Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another First For Tun Dr Mahathir: The First Visitor Ayah Could Speak To!

Ayah's situation alhamdulillah improved significantly enough this late morning for the respirator tube to be removed. His situation still keeps him under critical care, but for once he has just an oxygen mask and far fewer drugs keeping him stable.

Nyak and I were just waiting to return to his bedside when who was to appear other than Tun Dr Mahathir himself! Fortunately also, Ayah was still wide awake when Tun arrived, hence allowing Tun the opportunity to be the first of Ayah's visitors able to converse with him since the procedure. The exchange was short, but we are grateful for the visit as Tun has advised REST as the ultimate cure. The effect of the visit has also been positive for Ayah's morale we think.

Unfortunately, my obesity was an item of discussion... for good reason... and which I endured nor just in good grace but happiness...

Ayah Kembali Berkomunikasi

Alhamdulillah, jurublog dapat berkomunikasi dengan Ayah buat kali pertama menjelang Maghrib sebentar tadi. Oleh kerana mulutnya masih penuh dengan saluran pernafasan, beliau hanya mampu menulis beberapa perkataan di atas kertas untuk meminta sesuatu, bertanya atau meluahkan perasaan. Antara lain, beliau bertanyakan khabar blog ini.

Insya'Allah, ini petanda beliau semakin pulih, namun Dr masih mahukan beliau diberi perhatian terperinci barang 1-2 malam lagi.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Demam Ayah Reda Sedikit, Terima Kasih Atas Doa

Semalam jurublog mengambil keputusan untuk ke Melaka bagi menyertai mesyuarat kerja pada sebelah petang. Ini memandangkan Ayah masih belum stabil, walaupun tekanan darahnya tanpa bantuan ubat tinggi sedikit dari hari sebelumnya; beliau masih memerlukan ubat-ubatan untuk kekal pada tahap yang dikira 'normal'. Saya agak yakin Ayah semakin lega, sekaligus tak mungkin cukup stabil untuk diberi rawatan lanjutan oleh Doktornya semalam.

Sekembali dari Melaka, jurublog mendapat berita baik yang secara peribadi menimbulkan rasa kecewa atas keputusan untuk kembali bertugas. Pertama sekali, jurublog kembali ke KL agak lewat dan terlepas dari menyertai acara doa selamat bagi Ayah yang diatur adik-adik, disertai oleh ramai keluarga dan sahabat akrab Ayah. Kedua, saya terlepas juga peluang melihat sendiri kedudukan Ayah yang semakin pulih di hospital.

Ayah pulih sedikit menjelang lewat petang semalam, tetapi masih dalam keadaan kritikal. Demamnya alhamdulillah sudah surut dan beliau buat kali pertama dapat berkomunikasi sepatah dua secara bertulis (beliau tak boleh bersuara kerana kerongkongnya dipenuhi tiub oksigen ke paru-paru) dengan Nyak (panggilan ibu jurublog) sebelum terlena kembali hasil lalian ubat. Pulihnya mungkin sedikit, tetapi kami bersyukur setidak-tidaknya keadaan beliau tidak semakin buruk.

Ayah, TS Sanusi Junid, masih memerlukan kiriman doa semua yang sudi memohon kurnia Allah swt untuk memulihkan kesihatan beliau. Semalam, keluarga dari Indonesia semakin ramai sampai dan semakin ramai kunjungan di terima di hospital, walaupun kebanyakan penunjung kecewa kerana tidak dapat masuk menjenguk Ayah. Namun kami berterima-kasih dan memohon semua untuk setidak-tidaknya mengirim doa sahaja. Wallahualam...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pengasas ABIM Masih Dalam Keadaan Kritikal - ABIM Founder Still In Critical State

Pada tahun 1971, seorang anak Melayu yang ingin berdakwah telah mendapati dirinya serta kawan-kawan berpendidikan bukan 'pondok' amnya ditolak oleh para tokoh agama yang lazimnya kelahiran sistem 'pondok' dari terlibat dalam memimpin aktiviti keagamaan. Atas niat murni mewujudkan 'platform' untuk berdakwah bagi anak-anak muda Melayu, terutama lepasan jurusan universiti yang bukan berbentuk keagamaan, ADAM telah dicadangkan.

ADAM, atau Angkatan DAkwah Malaysia, dibiayai penuh penubuhannya oleh anak Melayu demikian, yang pada masa tersebut merupakan antara pegawai bank tertinggi jawatannya di kalangan rakyat Malaysia, seorang insan bernama Sanusi bin Junid. Namun nama ADAM telah dipohon pertukaran namanya oleh seorang ahli barunya untuk membolehkannya terlibat dengan aktiviti belia berpersatuan. Maka ADAM bertukar nama kepada ABIM, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia.

Dari awal penubuhannya, TS Sanusi telah mengusahakan agar ABIM mekar subur sebagai sebuah NGO ulung, walau membelakangi dirinya sebagai pengasas. Maka, walaupun ABIM ditubuhkan dan didaftarkan pada alamat rumah beliau di No.3, Lorong Batai Dalam, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur, TS Sanusi telah memilih seorang tokoh agama muda yang lebih unggul untuk menerajui ABIM sebagai Presidennya yang pertama, yakni (Prof Dr) Ghazali Nawawi.

Jasa awal TS Sanusi sebagai Pengasas dan Naib Presiden ABIM pertama kini masih dikenang oleh para pemimpin veteran ABIM yang masih ikhlas memikul perjuangan asalnya, termasuklah Profesor Datuk Dr Sidek Baba, dan juga para pemimpinnya yang lebih muda tetapi tak kurang unggulnya, seperti pemimpin kes membantah pendaftaran Lina Joy, Dr Yusri Mohamad. Pada kumpulan inilah kesedihan kini melanda mendengarkan keadaan kesihatan TS Sanusi.

Buat pengetahuan pembaca, Ayah jurublog, yakni TS Sanusi Junid, walaupun kini semakin pulih statistik kesihatannya, seperti tekanan darahnya, di bawah pemantauan Dr-Drnya, namun masih dalam keadaan yang merisaukan, apatah lagi apabila suhu badan beliau kelihatan melonjak ke paras demam pada akhir siang semalam. Namun kita hanya mampu berdoa ke hadrat Ilahi agar memanjangkan umur TS Sanusi agar jasanya bertambah dan terus dihargai.

Dengan ini, kaum keluarga besar TS Sanusi memohon semua yang sudi untuk mengambil kesempatan barakah hari Jumaat ini untuk mendoakan kesihatan beliau. Sumbangan semua yang sudi amatlah dihargai.

It is among the sources of greatest pain to Ayah I am sure, though it has always remained relatively well hidden, that he, TS Sanusi Junid, was never formally acknowledged as the THE founder of ABIM by the organisation itself. It would seem that in the drive to project DS Anwar Ibrahim as a great leader, many even of the original cohort are happy to commit the sin of bearing false witness that it is supposedly Anwar Ibrahim who founded ABIM!

Unfortunately for nay-sayers of TS Sanusi's involvement in ABIM, there is too much historical documentation that backs the truth. For instance, the articles of formation of ABIM clearly states TS Sanusi as the founding Vice President, with ABIM registered at his home address! Anwar Ibrahim's name as a key office bearer was conspicuously absent! This was as Anwar was leading the Muslim Students' NGO, PKPIM, and chasing the Malaysian Youth Council (MBM) too!

There is no denying that DS Anwar was the source of the name ABIM, proposed to replace the original name ADAM to enable him to use ABIM as a vehicle to remain active in Youth politics after his departure from university. But therein one sees Anwar's involvement was always laced in self interest. Perhaps this is why many ABIM activists from the earliest days, such as Prof. Datuk Dr Sidek Baba, has since abandoned DS Anwar for their original leader, TS Sanusi Junid.

It is to these sincere campaigners of Islam as well as many other friends and those touch by TS Sanusi Junid's deeds that his family now turns to for assistance in the form of doa on this Friday. May your good words beseeching Allah swt to grant my Ayah more time on this earth to continue contributing his wisdom, time and energy, results in Allah swt granting us such a pleasure. With all sincerity.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Doa Untuk Ayah, A Prayer For Ayah

Ayah jurublog malam tadi telah dikejarkan ke hospital dan selesai periksa, terus melalui rawatan emergency angioplasti. Beliau kini masih berada dalam keadaan kritikal sementara dibiarkan berehat seketika sebelum doktor meneruskan rawatan. Kami sekeluarga kini tak putus berdoa sementara menanti usaha terkini para doktor Ayah. Sudilah para pembaca mendoakan semoga Allah dapat mengurniakan lagi umur masa Ayah bersama kami ...

Kata akhir Ayah sebelum masuk ke bilik rawatan merupakan teguran kepada saya dan adik-adik lelaki untuk menurunkan berat badan demi mengelak dari terjebak dalam perangkap sakit jantung yang sama menghadapinya sekarang ...

Please lend a prayer all who may dein to so as Allah may allow us some more time with Ayah. He is critically ill, his heart ...

Mass: ~105kg

Monday, July 11, 2011

Winners And Losers Of Bersih 2.0 As Well As A (Local) Hidden Hand...

Claims and counter-claims abound about who are the winners or losers coming out the Bersih 2.0 demos on Saturday. Here are my opinions:

The People of KL: BIGGEST LOSERS! The demo disrupted KL life such that the demonstrators, not the police, are being blamed, unlike for Bersih 1.0! I have heard from people as varied as Shiela Majid (on twitter) and my son's elderly Chinese Chess coach express their disappointment at the so called 'leaders' disrupting and disturbing people's lives. What more the brides and grooms as well as other for which the day should have been memorable for better reasons!

The People of Malaysia: Losers, but not too big me-thinks. The biggest concern would have been if this led to loss of investor confidence, etc. But considering how relatively tame the demos were and the relatively balanced coverage by the international media, such as by the BBC, as well as many people having visited Malaysia over the years, knowing much of this is just opposition political propaganda, the damage I believe has been relatively limited.

Bersih 2.0: Losers, but not too big either as they seem to be feeling good about themselves! Quote delusional this, as they were talking about getting 500,000 to demo, ended up having to claim only a 10% turnout of 50,000, whilst even independent analysts can only confirm an attendance of 10,000! Actually, quite a pathetic performance considering Dato' Ambiga's and Pakatan Rakyat's previous claims.

Perkasa (& known Allied NGOs): BIG WINNERS! They did not turn up in the end, hence will be taking the credit for being respectful to the Agong, to the police, the authorities, as well as concerned with the impact on the city's people! And sure enough, Dato' Ibrahim Ali has wasted no time seizing the moral high ground by criticising Bersih 2.0, especially Dato' Ambiga!

Patriot (or KJ's gang cum 'Pemuda UMNO'): Indifferent. No one really knows what they were trying to do, maybe just piggy-back ride on Perkasa's crowd? In the end, their smaller numbers were quite insignificant, and still had to suffer being water-cannoned by the police! KJ was lauded by some UMNO reps at the gathering at PWTC yesterday, but they were following a cue, and Patriot remains an organisation in a limbo legally that has achieved... nothing!

DS Anwar Ibrahim: Loser. This was probably going to be DS Anwar's swansong as demos go, as he is likely to spend a long time in prison due to Saiful. Surely he must be disappointed that he did not manage to lead a massive enough procession, so much so that news of him falling and needing the hospital was about the best coverage he could achieve... pathetic! At least no one pointed out Bersih 2.0's poor turnout is proof the DS Anwar did nothing but Hijack Bersih 1.0!

The Police: Indifferent. Actually, the police managed the situation quite well. However, I find it hard to see people agreeing to the use of any force such as water-cannons etc on demonstrators. However, the people are so annoyed by Bersih 2.0, they would probably have some respect towards the Police for doing their job that day and keeping their peace.

DS Najib: Marginal Winner. I actually had DS Najib down as Loser or Indifferent until I saw photos of his Walkabout around KL on Sunday. That was EXCELLENT! May not have addressed all the questions of the management of Bersih 2.0 over the weeks or indeed the stadium alternative debacle, for which he cannot shoulder all the blame, but the Walkabout was in welcome contrast to the life-disrupting Bersih 2.0 activity.

So, what was the point of the Bersih 2.0 demo on Saturday? That is a rhetorical question which answer is... IT WAS FOR NOTHING! There is much that the people of KL has suffered from Dr Ambiga and her Pakatan friends, but enough for many KL-ites to return to BN if PRU-13 was tomorrow? Maybe not, but DS Anwar and his allies did not gain much, but lost some on Saturday, 9 July, 2011.

On the Hidden Hand... many conspiracy stories have been flying around about 'foreign influence' upon Ambiga and her Bersih 2.0 leadership. However, it may be of interest to many that by far the biggest contributor to Dato' Ambiga's Bersih 2.0's so called 'success', with advice, influence though perhaps less money, is a LOCAL! A PROMINENT LOCAL! ONE WHO IS CLOSE TO BN's LEADERSHIP AND CAN SEE THE AGONG! But who is this 'Dalang'...

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