this marquee event, we hope to launch our organisation formally... and so invite all you Bloggers out there to join us!

And what of MAYC? All seems quiet as if we were in a 'cold war' or something. Actually, we are awaiting the results of the appeal by TS Syed Hamid and Syed Rahman's puppet MAYC Exco for the validity of their AGM - it was deemed illegal and invalidated by the Registrar of Youth earlier. The strange thing is that the KSU of the Youth and Sports Ministry (KBS), Dato' Mohid, who heads the appeal panel, actually officiated TS Syed Hamid's AGM! Conflict of interest no?
We shall see with great interest. On our side, it actually gives us great confidence that the inherent conflict of interest, with the KSU refusing to recuse himself when asked, means that if TS Syed Hamid's AGM succeeds in the appeal, which was held without a legal quorum and so dienfranchised so many members, we have grounds for an appeal and legal recourse! The MACC is still investigating them all of course...
So, much happening in the quiet. Anyway, as a final word, I was on radio for the first time last Saturday! BFM invited me under the recommendation of an old friend to take part in a debate on AFFIRMATIVE ACTION! Hah! How could I say no! So, for those who would like to have a listen, please check out the podcast at this link.
BFM introduced me as both President of MAYC AND VP of Blog House Malaysia... so acknowledging my 2 current passions where NGO movements are concerned - saving an old Society whilst building a new one... ironic considering my views expressed at BFM!
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