Friday, February 09, 2007

The Annonymous Spinning Identities Post (SiPM) Of The Lah-ist Regime

I'd always wondered what happened to the guys at soon after the site out-ted them. There has been claims hither and tither that they now appear in a new more 'acceptable' guise of the Siber Party of Malaysia (M) or SiPM (, of whom one member honoured me by commenting on this blog... realise now that its probably their way of pluggin' shamelessly...

I tend to believe now that SiPM is a new form of - a new version of spin-doctoring from the Lah-ist regime. May or may not be the same people, but at least they are trying to engage us in cyberspace... rather flattering really if you can stand from puking over their hypocricy (these are the people that are condemning us in mass media and who's chums are suing some of us after all!). At least its their writing that has ended up out-ting them this time...

Just a Tangent for the likes of Machai and SiPM, there's merit in considering blogging non-annonymously as it does save the effort of the many honest bloggers out there in out-ting the Lah-ist psy-war spin-doctors among us. At least all the other bloggers you so hate, be they the Mahafirauns, KMU, Jeffs and Rockys, are honest in what they represent... they don't spin...

And before you accuse me of blogging annonymously... I'm not...


Mat Merah said...

Mat, I believe in Santa Claus too ;)

But all this angst and name-calling... Just to entice us here again after shamelessly plugging your thoughts in our place? Come on, who is spinning like a top now?

And pray tell, why are you shy to mention daddy's name? The paddy stalks not growing to well on the rooftops?

Oh, by the way, I'd use a spell checker if I were you!

Keep up the good thoughts on Fridays!


mat merah,
dont see you a lot these days. spell checker? hehe. try out some other trickslah. didnt work, siber party short-lived. i suggest you guys just use your real identities. vincent, kamal, zaki, khairy, kali, brendenare all better names compared with mat merah.
you can't beat mat rempit lah.

Mat Merah said...

lubok melayu,

How thoughtful of you to notice my absence! Affairs of the Islamic state of mind has taken precedence over the trivial forms of life in cyberspace. After all, this is just bits-and-bytes - recycled electrons if you must!

SiPM shortlived? You must be the Almighty God then to even know that! But then, your powers of prognostication is renowned through the land and even in cyberspace, no?

I thank you for your time and concern for us and your worries over our identities. We won't lose sleep over yours. Good night and Good Luck!

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