Event : PZ Peaceful Protest against MRT Line which is affecting our living environment.
Date/time : 20.11.2012, Tuesday @ 9.45am
Participants : All Pinggir Za'aba residents
There Are Many Subtleties And Hidden Meanings, Patterns Leading to Surprising Outcomes, For Us To Consider As We Ponderously Venture With Hope Still Towards A Better Malaysia
Monday, November 19, 2012
Pinggir Za'aba Protest Against MRT Co Management On Tuesday 20 November 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
MRT Co Not In Control Of Its Contractors? Then Who Are?
Date: Thursday, November 8, 2012, 11:14 AM
Dear Xxxxxxx, Xxx and Xxxxx,
I believe works has stopped in the area. My commitment remains that we will re-start works after we complete the engagement we promised.
Again, my email and my number (017 6xxx 5xxx) remains accessible to all of you for contact.
Thank you again for the patience displayed.
Warm regards,
On 15 November 2012 20:03, Xxxxx wrote:
Dear Amir Mahmood,
Last week I complained to you about sudden start of construction work, the excessive noise and the late hour that the construction work was being carried out by your contractors. You told me that you would take immediate action, and on November 8, 2012, 11:14:15 AM had given us, the residence of PZ the assurance via e-mail, Quote " I believe works has stopped in the area. My commitment remains that we will re-start works after we complete the engagement we promised." (Meaning a dialogue between the residents of PZ and MRTCo was to be held before any construction was to begin )
Yesterday to our utter horror we received a written notice telling us that work will resume on Friday,16 November 2012 with work hours 7.00am to 12.00 midnight (Monday to Saturday) My phone had since been ringing non stop by calls from furious residents demanding to know just what is going on. We consider this a serious breach of promise and cannot accept this latest turn of events. Can you please explain your self.
Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 22:23
Dear All,
On Monday night (12/11), i received an sms from Bhavani from MMC-Gamuda informing me they are scheduling a follow-up engagement session with PZ residents on Friday (16/11) at TTDI Info Centre and will be sending out invitation letters to residents and email to me by 14/11 morning.
This afternoon, Bhavani send me another sms stating that the engagement has been postponed to a later date.
Xxxxx (A different one from above)
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
MRT Co Continues Dire Record Of Empty Promises Towards Klang Valley Voters
The noise we experienced would be louder than what can be heard via this recording of course. In addition, this was from behind the sound barrier and we expect further piling works to be even more noisy! This went on till 9.30 pm! Good luck putting your babies to bed during that time! To think that some of us will have these machines IN FRONT OF OUR HOMES in time!
One of the residents of Pinggir Za'aba most affected by this noise reported the case to DBKL. Here is her report to us her neighbours:
reported the case to DBKL re the noise and vibration disturbance and the contractor's long operating hours till 930pm yesterday and over the weekends (Sat & Sun). The officer in-charge recorded my complain and gave me a Complain Ref No. to report the complaint again if the contractor still works after 6pm today, then DBKL will send their officers to visit the site immediately and issue stop work order on the spot. Somehow, few hours later (ard 1130am), the officer in-charge called me again and said that when he brought my complain to the relevant department in MRTCo, they were advised by MRTCo that all MRT related complains have to be reported and handled by MRTCo directly, DBKL is not in the position to take up such complain (!!!). So, the DBKL officer advised me to report our complain to MRTCO instead. Meantime, he further advised that we can write to DBKL for necessary action if MRTCo fail to attend to our complain and address the issue accordinglyWah, so powerful MRT Co man! Can say to DBKL, the responsible municipal body, that they cannot take in complaints! Actually, such arrogance from MRT Co is quite familiar to us residents of Pinggir Za'aba. It setms from the MRT Co CEO's belief that he is responsible to the PM, DS Najib Tun Razak alone! In doing so, he forgets his place and he allows his people to treat DS Najib's bosses, THE VOTERS, to be treated poorly and in arrogance! Camana nak menang PRU13 ni!
By the way, yesterday night, the noise was still going on till 8.30pm. MRT Co's arrogance and empty promises continue...
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Nurul Izzah Sepatutnya Sibuk Dengan Obama-Romney, Bukan Isu Murtad!
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Jurublog Tengah Ghairah Berhujah Di Astro Awani |
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Nurul Izzah Anwar kan dan PENING sebab tak biarkan isu Agama dijawab Tok Guru je! (NST pic) |
Monday, November 05, 2012
Is Hj Hadi Honourably Bowing Out By Challenging DS Najib In Pekan?
- Hj Hadi's leadership of his party has been increasingly undermined over the period of his tenure. In the first place, Tok Guru Nik Aziz's role as an unelected spiritual chief seems ever at odds with him on some quite temporal matters. I would not see him as being too comfortable staying in the role if he keeps being treated like so.
- The loss of YB Nasharuddin Mat Isa to YB Mat Sabu must still rankle. Whilst Hj Hadi is ever pragmatic as a politician that has survived the ups and downs of politics for so long, I am sure he would prefer YB Nasha as his presumed successor to be groomed - the younger, more educated and urbane man being more suited to attract the more educated younger generation to the party.
- Hj Hadi is also likely feeling the physical limits of his age now. Word on the ground in Marang over the last Hari Raya Haji was that he could not do the full circuit of mosques in his constituency to participate in the physical slaughtering of the animals for 'Qurban'. He had to delegate half as he was not fit enough. This may also be the reason why he does not 'turun padang' as actively as before.
- Hj Hadi may end up losing in Marang this time around as UMNO and BN in the area has revived, with Dato' Rahman Bakar, the 'giant-killer' who had beaten Hj Hadi before likely to be involved in PRU13, either as a candidate or at least as a key contributor to any BN campaign.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
AES, MRT Co And What's Wrong With Our Value System(?)
Putting aside the false promises of the past, Pinggir Za'aba residents now face fresh insults. In an engagement by MRT Co with residents on 3 September 2012, MRT Co and its contractors, led by its 'Director of Staregic Communications and Public Relations', Amir Mahmood Abdul Razak, had promised to address some of the issues raised by the residents regarding the safety issues and mitigation measures to be put in place to safeguard the well-being of residents during the project. We were promised another engagement in 2 weeks time.
This engagement never materialised and now, more than 2 months hence, residents of Pinggir Za'aba are still awaiting the follow up engagement. This actually makes MRT Co's Director of Strategic Communications a liar (!) ... wonder who he's emulating? In the meantime, these 'strategic communicators' at MRT Co have chosen to forget Pinggir Za'aba, by instead:
- Ceasing to engage the community with regards to works due to commence in the area. This despite surveyors from at least one contractor company parking in Pinggir Za'aba to access planned construction areas and portions of the sound barrier separating the road from the LDP Highway overpass already marked for some mysterious and surely dastardly reasons.
- Stepping up a major PR campaign with Millions of RM spent on Media Buy, contests, engagement of the general public mostly not affected by the MRT as well as running an mobile propaganda vehicle! I kid you not, rather than resolve the DEIA requirements to ensure the well-being of affected neighbourhoods, they'd rather convince everyone all is well instead!
- Advising anyone in power, a complaints committee involving the new Chief Secretary of the Government (KSN) said to be the most recent, or who would ask that all is well at Pinggir Za'aba! Why? Because 'we have been quiet!
Perhaps the reason why MRT Co is behaving this was is not really their fault? Maybe it's because they do not understand what are the primary grouses presented by the residents of Pinggir Za'aba on 3 September 2012? Did it not compute that we were really worried about the health effect from dust, sound and vibration from the project to be built in front of our homes? Maybe they don't understand the traffic safety issues and inconvenience we will face? Perhaps they are surprised when asked for further guarantees that we will not be invaded by foreign workers cum part-time robbers on our streets!
Then I see the behaviour of some of our so called 'political leaders' regarding the AES implementation, meant to save lives on the road, regardless of their political affiliation. I find it amazing that a PAS VP and an UMNO Youth Leader could come to a closer agreement over the AES than over whether they are both going to the same heaven! It seems to them and whomsoever their supporters are, a system like AES that saves lives is not worthwhile as it is an 'inconvenience' to Malaysians. No wonder then MRT Co's rampant disregard of our neighbourhood's safety, it's inconvenient!
So, OK, let us accept then that all these people, MRT Co, the anti-AES people, are all just sharing the same values that looks at people's lives and general well-being is cheap... cheap... not worth the public inconvenience of any effort to be improved! So let us at least draw a line that differentiates them, at least so far... at least the anti-AES mob so far are not LIARS! Unlike MRT Co who are LIARS! MRT Co' Director of Strategic Communications himself cannot keep to a promise to engage us in Pinggir Za'aba. His boss is a liar too, but that is for the courts...
In any case, I think the Malaysian value system needs a small reboot in this case - hopefully for a minority rather than the majority of the population. The AES matters. Keeping affected neighbourhoods safe during MRT construction matters. Else all the material benefits we hope to enjoy by 2020 would be worth not as much to a society bereft of proper, civlised values...
Why Is Pakatan Rakyat Campaigning So Early?
- It's a budgetary issue! PKR budgetted for PRU13 to be held this year and had received financing from their overseas funders for campaign paraphernalia to be spent before year end. If PKR does not spend the money, they may have to return the money to Soros and co! So, might as well spend first meh before year end!
- Some of the PKR folks with kids in Government schools are freaking out seeing scenes like this in schools all over the country.
PKR feels pressed to react... doesn't matter how, just react! - PKR has come to a realisation that it cannot be too linked to its de-facto leader, DS Anwar Ibrahim, any more as he is starting to become a liability now what his many 'peculiarities'. So? Time to 'brand-build'! No wonder you have PKR posters with no DSAI around! (One distinct possibility related to this is that they have conceded losing PRU13 and are planning for PRU14 already!)
- PKR has come to realise it cannot compete with PAS and DAP for many seats in the elections because, it doesn't have enough members to generate enough viable, let alone winnable, candidates! So, its actually a desparate recruiting exercise they are in - not campaigning for PRU13 la!
Thursday, November 01, 2012
How Experienced Competent Winnable Candidates (Minister!) Can Lose BN PRU13

First Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Beware The Rise Of The Barrarian!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
55 Years Merdeka; MRT Co: Janji TIDAK Ditepati
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
WHO In The Selangor Government PROFITS From The Talam Scandal?
I suppose RM125 Million is too much money for even DS Anwar to ignore, as in supporting this deal, he actually backed up TS Khalid Ibrahim in his clash with then PKR Secretary-General Datuk Salahuddin Hashim. Datuk Salahuddin Hashim left PKR and began criticising DS Anwar some 2 months after the entire drama around Talam ended at the Selangor State Assembly. Ironically, TS Khalid Ibrahim now wants to appoint 5 separate audit firms to audit the Talam deal! I understand TS Khalid is not so close to DS Anwar any more, so, is this an effort for TS Khalid to reveal the truth behind the Talam deal?
So, the deal DS Anwar supported for Selangor State agencies to buy Talam water over land, buildings with no tenants on dodgy land, etc. is detailed with much complication here. How Anwar profits from the Talam Scandal is shown in the graphic below. Of course, this is very simplistic. We suspect more shenanigans than this as during this time, Talam was on the verge of being re-listed (so you can ask the confusing question of why Abrar Discounts wanted to sell the Talam paper!?) and Talam even lost an influential royal person as a Director and discontinued its relationship with highly reputable accountants Deloitte Kassim Chan!
But... the story does not end there! For the deal for Abrar Discount's Talam paper to go through, Danaharta had to be party to it. So who in Danaharta agreed to this and why? All legal we are sure, but...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Perebutan Harta Di Sebalik Pembatalan MAYC?
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Percaturan Politik Punca Pembatalan MAYC?
Tarikh 7 Julai 2012 seharusnya tercacat sebagai tarikh berkat bagi Persatuan Kelab-Kelab Belia Malaysia (MAYC) Kebangsaan. Pada tarikh tersebut, sebuah Mesyuarat Agung pemilihan yang menyatukan semula MAYC seharusnya dilangsungkan. Malangnya, rentetan penghancuran budaya Belia MAYC yang berlanjutan sejak tahun 2002 demi kepentingan politik individu, Mesyuarat Agung tersebut mungkin sekali akan membawa MAYC ke ambang pembatalan sebagai sebuah organisasi.
Kisah bagaimana sebuah organisasi yang dikagumi pada penghujung abad lepas, tapak latihan kemimpinan hebat tokoh seagung Tun Dr Mahathir dan pembangunan jutaan warga Belia sejak sebelum Merdeka boleh kini bakal punah sama-sekali akan jurublog rekodkan di sini dengan harapan ia dapat dielakkan menjelang 7 Julai 2012 kelak.
Rencana DS Shabery Cheek
Pada bulan Oktober lepas, DS Shabery Cheek telah memutuskan untuk menyelamatkan MAYC dari pembatalan melalui sepucuk surat yang dengan jelas memberi garis-panduan menuju perpaduan:
1 - Kepimpinan MAYC diserahkan ke tangan Jawatankuasa pilihan TS Syed Hamid Albar yg dipilih pada Mesyuarat Agung bertarikh 26 September 2010. Ini berniat menyejukkan hati para penyokong TS Syed Hamid Albar serta anak-anak buahnya.
2 - Penyerahan kuasa tersebut bersyaratkan MAYC Kebangsaan mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung pemilihan yang baru menjelang bulan Mac 2012. Mesyuarat Agung tersebut disyaratkan juga wajib menyatu-padukan kembali kedua pihak yang berbalah.
Syarat diadakan Mesyuarat Agung tersebut berniat memuaskan hati pihak lagi satu yang dipimpin barisan Pengerusi-Pengerusi Negeri, Kawasan serta ahli Jawatankuasa Pro-tem pimpinan YB Suraya Yaacob, termasuklah jurublog, anak bekas Presiden MAYC sebelum TS Syed Hamid, iaitu TS Sanusi Junid. Ia juga berdasarkan kesedaran DS Shabery yang dengan menyegerakan peralihan kepimpinan MAYC, generasi baru akan berupaya ke hadapan tanpa gangguan berterusan hasil perbalahan orang-orang lama MAYC.
3 - Untuk menjamin kepatuhan kepimpinan MAYC dibawah kePresidenan Mustaffa Mat Arof, disertakan syarat bahawa sekiranya Mesyuarat Agung pemilihan dan penyatuan MAYC Kebangsaan tidak diadakan menjelang Mac 2012, MAYC Kebangsaan pasti terbatal.
Mustaffa Ingkar Menteri Bermodalkan Jajaan Nama Perdana Menteri
Malangnya, Mustaffa telah mengingkari arahan DS Shabery, bukan sekadar dengan menunda Mesyuarat Agung pemilihan MAYC tetapi dengan memerangi secara berterus-terusan para Pengerusi Negeri serta Kawasan yang dahulunya berbalah dengan beliau sebagai pilihan TS Syed Hamid Albar dan kuncu-kuncunya seperti Datuk Zaini Ahmad, Tuan Syed Rahman Tuan Kuning serta Tuan Hashim.
Mustaffa melakukan pengingkaran beliau terhadap arahan DS Shabery dengan bermodalkan kedudukan beliau sebagai seorang Naib Ketua Pemuda Bahagian di Pahang yang kononnya rapat dengan pejabat Perdana Menteri, termasuklah Setiausaha Politik DS Najib, Datuk Sahlan serta YB Norol Azali, Naib Ketua Bahagian Bera. Sesungguhnya, kemungkinan besar DS Najib sendiri tidak tahu-menahu tentang tindak-tanduk Mustaffa, cuma sekadar ditunggang nama baiknya.
Maka Mustaffa ke hulu-hilir menjaja ide yang MAYC Kebangsaan setuju menunda Mesyuarat Agung Pemilihan sehingga selepas PRU 13. Ini dilakukannya tanpa adanya apa-apa usul pun yang dicadangkan apatah lagi diluluskan untuk menunda Mesyuarat Agung pemilihan 2012 tersebut pada Mesyuarat Agung tahunan MAYC pada Disember 2011. Pihak KBS, dan pasti juga pejabat Perdana Menteri juga tidak pernah meminda arahan DS Shabery tersebut.
Tetapi kenapakah Mustaffa begitu beria-ia melakukan demikian? Ini tidak lain kerana beliau berharap dengan kedudukan Presiden MAYC Kebangsaan ditangannya, beliau akan berjaya merebut tempat sebagai calon Wakil Rakyat Parlimen Jerantut menggantikan Ketua Bahagianna, YBM Tunku Azlan, pada PRU 13. Sesungguhnya kepentingan politik yang dikejarnya terbukti dengan kempen blog yang dilancarkan teman-temannya di Jerantut sejurus beliau disahkan Presiden MAYC Kebangsaan.
Bukan Mustaffa Pemula Budaya Menunggang MAYC Ke Jawatan Politik
Malah bukan Mustaffa seorang sahaja yang menunggang kedudukannya di MAYC untuk mencapai sasaran politik. Ada juga pemimpin lain dalam barisannya yang berlaku demikian. Tetapi Mustaffa bukanlah pemula budaya menunggang MAYC ke jawatan politik. Tokoh yang memulakan budaya ini tak lain dari Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar.
Ramai pemerhati bersalah anggap apabila melihat TS Syed Hamid Albar maju dalam politik pada era Tun Dr Mahathir. Ramai menyangkakan yang ini kerana legasi ayahanda beliau sebagai bekas Ketua Pemuda UMNO. Samalah juga ramai berfikir beliau orang Johor kerana menjadi ahli Parlimen Kota Tinggi sekian lama, beliau sebenarnya orang Pulau Pinang. Sebenarnya, TS Syed Hamid diangkat ke kedudukan Menteri atau saranan TS Sanusi Junid kepada Tun Dr Mahathir agar seorang lagi pemimpin MAYC diberi peluang menyertai kabinetnya.
Malah, TS Syed Hamid yang tak jauh umur dari TS Sanusi menyedari perkara ini apabila memohon peluang menggantikan TS Sanusi sebagai Presiden pada tahun 2000. Beliau telah mengakui pada masa itu bahawa kedudukannya sebagai Presiden MAYC demi mengekalkan kedudukan politiknya. Oleh kerana mereka masih berkawan pada masa itu, TS Sanusi telah bersetuju. (Sesalan TS Sanusi direkodkan di blog beliau)
TS Syed Hamid Mempermainkan Mesyuarat Agung Demi Mengekalkan Kuasa
Usaha mengekalkan MAYC sebagai tunggangan politik beliaulah di sebalik pembatalan pencalonan DS Zahid Hamidi dengan pembatalan pendaftaran MAYC Negeri Perak dan Negeri Johor pada Mesyuarat Agung MAYC Kebangsaan tahun 2012. Ini juga di sebalik penundaan Mesyuarat Agung pemilihan 2004 kemudian kejadian baling kerusi pada Mesyuarat Agung pemilihan 2005 apabila TS Syed Hamid dicabar Naib Ketua MAYC Kawasan Jerantut, Mustaffa Mat Arof! Ini jugalah sebab kenapa MAYC Kebangsaan pimpinan TS Syed Hamid tidak mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung selama 5 tahun selepas tahun 2005.
Pak Lah sendiri apabila ditanya kenapakah TS Syed Hamid kekal dalam kabinet beliau pada masa beliau Perdana Menteri mengakui TS Syed Hamid dipilih kerana beliau masih Presiden MAYC Kebangsaan pada masa itu. Ramai yang tidak tahu yang kekalnya jawatan TS Syed Hamid adalah melalui salah-laku pengurusan Mesyuarat Agung MAYC Kebangsaan. Jelas jugalah Mustaffa telah menerima pengajaran ini dari TS Syed Hamid serta kuncu-kuncunya.
Tetapi adakah kepentingan serta tunggangan politik sahaja yang menjadi punca merudum hingga ke ambang pembatalan MAYC? Tidak sama-sekali. Malah isu harta MAYC Kebangsaan juga tak boleh dilupakan dan inilah juga antara sebab pokok kenapa jurublog serta 'tim'nya ditolak oleh kuncu-kuncu TS Syed Hamid sebagai pengganti kepimpinan. Kisah ini bersambung dengan perebutan harta tersebut.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Introducing Nyanyak's Aces!
Today is a big day! OK, it is already a big day being one of this blogger's son's 8th birthday. However the same son woke this bloggers up early this morning declaring he wants to go for his first gift, a chess tournament today, where for the first time we will contest as a family team!
The photo above showcases the team as it stands now, with this blogger as team Manager and 'all-round' Ayah! The team's name, Nyanyak's Aces, is in honour of the all sacrificing Nyanyak of course! She has had to stay home to take care of our 'pelapis', but will join us for lunch.
Not sure if we would win anything, but we looked smug in the photo as at least we know we won't be last having won that (second) round. Points will be hard to come by after this with so many strong players! And the team manager sees this as a big day being the first Chess Tournament I've played in after some 27 years!
Hope I don't drag my kids down!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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Earthquake location some 434 km from Banda Acheh, 963 km from Kuala Lumpur Courtesy of USGS |
Monday, April 09, 2012
The False Redemption Of Shahrizat Jalil
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Investment Choices: Kids' Activities! 1Malaysia Too!
Chess weekends coming fast and furious over the weekends of April, beginning yesterday as March closes actually! My two elder sons r on the final Swiss round of the KL Scholastic where a lower turnout than expected by organisers is compensated by the appearance of some 40% of 'new faces'!
No surprise that numbers of circuit 'regulars' are down as mothers and even kids reprioritise. My son's regular sparring partner had to go to Maths tuition after weeks of missing and even my daughter had to favour Tunas Puteri this weekend in order to get her 'Calit Emas'.
A few observations here. One is on how parents will see the choices to invest their own and their kids' time presenting increased challenges over time. Sure, if a child displays extraordinary talent, choices become obvious, but for the common parent, it is the toil, time and money that will help grow their child's abilities.
One would also think that choices favouring academics are also obvious, but really, they are not always so. Lets say your child has a chance to become a state player then perhaps even play internationally, many parents would allow the skipping of classes and tuition surely.
Another observation today was how 1Malaysia the Chess tourney looked. Having been used to a Chess field being so predominated by Chinese players, it seemed that a more 1Malaysia mix seen at the venue, ironically being Asrama 1Malaysia at Titiwangsa. A slightly Chinese majority still, but a better mix.
Photo is taken using Paper Pictures app. Cool huh?
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Third Force Arises In Malaysian Politics

I have been speaking with many, again, about the possibility of a 'Third Force' arising in Malaysian politics, but with little personal conviction. Tonight I see such a force actually coming together as a culmination of the dedicated effort of 2 friends with a smile.
Perhaps what we need is a different view as to what constitutes such a 'Third Force'. Tonight we see it bring together a political legend and a new generation of those who care in both old and new media. Tonight, Teh Tarik Bersama YB comes of age...
Monday, March 26, 2012
24 Hours In Kuching; Food, Work And Politics Abound!
The above green house, known literally as Rumah Hijau, is a Cafe where we had lunch at, enjoying a nasi lemak Ayam Penyek, followed by Roti Pisang Coklat, hence having a taste of both Malay and Neo-Indian cuisine in Kuching. l already had my Laksa Sarawak fix for Breakfast and was 'forced' to enjoy a variety of barbecued meats at the Carvery at Abel Hotel the night before! I was well and assuredly stuffed even before the seafood dinner (with sayur bilin) that was my send off!
(Actually, I was also surprised that Jahabar's list was so short with 5 items... and with one item being not too important really to the common electorate. Perhaps further evidence of his writting being conjecture more than insider!)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The KL And Malaysian Chess Community
This blogger is on the morning shift today with kids at the regular Insofar meet in KL. The system is cool in that it pits players across all ages whilst awarding prizes by age and other groups. It also has a scheme to encourage kids to continue tournament play with a 'scholarship' that pays for playing beyond a first few tourneys.
But what moved me to blog on today wasn't the program but my joy at seeing my kids joining the vibrant community of Chess players in the country. Whilst still very much centred around their school, they have progressively become tournament regulars around KL, such that even my standard 2 boy was familiarly greeted by an adult upon registration.
The space for growth of Chess has transcended beyond the schools system and the formal Youth & Sports Ministry setup, with enthusiasts and players finding interested sponsors for significant events. Nevertheless, a common thread of quality and merit unites the community, as games translate to where one sits in the national ranking.
It is amazing how much can go wrong with a sport in Malaysia. Our underperforming football team, such that recent regional successes were inordinately celebrated, and now troublingly shallow pool of successors to Datuk LCW are the more obvious examples. However, with Chess, I at least see value in the community keeping the game as it should be in Malaysia.
Pairings' out!