Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mencatur Kejayaan Di Myanmar

Ramai yang tertanya-tanya tentang nasib serta pergerakkan blogger ini sejurus selepas pemilihan UMNO tempohari. Sejak Oktober fokus blogger berubah ke arah rezeki, yakni kembali ke kerjaya di bidang Pengurusan Syarikat Minyak, dan keluarga, khususnya memajukan projek 2 tahun yang diusahakan bersama di antara beberapa keluarga pemain catur di bawah latihan pemain no 1 negara kini, Mok Tze Meng.

Alhamdulillah,  projek catur yang blogger ini maksudkan kini sudahpun mencapai hampir kesudahan diharapkan cemerlang. Semalam, kontinjen catur Malaysia ke Sukan SEA di Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, telah beraksi buat kali pertama dalam permainan Catur Tradisional Myanmar. Walaupun pemain Malaysia tidak berjaya meraih pingat lagi, ia sekadar selangkah ke hari ini yang memberi 2 peluang keemasan untuk meraih pingat melalui acara Catur Tradisional Myanmar berpasukan. Kita doakanlah kejayaan pasukan kita bersama-sama.

Dengan penyertaan Malaysia ke semua acara Catur pada Sukan SEA ini, yang melihat 18 acara di pertandingkan, sekaligus 18 peluang meraih pingat emas, Malaysia adalah di antara hanya 4 negara yang menyertai kesemua acara pada pertandingan ini, walaupun 8 negara telah menghantar kontinjen Catur ke Myanmar. Sambutan Persekutuan Catur Malaysia di bawah pimpinan YBhg Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib terhadap peluang mempertingkatkan prestasi dari 1 Gangsa yang dimenangi pada Sukan SEA ini amatlah dihargai.

Ada yang mungkin tertanya-tanya pula sekarang, kenapakah blogger mengatakan ini projek keluarga? Ini kerana 3 dari anak-anak kami terlibat! Setakat ini, anakanda Aqil sudahpun mula beraksi dalam acara Catur ASEAN Standard Individu dan semalam berjaya seri dengan GM Eugene Toray. Anakanda Ayesha pula terlibat dalam acara Catur Berpasukan pada hari ini. Pada masa ini, kami sudah cukup berbangga dengan keupayaan mereka mewakili negara. Diharap berkat doa dan usaha, bakal bertambahlah sebab untuk kami meraikan mereka.

Alhamdulillah, pasukan Catur telah memenangi pingat pertamanya yakni Gangsa bagi acara Catur Tradisional Myanmar Berpasukan Lelaki. Semoga ini mencetuskan semangat kemenangan berterusan bagi pasukan Catur negara di Sukan SEA ini.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Kenyataan Calon Ketua Pemuda Malaysia, Akhramsyah Sanusi, Bersabit Keputusan Pemilihan 2013

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan rasa terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu pada pemilihan ini. Jalinan hubungan serta persahabatan baru yang terjalin dari Masjid Tanah ke Penampang, JB ke Bachok, Pokok Sena ke Kuantan, serta banyak lagi, amatlah dihargai.

Saya juga ingin merakamkan rasa puas hati bahawa setidak-tidaknya sepanjang tempoh 3 minggu lepas, laungan Hidup Melayu kembali ke bibir Pemuda setelah meninggalkannya begitu lama. Jelas Pemuda mahukan laungan tersebut kembali dan saya harap pemenang-pemenang pemilihan menyedari hakikat yang masih perlunya ada peranan Pemuda sebagai pendesak, bukan beraktiviti liberal dan progresif semata-mata.

Terdapat pelbagai perkara boleh dipelajari dari pemilihan ini, yang banyak sekali perlu diperbaiki. Contohnya, tata-etika berkempen yang berubah-ubah sehingga terlalu memberi kelebihan kepada penyandang mana-mana jawatan, jelas terlihat pada keputusan sayap-sayap Pemuda dan Wanita. Pengalaman saya dalam melalui pertandingan ini insya Allah akan saya rakamkan dalam sebuah buku untuk diamati oleh semua yang berminat.

Di sini, saya ingin merakamkan juga rasa syukur saya yang mahkamah rayuan telah menolak rayuan majalah Kristian Herald untuk membolehkannya menggunakan Kalimah Allah. Ini merupakan kejayaan gabungan NGO Islam serta Melayu dalam mempertahankan hak serta aqidah ummah. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha' kepada semua umat Islam.

Akhir kata, saya ingin mengesyorkan semua perwakilan UMNO yang layak memilih barisan kepimpinan UMNO yang baru pada 19 Oktober ini, pilihlah Datuk Paduka Mukhriz bin Tun Dr Mahathir sebagai salah seorang Naib Presiden kita. Terima kasih.

Ikhlas, Akhramsyah Sanusi
Di Perkarangan Kompleks Mahkamah Putrajaya

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Kenyataan Akhramsyah Sanusi, Calon Ketua Pemuda, Tentang Tohmahan Tony Pua Terhadap Utusan Dan Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS)

Tarikh : 10 Oktober 2013 Masa : 9.00 pagi Tempat : Sunway Hotel, Seberang Perai, Pulau Pinang

Assalamualaikum WBT dan salam sejahtera.
Terima kasih di atas kesudian rakan-rakan media untuk hadir ke sidang media hari ini.
Sidang media ini diadakan dengan tujuan untuk menyatakan pendirian saya mengenai isu penghinaan Ketua Publisiti DAP, Tony Pua ke atas Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) dan akhbar Utusan Malaysia.

Anjing Yang Setia

Tony Pua mungkin tersilap merujuk gelaran "anjing" kepada ROS dan akhbar Utusan Malaysia itu, yang sebenarnya ditujukan kepada dirinya sendiri kerana beliau dilihat begitu setia dan konsisten ‘menyalak' demi mempertahankan tuannya dalam parti DAP. 

Sebagai graduan salah sebuah universiti tersohor di dunia, adalah agak meragukan sekiranya Tony Pua tidak faham punca sebenar (root cause) tentang isu pemilihan CEC berbanding dengan pemikiran seekor anjing.

Untuk makluman semua, yang buat pemilihan CEC adalah parti DAP, yang tidak menghantar surat jemputan kepada perwakilan adalah di kalangan pengurusan tertinggi DAP, yang tidak tahu menggunakan perisian Microsoft Excel adalah juga di kalangan pengurusan DAP dan yang paling penting aduan yang dibuat kepada ROS adalah dari kalangan ahli-ahli DAP sendiri.

Justeru itu, mengelarkan ROS dan Utusan Malaysia sebagai ‘anjing' UMNO dan mengaitkan ketiga-tiganya adalah satu perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan logik akal manusia. Ini berbeza dengan tabiat dan pemikiran seekor anjing yang pasti akan menyalak setiap kali tetamu datang ke rumah tuannya, walaupun sebenarnya tetamu tersebut adalah daripada kalangan saudara terdekat tuannya.

Perlu diingat UMNO dahulu pun pernah diharamkan ROS pada tahun 1988. Ini menunjukkan kewibawaan dan profesionalisma ROS dalam menjalankan tugasnya memantau pertubuhan-pertubuhan termasuk DAP juga.

("Maybe Oxford grads are just good to be barking dogs", which I believe it is not true)


Saya secara peribadi serta mewakili rakan-rakan Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO dari seluruh pelusuk tanahair ingin mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada pihak ROS yang telah menjalankan tugas mereka berdasarkan aduan-aduan yang dibuat oleh ahli-ahli DAP. Ini menunjukkan bahawa walaupun sebagai agensi kerajaan di bawah pentadbiran parti Barisan Nasional yang ditunjangi UMNO, ROS tidak memilih bulu dalam melaksanakan tugas yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan kepada mereka walaupun aduan-aduan tersebut dibuat oleh ahli-ahli parti pembangkang sekaligus menunjukkan ketelusan, kepercayaan dan kebergantungan rakyat kepada agensi kerajaan yang selama ini dilabelkan dengan pelbagai persepsi negatif.

Kami juga ingin menzahirkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada akhbar Utusan Malaysia yang berterusan melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosialnya dalam membawa suara akar umbi ahli DAP yang mahukan satu proses pemilihan parti DAP dijalankan secara telus, walaupun selama ini Utusan Malaysia seringkali dikaitkan sebagai milik parti UMNO dan hanya membawa suara orang Melayu sehingga dituduh sebagai akhbar bersifat rasis. Kini terbukti tuduhan tersebut tidak benar kerana Utusan juga menjadi penyambung lidah dan keluh kesah ahli-ahli akar umbi DAP yang majoritinya bukan Melayu.

Sebagai seorang ahli UMNO, sebuah parti yang meletakkan kesucian agama Islam sebagai salah satu asas penting dalam penubuhan dan perlembagaannya, saya mendesak Tony Pua memohon maaf secara terbuka kepada seluruh ahli UMNO, kakitangan ROS dan kakitangan Utusan Malaysia di atas tindakannya yang begitu biadap dan celupar sehingga melangkaui batas serta nilai-nilai murni kehidupan masyarakat yang selama ini hidup harmoni dan memahami serta menghormati pegangan agama masing-masing serta sensitiviti antara pelbagai kaum.


"Demi Agama, Bangsa dan Tanahair"

Yang Ikhlas,


Friday, September 27, 2013

Kenyataan Akhramsyah Sanusi, Calon Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Tentang Kontroversi Enchant1MST

Blogger dan Pemuda UMNO ini ingin menggesa kerajaan Malaysia untuk menyiasat dengan seberapa segera pelan membina pusat 1Malaysia Spiritual Tourism di Negeri Pahang oleh kumpulan Enchant (Enchant1MST). Ini kerana usaha tersebut pasti akan mencetuskan kemarahan pelbagai pihak, sekaligus mencemar wadah 1Malaysia yang dibawa oleh kerajaan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, terutama sekali dengan pengakuan pemaju yang projek tersebut telah menerima kelulusan bantuan peruntukan kerajaan Malaysia!

Dalam sejarah Islam, perlumbaan penarikan pelawat ke pusat-pusat keagamaan semata-mata demi menjana ekonomi sesuatu tempat telah terbukti mencetuskan rasa tidak puas hati sehinggalah berlaku peperangan. Menerusi Surah Al-Fil, umat Islam diajar bagaimana Abrahah, seorang pemimpin Habsyah telah menempa kemusnahan apabila beliau menyerang Mekah kerana pusat keagamaan yang dibangunkannya gagal menyaingi Ka'abah di Mekah sebagai daya tarikan para saudagar pada zaman itu.

Ternyata, niat adalah penting dalam pembinaan bangunan-bangunan keagamaan. Ianya haruslah pertamanya berlandaskan niat menunaikan kehendak keagamaan, bukan berdasarkan kehendak perniagaan yang ternyata begitu keduniaan! Sebagai pemimpin beragama Islam, saya bukan sahaja terpanggil untuk mengkritik projek Enchant1MST ini kerana ia tidak sesuai dengan kedudukan Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara, tetapi kerana niat pembinaannya yang melencong jauh dari nilai keagamaan.

Apabila kita melihat penggunaan 1Malaysia serta imej YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sendiri diputar-belitkan untuk mempromosikan, malah seolah-olah menghalalkan program Enchant1MST ini, yang dirisaukan bakal menempah keaiban, saya terpanggil untuk membuat gesaan ini kepada pihak berkuasa; siasatlah program Enchant1MST dan ambilah tindakan dengan seberapa segera terhadap mana-mana pihak yang didapati bersalah dalam memajukannya.


Calon Anda... Akhramsyah Sanusi


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pergerakkan Pemuda Lari Dari Halatuju

Setelah menapak ke 10 negeri setakat ini dalam usaha memahami masalah Pemuda di peringkat Cawangan, suatu yang jelas terbukti adalah ramai di kalangan Pemuda, terutama sekali dari golongan lebih berpengalaman, merasa gelisah tentang halatuju kita. Ramai yang menimbulkan isu-isu perlaksanaan seperti terlihat pada projek BL1M, tetapi dalam keselesaan berteh-tarik, isu halatuju pasti timbul.

Ramai tidak memahami kenapa Pemuda pada peringkat pusat begitu membisu walaupun dalam isu yang membabitkan akidah ummah seperti tuntutan penggunaan Kalimah Allah oleh pendakwah agama lain! Bukankah tugas Pemuda untuk mempertahankan hak ummat Islam di negara kita ini selain dari memajukan Agenda Melayu ke hadapan? Kalau bukan, apakah halatuju yang ingin dibawa oleh kepimpinan Pemuda yang sedia-ada?

Inilah sebabnya kebanyakan perwakilan Pemuda yang sempat bertemu-bual agak sedia untuk menerima wadah Hidup Melayu! Tiada yang salah tentang wadah tersebut. Ia sesuai walau pada zaman ini kerana ia wadah perjuangan parti UMNO, yakni Persatuan Kebangsaan MELAYU Bersatu. Perwakilan Pemuda gembira ada yang saya ingin menumpukan diri serta Pemuda ke arah perjuangan Agenda Melayu, bukan seronok beraktiviti sahaja dengan rakan-kongsi Barisan Nasional.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Teks Ucapan Pada Sidang Akhbar Mengumumkan Tawaran Diri Untuk Dipilih Ke Jawatan Ketua Pergerakkan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia Oleh Akhramsyah Sanusi

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah i Wabarakatuh,
Salam Sejahtera, Salam Satu Malaysia,
Terima Kasih atas kehadiran semua di sini pada hari ini, baik dari kalangan wakil media dan terutama sekali kawan-kawan yang sudi melepaskan diri dari tugas harian untuk bersama-sama.
Nama saya Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah bin Sanusi, lazimnya dikenali sebagai Akhram sahaja. Sebagai pengenalan, saya seorang anak kelahiran DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru). Pendidikan awal saya di Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang sehinggalah berjayanya saya menggenggam segulung ijazah Sarjana Kejuruteraan Kimia dari Imperial College, London semua hasil dasar kerajaan pimpinan UMNO yang berlandaskan Dasar Ekonomi Baru.
Dengan bermodalkan ilmu tersebutlah, saya berjaya menarik perhatian sebuah syarikat minyak antarabangsa yang terkemuka mengambil saya sebagai serorang profesional. Selama 16 tahun saya bertugas sebagai seorang jurutera, konsultan sehingga kini mencapai peringkat pengurusan syarikat tersebut. Dalam masa itu, saya berpeluang bekerja di luar negara, menimba ilmu serta pengalaman teknikal mahupun organisasi, untuk kemudian di bawa pulang demi memajukan negara bangsa. Segala peluang serta kejayaan ini bertitik-tolak dari perjuangan UMNO, dan saya bersyukur atas pengorbanan pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang berjasa terhadap kami generasi muda.
Namun, sejak kebelakangan ini, telah tertimbul rintihan pada peringkat akar-umbi parti, terutama sekali pada golongan muda, yang UMNO terlihat seperti tidak dapat lagi menjaga kebajikan mereka. Segala usaha serta dasar kerajaan yang baik dilancarkan, tetapi kurang mengena sasaran, dan ini menimbulkan kerunsingan. Rintihan akar umbi Pemuda juga timbul tentang sentuhan kepimpinan yang dikatakan tak cukup kerap sampai ke bawah. Dan lebih parah lagi, ada orang muda yang kini menuduh Pemuda sebagai tidak lagi mendesak, tidak lagi menjulang obor perjuangan Agenda Melayu.
Oleh itu, memandangkan rintihan kawan-kawan, jiran-jiran serta penyokong tentang perlunya perubahan kepimpinan Pemuda, saya dan keluarga saya telah mengambil keputusan mengorbankan kerjaya saya untuk menawarkan diri, dengan rendah diri, sebagai calon Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia. Agenda yang akan saya bawa insya Allah sekiranya terpilih sebagai Ketua Pemuda yang baru adalah menghidupkan kembali agenda perjuangan Melayu yang seharusnya menjadi tanggungjawab Pemuda UMNO. Oleh itulah, laungan Pemuda haruslah tidak lain dari HIDUP MELAYU!
Terima Kasih. Saya membuka majlis kepada soalan...
Ikhlas dari Calon Anda, Akhramsyah Sanusi

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Salam Hari Malaysia: Pemimpin Harapanku

Blogger ini agak terkejut apabila penulisan tentang niat bertanding jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia semalam mencetuskan perbincangan rancak di Media Sosial Malaysia sehingga melonjak ke Media Arus Perdana. Syukur alhamdulillah, niat saya agar perbincangan demi menempatkan Pemuda  UMNO sekali lagi sebagai penggerak agenda Melayu sudah bermula. Ini memperteguhkan lagi niat untuk menjadi calon pemilihan Ketua Pemuda.
Semalam saya telah mengunjung ke Pasir Salak untuk menyertai program Ambang Hari Malaysia yang dimajukan oleh teman akrab saya, penyandang gelaran Juara Sajak Patriotik Gapena sekarang, saudara Azmi Ismail. Berikut sajak yang saya sampaikan...
Pemimpin Harapanku
Padamu Ku Amanahkan Masa Depan Negara Bangsa,
Tak Ku Peduli Warna Kulit Mu,
Asal Melayu Di Jiwa,
Asal Malaysia Di Hati,
Bukan Sekadar Manggis dan Pisang,
Yang Gelap dan Kuning Di Luar,
Tetapi Putih Penjajah Di Dalam...
Tak Ku Peduli Tubuh Mu,
Kurus, Gemuk atau Sasa,
Asal Tubuh Mu Sedia Berdiri,
Menahan Bedil dan Peluru,
Menahan Dari Tertimpa Anak Cucu Waris Ku...
Tak Ku Peduli Asal Mu,
Miskin, Kaya, Bangsawan Atau Jelata,
Asal Yang Makmur Rakyat Semua,
Bukan Yang Rakus-Rakus Di Sisi Mu Sahaja...
Tak Ku Peduli Ilmu Mu Dari Mana,
Biar Pondok,
Mahupun Dari Menara Gading Nun Jauh Di Sana Datangnya,
Asalkan Minda Mu Diperah Untuk Kesejahteraan Kita Semua,
Bukan Ilmu Menjadi Selendang Riak Semata-Mata...
Ku Ingin Pemimpin...
Yang Mendengar Apabila Ku Merintih,
Ku Ingin Pemimpin...
Yang Lantang Bila Diri Ku Terkedu,
Ku Impikan Pemimpin...
Yang Tegak Benar Di Lautan Kepalsuan,
Ku Rindukan Pemimpin...
Yang Berjuang Untuk Ku Mati-Matian!
Pada Mu Terpikul Harapan Negara Bangsa,
Jangan Kau Sia-Siakan Amanah Ini,
Untuk Ku, Untuk Mu,
Ku Mahu Pemimpin Bangun!
Ku Mahu Pemimpin Gagah Ke Hadapan!
Ku Mahu Pemimpin Ikhlas, Berani,
Sedia Mengabdikan Diri
Demi Memimpin Ku Ke Malaysia Jaya...
Ikhlas Nukilan,
Akhramsyah Sanusi
Pasir Salak, 15 September 2013
Calon Anda...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Apakah Di Sebalik Niat Blogger Ini Bertanding Jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia?

Beberapa blog serta halaman media sosial lain telah mula memberi komen tentang kemungkinan Blogger ini bertanding jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia pada pemilihan ini. Banyak persoalan dan andaian timbul tentang niat, taktik serta kemungkinan pencapaian saya apabila berentap dengan Ketua Pemuda yang bukan sekadar mempertahankan kedudukannya, tetapi juga sedang menyandang jawatan Menteri Belia dan Sukan.
Blogger ini tak akan dapat menjawab semua persoalan ini dalam satu posting sahaja, namun, bersedia untuk memulakan perbincangan tentang pertandingan ini dengan mengesahkan bahawa pada masa ini, memang menjadi niat saya untuk bertanding merebut jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia. Insya Allah, blogger ini akan melakukan deklarasi rasmi tidak lama lagi, tetapi ingin saya berkongsi niat di sini dahulu demi menghormati warga sosial media yang mula menimbulkan persoalan ini secara serius.
Persoalan asas kita sebagai orang Melayu yang beragama Islam apabila membuat sesuatu adalah, apakah niat di sebalik perbuatan tersebut. Maka di sini, ingin blogger ini mengakui yang niat bertanding ke jawatan ini adalah kerana saya ingin mengabdikan diri, BERGANDING BERSAMA kawan-kawan, untuk MENGEMBALIKAN KEGEMILANGAN ke PERGERAKKAN PEMUDA UMNO MALAYSIA berlandaskan nilai-nilai keIKHLASan dalam PERJUANGAN serta BERSATU dalam meLAKSANAKAN AGENDA MELAYU.
Pengupasan Niat serta Agenda akan diteruskan dalam perbincangan. Blogger ini berharap kawan-kawan Pemuda UMNO mahupun sahabat-sahabat serta bekas Pemuda UMNO di ruang Media Sosial sudi menyertai perbincangan membentuk wadah baru Pemuda UMNO Malaysia yang dirasakan perlu dibawa oleh saya sekiranya berjaya merebut jawatan Ketua Pemuda tersebut.
Agenda Pemuda UMNO pimpinan saya bukanlah agenda saya sendiri, tetapi haruslah membawa harapan seluruh masyarakat Melayu amnya, dan kesemua warga muda UMNO khususnya.
Ikhlas dari calon anda... Akhramsyah Sanusi

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is The Klang Valley MRT Illegal?

This blogger has been silent for a while and in part due to being restrained to silence as we have to respect the court case where the wife and 11 other plaintiffs on Pinggir Za'aba that is suing the MRT. This matter, despite being of public interest has been subject to effectively a mainstream media blackout, for which reasons readers are welcomed to assess.

Firstly let me confirm that the case is still on. Secondly, the interesting development today during Case Management is that the court will now hear arguments on whether the Klang Valley MRT is ILLEGAL in the eyes of the law! ILLEGAL!

Whilst for a few reasons this blogger is unable to share the laws and other details pertinent to the case that may lead to the MRT being declared ILLEGAL, the ramifications if the court judges it to be so is too damaging not just to the project, but all those intimately associated with it!

Considering the high risk now faced by the MRT project from this case, and the risk exposure is high even if MRT Co thinks they could win the case, it is shocking how badly they have managed this otherwise small and, originally, relatively low risk residents impacted, those in Pinggir Za'aba being generally pro-BN professionals and civil servants as well as retirees.

More will be revealed, though perhaps piecemeal by necessity, until court hears the case, at 9am on 11 September 2013. There will be much legal activity between now and then of course. Question is, considering the 'auspiscious' date, will the coming 9-11 be an avoidable tragedy for MRT Co?

Pic: Posted photo above is of MRT contractor 'beautifying' the 'blue ghetto wall' of Pinggir Za'aba.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Education Ministry Urged To Take Steps To Protect Young Against Haze

Yesterday the haze was already quite bad seen from my kids' school. Still, we were happy to let them carry on with activities, most indoor anyway such as with their Tae Kwon Do training.

Today matters are far worse. I am sitting in a cafe in Taman Tun with both sides open to the street. Usually this results in a cool and pleasant breeze. Today, the breeze carries an unattractive Haze odour.

Today my mother started compalining about eye irritation from being out to a majlis. Today my sister has her asthmatic kids wearing masks indoors. Today I can still catch a scent of the Haze in the corridors of a private hospital my wife is resting in.

But today is neither a school day nor a working day. The government plans to seed the clouds so that rain may wash this haze away. Good, but we still need to stay indoors to avoid the acidic rain that will come, which is possible as it is not a school or working day.

Will it be worse tomorrow? Does anyone know enough to guide the powers that be on this? No matter, I would suggest that the Ministry of Education can do one thing to at least reassure the people that all is being considered to protect the young. Declare tomorrow, Monday, 24 June 2013, an emergency day off for all schools.

There are no exams at the moment, and calling a day off for the kids will keep them indoors, reduce smog contributing traffic from the roads in the mornings especially, and perhaps get some parents staying home and not driving fossil fuel engines too for a day.

But it is only worthwhile doing this if the government is planning something aggressive about the haze. This is war against man's destructive tendencies, and our children are the first victims that may fall.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

Monday, May 20, 2013

Discussing 'Apa Lagi Cina Mahu'?

This blogger had a fun time last night chatting with some friends on the aftermath of PRU13 as well as the new Cabinet formation. One of the first exchanges when I arrived (the others had already gotten going for about half an hour) resulted in the best response I have heard to date to the...

... Question: Apa Lagi Cina Mahu?

Answer: Apa Lagi Lu Ada?

My response was more or less... Hahahahahahaha! It was all in good humour and the discussion lasted for a further 4 hours last night, covering the gamut of why the Chinese voted the way they did away from BN through to understanding the Gen Y's at a level that was quite enriching for this blogger. One of us even got serious enough to 'make plans'! 

But seriously, this sort of open conversation that was conducted with comfort among friends of different races (2 Chinese and 4 Malays at varying times) need to continue for our citizens to begin to understand the choices each other made at PRU13. These sort of conversations lie as a bastion against extremist attitudes towards what happened; i.e. the mass abandonment of BN by the Chinese despite the many promises and deeds of  DS Najib.

In the end, we agreed that greater understanding was needed between each other, with a couple of the guys taking note of the need to read San Kuo and the Water Margin as insights to Chinese mentality, and a certain TIMES article on Gen Y being of interest to all. And all also agreed that we really, really hate Corruption and Crime, and wish the cabinet post given to a certain Icon of Corruption proves to be a poison chalice!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Making Matters Worse After The Death Of 1Malaysia

Winston Churchill once said that a week is a long time in politics. And so with this in mind, and following a need to rest and re-focus after 10+ days of campaigning (I took a break in middle of first week after nomination day), I left it till today to put down my commentary. Ironically, as I lay these words down, matters, at least at the face of it seems to have gotten worse for DS Najib Tun Razak since the night 1Malaysia 'died'.

Observe the photo below:

This is an image taken from 'election night', when a rather sombre DS Najib thanked all those who have voted such as to allow BN to continue to govern another term. DS Najib appeared exhausted and his face at the beginning reflected much disappointment. Only on his second round at the mike on the podium did he have a more jubilant smile. I doubt he would smile as wide if he realised be hind him stood 2 individuals initimately linked to his 'loss'.

No one can deny that BN won, albeit by a majority smaller that in 2008. BN won, but DS Najib's mood reflected clearly that he felt he had personally lost! He pretty much admitted to this when in his initial speech that night, I could not recall him saying '1Malaysia', though my mother said he did mention it once, and instead, he very clearly admitted that in large part, the Chinese voters had rejected BN.

In hindsight, this is to me, no surprise. It is no surprise that the Chinese rejected BN and embraced Pakatan Rakyat. Why? It is because:
BN Promised 1Malaysia - which the Chinese Community DID NOT NEED!

Pakatan Rakyat Promised the end of Corruption and Crime - which the Chinese Community has repeatedly demanded!
I choose to judge here at face value and purposely discard all notions of conspiracy which is no less racist than some of the racism exhibited by Chinese politicians during the elections. In the end, even if there were racist leaders driving the Chinese votes in a certain direction, they had to be driven by good intentions, and Corruption and Crime remain as issues still unaddressed by DS Najib's government.

The Chinese Don't Need 1Malaysia

Don't get me wrong, the rhetoric around 1Malaysia is beautiful! Unity, delivery of what the people need by a high performing government, everyone judged by needs and means, not race, religions, creed, all very nice stuff. The problem is that since the arrival of '1Malaysia' products, 1Malaysia has transformed from being the values espoused to material things of value given out to people, be it BR1M, KR1M, the 1Malaysia Clinics, meals, vouchers, etc, etc!

Unfortunately, whilst some Chinese may have bought into 1Malaysia in spirit and indeed DS Najib has grown in popularity as a person and an individual leader to the community, the problem is, teh Chinese for the most part do not need 1Malaysia products! What they have been asking for is an end in high level corruption and a reduction in crime SINCE BEFORE PRU12!

The Chinese Want To See An End To Major Corruption!

However, the BN campaign, full of fluff and feelgood factor and riding on the popularity of 1Malaysia and DS Najib personally never really got serious about addressing corruption in particular. Many Chinese are angry still of specific cases, such as the PKFZ scandal, which saw a raft of Chinese leaders including the former MCA President brought to court BUT NOT A SINGLE MALAY ACCOMPLICE CHARGED! So much for 1Malaysia!

Then, as if it was bad enough that only the Chinese get punished for big scandals like PKFZ supposedly, the Chinese and Malaysian Hero that caused the PKFZ scandal to be brought to trial, Datuk Ong Tee Keat, another former MCA President, was dropped from his winnable Parliamentarian seat of Pandan! Pakatan Rakyat was smart enough then to offer the voters of Pandan another anti-corruption hero to vote in as their MP, Rafizi Ramli of NFC fame!

As the problem of Corruption is seen by the Chinese nationwide, then of course, the Chinese chose to vote against Corruption, against BN, NATIONWIDE! Observe how DW Ali Rustam, so called hero and moderniser of the state of Melaka was defeated by a strong swing of votes against him especially by the Chinese in Bukit Katil. This was because his being an Icon of Corruption, by allowing his state agencies to part fund his child's wedding was corrupt!

How DS Najib Could Make Things Worse?

There are 2 creatures on stage during the BN Victory 'celebration', very visible behind DS Najib - they are seen clearly in the photo above. The 2 creatures are the Icons of Corruption, Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ) and DS Shahrizat Jalil of NFC infamy. DS Shahrizat has no Parliamentary seat and I believe can no longer be a Senator, so best that she retire. The real problem is with KJ, who's lust for power sees him lobbying for a cabinet post in the press - TAK MALU BETUI!

The Chinese rejection of BN was able to mask also the rejection of BN by the young urban youth, in particular young urban Malay youths. They hate BN as the face of BN Youth is KJ. Whilst some may admire him at the outset of knowing him, many are then corrected by their elders by the retelling of KJ's corruption, such was his negative influence on Pak Lah's administration. DS Najib risks losing the support of ALL Malaysians by PRU14 if he chooses KJ!

Instead, DS Najib should give a clear signal to all by NOT selecting KJ. Give the signal such that UMNO picks up on this signal and also rejects KJ and the like. Let DS Najib's non-selection of KJ be the beginning of the re-birth of BN and UMNO! In PRU14, DS Anwar Ibrahim should no longer be a factor, but lets not have KJ as the new spectre to haunt UMNO and BN, driving it to oblivion.

And maybe hence when we are really cleaner for Corruption, we can begin to really cleanse the country of Crime, and the Chinese will return their votes to BN without need of any new rhetoric such as 1Malaysia...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

PKR Attempts To Prove Indelible Ink Can Be Removed Using Postal Voter

Earlier today, an attempt was made by PKR leaders Tian Chua and Nurul Izzah Anwar to prove that the indelible ink used by SPR can be removed. To do this, they attempted to remove the ink off the finger of an army personnel that had just performed a postal vote.

THE ATTEMPT FAILED! Whilst ink was partially removed, only 30-40% of the ink actually came off. THE REST OF THE INK ACTUALLY REMAINED ON THE FINGER, with the stain easily discernible by anyone examining whether a voter has voted at the polling centre. And this with considerable time and effort spent on removing the stain!

Of course, despite their failure, we expect PKR and their Pakatan chums will likely sensationalize and spin the whole matter. Note the pics here would of course show their 'heroes' and their attempt, however, the more important image is that of the finger STILL MARKED BY INK DESPITE THEIR EFFORTS!

More importantly for me are questions that their attempt leave unanswered such as:

1 - Why do they spend so much effort on discrediting the internationally acknowledged indelible ink method to ensure the sanctity of our votes when they should be focussing on getting votes, especially as both Tian Chua and Nurul Izzah are losing?

2 - Is this yet another symptom of their realising Pakatan is about to lose PRU13 and their preparing the excuse for their supporters and international backers?

3 - Uhmmm... How do we know the guy they did the test on really was a postal voter? And wouldn't SPR use a different colour come polling day?

Aiya, even these questions give me doubt whether these 2 Pakatan candidates deserve a vote! Focus on getting votes la, focus on what voters want! Not focus on excuses on why they might lose before ballots are even cast!

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Desperation Mounts For Some As Election Nears

It appears desperation has set in for Pakatan and some of its fanatical followers. Just this morning as I dropped my kids off at school, I saw the following banner being defaced by what I assume is a Pakatan supporter who was driving a Blue Suzuki Swift with K (for Kedah) plates. He was doing this by pasting 'ABU' or 'Asal Bukan UMNO' stickers across the part of the banner saying BN.

This appeared to me to be a desperate move in large part as I did not think it was done with much thought, as:

1 - The act is of course illegal just as any act to sabotage legitimate campaign activities. Wanna compete, do it legally lah brader!

2 - The campaign Asal Bukan UMNO is a little irrelevant seeing as UMNO is not competing in this election, BN is! Perhaps they are frustrated now that all that ABU campaign materials they have prepared are wasted being redundant!

3 - The BN candidate is Segambut where this poster was defaced isn't even from UMNO! Jayanthi, the BN candidate for Segambut is from Gerakan? Is the saboteur even from Segambut or an outside influence?

Signs of desperation also abound with personal attacks by DS Anwar Ibrahim on Tun Dr M in Segamat a few days ago. I suppose if Lim Kit Siang could be booed out of a coffee shop including by Chinese voters during his walkabout in Gelang Patah, Pakatan have reason to panic, but that is no excuse for bad behaviour!

Voters will not support ill mannered leaders who cannot control the behaviour of their fanatical supporters!

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Politics Of 'Buang Yang Jernih, Ambil Yang Keruh'

In corporate life, we are always looking for 'Best Practices' as a sort of easy and low cost way to improve business. By the same token, it is the best of our people that a corporation cherishes and nurtures as it is difficult to develop such a star and expensive to bring in one from outside.

One would expect the same practices in other organisations also apply. One sees this in football, how stars nurtured in house are cherished even as they age, such as Ryan Giggs at Man U, Steven Gerrard in Liverpool, Lothar Mathauess at Bayern, with their departure seen as a tragedy, such as when
Raul left Real Madrid.

On the other hand, it is only natural for bad practices and inferior people are ejected from an organisation. This is necessary also to make space and free up funds to buy in stars from the outside - like the Robin Van Persies - to strengthen the team. The Malay saying for this is 'Buang Yang Keruh, Ambil Yang Jernih' or 'Throwing Away the Murky, Taking the Clear'.

So it is with great shock when I see political parties in Malaysia behaving in the opposite way.

OK, we do know that the 'Buang Yang Jernih' strategy has always been rampant in DAP, mainly to ensure the continued domination of Lim Kit Siang's family and cronies. It got worse recently with not just strong alternative leaders like Kerk Kim Hock and Wee Choo Keong cast aside, but an entire section of DAP delegates being left out of an AGM! However, DAP can hardly be accused of 'Ambil Yang Keruh practice.

However, in PAS, we now see a complete counter-evolution to an organisation with the full 'Buang Yang Jernih, Ambil Yang Keruh' approach! For not only did they get rid of proven, quality leaders such as Hassan Ali from their fold, they have now at last replaced their strongman in Selangor with ex-UMNO 'dirt', Icon of Corruption, TS Mat Taib, of 'I don't understand English fame' of all people!

And all this during the run-up to PRU13?!?! What, PAS thought that having active songstresses and actresses among their lineup, even as election candidates, candidates previous PAS leaderships would not touch with a bargepole is not good enough? They have chosen to recruit leaders UMNO would be happy to be rid off as well?!

I have a lot of sympathy for TS Mat Taib actually, at the end of his career and with age catching up to him, maybe he thinks it would not hurt to try to escape hell and get to heaven by trying the PAS route! But why would PAS accept him willingly? Would it not put off their supporters?

Or maybe this whole PAS 'Buang Yang Jernih, Ambil Yang Keruh' strategy isn't really PAS' originally but part of the corruption brought by their association with DS Anwar Ibrahim aka Darth Juburius! After all, Mat Taib was an ally of Anwar's in UMNO before... DS Anwar & TS Mat Taib are 'kawan seperdosaan'!

Question hence is not whether PAS is more attractive now with Mat Taib in their ranks, but rather whether PAS supporters will stay loyal with the rising stink among its leadership that continues to 'Buang Yang Jernih, Ambil Yang Keruh'!

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Lost Viable PMs Of Pakatan Rakyat: PAS

As DAP and its fallen candidate for PM digs itself deeper into the indignity of its failure to conduct an AGM(!), our attention shifts to PAS, the oldest party in the Pakatan line-up and once seen as a fertile breeding ground for an alternative Malay PM for Malaysia to rise from grassroots OPPOSITION politics. This differs from the many PKR hopefuls who tend to be tainted by having begun their politics in BN, or in the case of Rafizi, in an NGO supported by Tun Daim.

The line-up of PAS leadership as potential candidates of PM are flawed, looking at the top 3:
  1. "Mursyidul Am": TG Nik Aziz Nik Mat - Too Old!

  2. President: TG Hadi Awang - A failure in administration in Terengganu, such that he failed to get his government re-elected after 1 term.

  3. Deputy President: Muhammad Sabu... Mat Sabu?!?!... MAT SABU AS PM?!?!?!?!... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Are there other candidates in the lower echelons? Perhaps? A fan favourite in the past that has had his lustre fade as problems keep popping up in Kelantan and his close association with DS Anwar Ibrahim is revealed, is Husam Musa. However, Husam has never been able to capture the imagination of the PAS grassroots as a candidate for leadership beyond his home state, and after all, the PM is for all Malaysians, not just for Kelantanese.

The irony is, the problem PAS is facing now is of their own doing! There was one rather impressive individual which in this blogger and many others' view would have been a viable PM candidate for PAS, former Deputy President Nasharuddin Mat Isa! The 2 term Parliamentarian is urbane, moderate and so open minded over collaboration, he was even willing to consider friendship with UMNO!

2 events personally define Nasharuddin Mat Isa to this blogger. The first was when I bumped into him having breakfast at the Meridien KL's 6th floor coffee house just prior to Parliament. He openly welcomed me to join him for a brief chat, sort of a polite introduction to each other short of a GTKY, and his urbanity and intelligence shone through.

The second was when this blogger attended Hassan Ali's invitation to bloggers to clear the air over his expulsion from the Selangor Exco. Nasharuddin was the only senior PAS leader to loyally make an appearance that night and he was unapologetic about it! Here was a man who knew that loyalty is the only true currency in politics and holding on to the truth no matter what is the only true mark of a moral leader.

Unfortunately, for 'Nasha', he resisted the influences of DS Anwar... resulting in his now being in limbo! And he is thrown into limbo, and so PAS loses its one viable candidate for PM for this PRU13! One wonders really if this is in PAS' interest or the interest of DS Anwar Ibrahim...

In the meantime, Nasha proves himself to be indeed a lost PM candidate, remaining relevant in the Islamic NGO scene, projecting himself slowly in the global stage and continuing to be a credit to Malaysia...

Compare this to what I said of Mat Sabu earlier... preferred choice of Darth Juburius!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Lost Viable PMs Of Pakatan Rakyat: DAP

PRU13 may well be turning into more than just a battle between potential winnable candidates offered by each party, but a battle of winnable Prime Ministers that will likely lead the government should either side win. As candidates become less appealing or indeed if they remain annonymous to the electorate, the more a party relies on the candidate on offer for Prime Minister.

For the longest time, the battle has been expected to be one between DS Najib Tun Razak as the BN candidate for Prime Minister against DS Anwar Ibrahim as the Pakatan candidate. However, DS Anwar Ibrahim has always lacked appeal to a significant section of the electorate, being an ex-con - having been convicted for abuse of power, being party to much of the suspected corruption in UMNO and BN when he was Finance Minister, even seen as incompetent by some.

And of course there is the 'sex thing' with DS Anwar that seems undignified.

Perhaps this is why DS Anwar's partners in Pakatan Rakyat seem to be pushing agendas of their own, with DAP leader Karpal Singh clearly stating his aim to have a non-Malay Prime Minister chosen, probably referring to Lim Guan Eng, the Penang CM as their likeliest candidate. Of course, Guan Eng's capacity to administer is now put in question as he seems quite incapable of even organising a legal AGM and party elections for the DAP...

Nonwithstanding Guan Eng's apparent popularity as CM in Penang, which is not really a mark of genius considering his predecessor was the supremely unpopular, over-educated yet 'bean-like' and suspected racist TS Koh Tsu Koon, Guan Eng's failure to manage the recent DAP elections is monumental. His management of the aftermath of the Registrar of Societies (RoS) non-recognition of the election results has actually made matters worse!

The idea of having DAP candidates contest under the PAS banner in Peninsular Malaysia and PKR banner in East Malaysia was not just unneccessary (DAP is not de-listed yet, there is time even after PRU13 to recover with an EGM or re-do of an AGM), it undermined DAP's candidates with PAS gleefully claiming that they welcome DAP's support of 'Hudud' laws. PKR of course is a highly unpopular party in East Malaysia, seen as a 'Peninsular' party.

And so at the eve of PRU13, the DAP has lost its only viable candidate for PM and must rely on the DS Anwar Ibrahim offering... surely Karpal is fuming...

A Battle For Power And The Soul Of PAS Rages As PRU13 Unfolds

Consider the following:

With the rise of Mat Sabu and the so far demise of Nasharuddin Mat Isa following Hassan Ali's expulsion from PAS' leadership line, the so called 'Erdogan' or pro-Anwar Ibrahim group has never been so close to seizing power in PAS. So, sure enough, despite the importance of PRU13 to DS Anwar Ibrahim personally and in fact to all the Rakyat... personally also(!), party politics are being played out in PAS(!), with...
  1. The attack on the personal character of Mustapha Ali through the revelation of a (likely fake) sex video, that Pakatan insiders have indicated are likely not by UMNO or any other Barisan Nasional component! An attack on Mustapha Ali is an attack on PAS President TG Hadi Awang himself, who besides the politically less effective Harun Din, is the last remaining bastion against Erdogan control of PAS. Mustapha is Hadi's 'enforcer' or rather 'consiglieri' in the party.

  2. Looking back, this follows year-long attacks on another TG Hadi ally and anti-Erdogan stalwart, Kedah MB Syed Azizan. The main contenders against Azizan are Erdogan leaning at least.

  3. PKR candidates competing against PAS candidates in what would otherwise have been safe  or at worse grey seats for PAS in Terengganu. Similar tussles such as in Pantai Acheh are just thrown in to confuse the real purpose - a sabotaging of PAS' albeit slim chances of winning Terengganu! This is to ensure TG Hadi Awang has no chance of regaining the powerful position of Menteri Besar of the state that would make him unassailable.

  4. TG Hadi Awang himself suddenly attacking PKR visciously in the state, probably realising that these moves by PKR are part of a strategy towards ousting TG Hadi Awang himself, perhaps through a forced retirement, to allow Mat Sabu to be acting President of PAS (!) or even to open the door for the more credible Salahuddin Ayubb or an Erdogan Ulama to topple TG Hadi.
That this madness is happening in PAS during PRU13 is further evidence of the insanity that surrounds DS Anwar Ibrahim. Perhaps like the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, DS Anwar is so imbued in the Dark Side that everything around him, including his allies, are just naturally corrupted! May he not succeed in his grasp for power unlike Sidous who eventually became Emperor in that famous space opera!

PS what does that make Mat Sabu? Anakin Skywalker?!?! Naaaaah.... more like Jar Jar Binks! So easily duped!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Calon Is Najib! ... BN's Answer To Unwinnable Candidates?

This blogger had an interesting phone conversation with an UMNO stalwart from Langkawi recently where I thought the discussion would invariably lead to a detailed discourse on who was his preferred or 'winnable' candidate. However, to my surprise, the discussion on this was kept brief when he declared:

Calon saya Najib! Yang sini ni tak kisah la. Yang saya tau, saya undi Najib!
I was struck by how such a simple statement had such great import and in one stroke encapsulates how the value of DS Najib's personal 'brand-building' to becoming quite a popular PM can actually be translated to votes in the ballot box! Basically, such a mindset at the polls may, at least in part, address the issue of BN having an unpopular or 'unwinnable' candidates or even sway those who like DS Najib but dislike BN or UMNO to still vote BN!

Suddenly, the very personalised campaigns such as I (heart) PM and his very strong association with 1Malaysia, including the inventiveness of having a Chinese name (Ah Jib Gor) becomes relevant. For of course, in a Parliamentary democracy, who the likely candidate for PM of a party would be is typically subsidiary to the popularity of the candidate for the contested Parliamentary seat. This is why despite DS Najib's popularity, there is much anticipation over the final candidates list for PRU13.

In the 2008 election, the removal of a majority of the local UMNO leaders from the ballot even led to sabotage voting by otherwise loyal party members. Certainly, Pak Lah's own lack of popularity further contributed to the demise of his replacement candidates. However, in the case of DS Najib, the opposite may be true. I have heard too often these days of people appreciating Najib whilst disliking their local BN leaders, so maybe this time it is the PM's popularity that will carry the ballot for BN!

Well, if the mantra Calon Saya Najib! Saya Undi Najib! or its like captures the imagination and 'goes viral', assuming Najib retains or indeed enhances his popularity during the campaign period, we may see BN within more than touching distance from the coveted  2/3 majority in Parliament. As of course, a vote for a BN MP is a vote for DS Najib as PM! And certainly Pakatan is in to shape to mount an equivalent challenge with their 'icon' being 'Papagomoed'!

I am of course talking about the votes for Parliament. The votes for the state governments would be another matter. Perhaps one state can pull it off though... Kedah... if BN uses Calon Saya Mukhriz! Saya Undi Mukhriz! as well!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Anwar Ibrahim And The Papagomo Phenomenon

I didn't really have much time for Papagomo in the past. Whilst the guy is clearly pro-BN and pro-UMNO, he reflects the worst of what a Blogger could be from either part of the divide; crass, populist, always aiming at the highest hits, to attract the most friends or fans or followers and quite unscrupulous over the morality of what or how he writes or projects in his postings. Nevertheless, he has now turned into a fascinating symbol in this election.

What is Papagomo a symbol of? Papagomo and his harassment of DS Anwar Ibrahim by threatening to contest against the opposition leader in Permatang Pauh (and presumably anywhere else Anwar chooses to contest) has become the symbol of how lowly and pathetic Anwar has become! It is one thing for Anwar to be challenged by former PAS leader Nasharuddin Mat Isa, since refuted by 'Nasha' - there is dignity in  being challenged by a man of stature. But to be challenged by Papagomo?

Wait, am I being elitist here? Doesn't Papagomo have the right or dignity of any other individual to challenge Anwar? And doesn't DS Anwar Ibrahim as a 'man of the Rakyat' then have the right to welcome a challenge from any citizen in the country? It is not that I am being elitist here. Anwar can indeed be challenged by anyone and Papagomo can choose to participate in this election in any way he likes. That is not the problem. The problem is...

Imagine that... the great DS Anwar Ibrahim being a target for blog hits, with Papagomo simply doing what Namewee was doing when he abused the Negaraku, lampooned TNB and other institutions as a tool for his brand of populism! In a sense, Papagomo is the rather nasty pro-BN ultra-Malay antithesis of Namewee, so the shoe does fit. And Papagomo is attacking Anwar the symbol, not the man!

But will this just be another sideshow for this election? Will it in fact then backfire? As whilst Papagomo is supposedly backed by an NGO, he is so blatantly anti-Anwar that it would be hard put for any BN or UMNO leader to deny his political leanings. Nevertheless, Papagomo does present an interesting challenge to the electorate considering DS Anwar is supposedly Pakatan's prefered candidate for PM still... will DS Anwar still be viable as a PM after indignities like this!

Then again... Anwar is already infamous for many past indignities...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Will The 'BN Is Bad' And 'UMNO Is Corrupt' Messages Work Again?

I have always maintained the view that Barisan Nasional especially UMNO as the leading component party has only had itself to blame for the loses of PRU12 and the political set-backs of the last decade or so since Tun Dr M 'retired'. The 'Shamsidar' rally some months ago demonstrated the sum strength of a DS Anwar Ibrahim led Pakatan Rakyat... it was pathetic as a supposed 'challenger' to BN.

Nevertheless, the fear of losing the election had persisted across the last 2 years in particular, when it should not have, with BN regaining its confidence at by-elections and Pakatan's failings becoming more apperent. One cannot recall a single substantial period of sustained strengthening of BN's position, with too much reliance of the PM's own industry and apparent sheer force of will, assisted only by his loyal Deputy and sightings of his mentor, Tun Dr M.

In hindsight, that DS Najib chose to wait till the end of the term to call PRU13 was strategically the right decision as an earlier election would certainly have provided Pakatan with too delicious a choice of postponing the elections for the State Assemblies they control. Nonetheless, the popular belief as to why the delay occured was BN's fear of losing linked to a variety of so called 'incidents'.

With the significant dates of PRU13 now announced, a similar pattern will emerge as it did some 5 years ago. Pakatan Rakyat, with its continued lack of credibility beyond a scattering of local successes in Penang and Selangor, will return to its tried and tested weapon of discreditting BN with accusations of 'corruption'. The question now is, will BN fall into the trap of making it too easy for this message to be taken as the principle issue by the electorate?

This blogger's father-in-law in fact made a pointed argument just yesterday when he asked,"Is Corruption Enough?" He asked this question referring to this continued focus by Pakatan Rakyat on the matter. And as we mulled over it, certainly it would be enough if BN makes the mistake of presenting 'Icons of Corruption', be they local or national, as candidates for this election. Whilst putting forward 'winnable candidates' in a local context, DS Najib and his team must take not to encorse 'Icons of Corruption' at the national level.

In one case at least, an Icon of Corruption has taken herself out of contention, but then makes herself more dangerous to BN! The self-withdrawal of DS Shahrizat Jalil from being a candidate is certainly welcome news, tempered by the knowldege that she didn't have a seat to contest anyway (with DS Raja Nong Chik taking over the candidacy of Pantai Dalam and her not having any other option). However, her idea of then spending the time campaigining around the country could spell disaster for BN!

Imagine what would happen if DS Shahrizat campaigns for at least every Wanita candidate. Wherever she makes an appearance, she would remind voters of the NFC scandal. No matter whether there is guilt on her part or her husband, in the court of public opinion, DS Shahrizat is an Icon of Corruption. So, when she stands with the BN candidate in front of voters, will voters be impressed or put-off from voting the Wanita BN candidate who is apparently supported by Shahrizat the Icon of Corruption?

And so in this manner, BN finds its so called 'leaders' simply helping Pakatan Rakyat spread its message of fear and loathing towards BN's apparent corruption! Such a scene would be reminiscent of KJ's convoy of Black Harriers in PRU12 that wreaked such havoc across the BN lines. I recall one BN candidate in Kelantan saying he was actually swinging the votes towards him until KJ's convoy arroved and KJ declared his 'interest' in the candidate winning! The candidate never recovered from KJ's 'contribution' then...

A few days ago, I saw the news that even KJ, THE Icon of Corruption, is planning not to contest. The cynics among us of course believe this is just him 'playing politics' as there is a likelihood he is to be dropped from the list due to his 'Iconic' status. However, even then, I had my concerns over whether he would cause more damage if he did not contest... the way he did before, and the way DS Shahrizat will likely do if she hits the campaign trail.

Pakatan's campaign will focus on FEAR. Fear of Corruption encroaching further into Malaysia's government and its works, damaging our future prospects and turning us into a society that dispises itself. Fear is infectious and deadly, and this weapon could well turn deadly for BN in PRU13 if it allows its corrupt leaders to spread it. Interestingly, the best counter to Fear among the young is Hope. Hope gives courage to young to counter fear.

It is leaders that can carry that message of Hope that BN needs, both as its candidates and among its campaigners as champions against the Fear-mongering of Pakatan Rakyat this PRU13. Certainly the Icons of Corruption in BN are the WRONG people to talk of BN's manifesto of Hope! If the BN leadership allow these characters to do so, it would be tantamount to helping Pakatan Rakyat again, with the lessons of PRU12 remaining unlearned.

Monday, April 08, 2013

BN Delivered On One Key Thing: BN Removed Pak Lah From PM Post!

There are many reasons to vote and not vote BN. For me and my family, the personal toll from recent years have been heavy, with the disruption of our lives from MRT Co's continued irresponsibility continuing. However, there is one thing that BN and UMNO did in response to the Rakyat's protest vote in PRU12 that at least signals that they do listen to the electorate and may be worth given a better result in PRU13:


It may have taken about a year for them to do so, but this was an achievement by BN and UMNO which, coupled with the dismantling of some things Pak Lah did which we clearly disliked, really helped. E.g. Islam Hadhari as a concept for one was a concept that lost BN a lot of votes across the nation. Fortunately, DS Najib's cabinet has ditched Islam Hadhari, allowing for them to better and more properly manage the 'Kalimah Allah' issue.

Some would then say that the removal of Pak Lah is 'no big deal' and that his son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin or 'KJ', staill haunts UMNO and BN. In response to this, I'd just ignore KJ and remind everyone that PAKATAN RAKYAT ACTUALLY WANTED PAK LAH TO STAY AS PM! This despite the Rakyat clearly indicating their disappointment of Pak Lah's regime by causing BN to lose 5 states in PRU12, a mere 4 years after Pak Lah's landslide victory in PRU11!

These were Haji Hadi Awang's words in January 2009, throwing his and at least PAS', if not the whole of Pakatan Rakyat's support behind Pak Lah:

"Saya meminta Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi terus kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri dan meneruskan reformasi yang diperlukan seperti dalam bidang pilihan raya dan beberapa bidang lain," -- Pas president Abdul Hadi Awang, Jan 2009.

So, the fact that BN and UMNO listened to the people and compelled Pak Lah to retire, in a nevertheless decent, respectful manner in 2009, is itself proof positive that the Rakyat's views do matter to them. So whilst I am still at odd with MRT Co, I will still vote BN, as in my view, Pakatan Rakyat is worse! Pakatan Rakyat even wanted Pak Lah to stay as PM! Of course, they once hated Anwar Ibrahim, but he is their 'de facto' leader now?

...Pakatan is so unelectable! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


A friend of mine who has become a rather prominent NGO activist in Kedah over the last few years (winnable candidate! Hahaha!), Shaharol Niza Omar, posted something troubling and a pathetically funny on his Facebook page yesterday. The original post is quoted below:


Baru hubungi sebuah agensi kerajaan Negeri Kedah utk site visit. Jwpnnya "kami tak dpt keluar kerana minyak kenderaan telah dibekukan seluruh negeri sehingga diberitahu kelak".

Tahukah kerajaan negeri dgn membekukan minyak kenderaan telah membantutkan urusan dan blh akibatkan kerugian masa dan wang ringgit serta pembangunan???

Zulkifli Yahaya tlg siasat perkara ini. Ini bkn fitnah tp saya sendiri yg hubungi jabatan terbabit.
Much to his surprise, Zulkifli Yahaya, who is part of PAS Kedah's Information team and is the so called Chief PAS Blogger for the state (got such thing meh? chief blogger?), replied rather honestly, but then proceeded to try to cover for his earlier 'slip-up' as captured below:

Of course there is much covering up and counter-spinning going on now. It is indeed as Shahrarol noted, tough to decide on whether this is funny, sad or does not make sense! For a state government agency to have its fuel budget frozen early in the year? IS THE STATE OF KEDAH NEARING FINANCIAL BANKRUPTCY? Or has it just run out of logging money.
I then read the following report in the NST, where Kedah MB, DS Azizan Abdul Razak is said to be "ADAMANT (!!) on RM100m to spare trees" - the RM100 Million being from the BN led Federal Government of course. He seems intent on topping his Chief Blogger in intimately linking state finances to logging! He is quoted as saying: 
Stop all the noise. I am asking the Federal Government RM100 million every year to spare the forest. Pay us and we stop the land clearing work.

The forests belong to the state. There are quarters who were worried that water supply in Penang would be affected when we log timber here. So, we can't cut trees because of Penang and at the same they are getting water free from our rivers.
So, he can link the logging to the threat of cutting water supplies to Penang. He can even make mention of how the water is going to Penang for free. HELLO?! Go and ask Penang la to pay Kedah RM100 Million a year for not cutting trees and continuing to supply Kedah water to fuel its Semi-Conductor and other industries!
Kata partners in Pakatan Rakyat. If partners, Pakat-Pakat la for the good of your economies. Neighbours what! Why la like this. How to run a state if the only way you know to fund your state coffers is by selling balak or threatening the Federal government! If Kedah goes bankrupt because of the PAS government is this incompetent... malulah!

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Does Suing MRT Co Make Us Pinggir Za'aba, TTDI Residents Elite?

I'll begin first by thanking my good friend and occassional mentor, Ahiruddin "Rocky" Attan, for highlighting Pinggir Za'aba's suit against MRT Co. This suit is very much a private matter to the plaintiffs, my wife being one of them. I also thank those who have commented for and against the suit in Rocky's blog and hope they continue their interest here.

For those who have misunderstood Rocky's definition of Elite, please have a look at the images of the houses of most of the plaintiffs on Pinggir Za'aba that I have attached below. Pinggir Za'aba is a long road, just as TTDI is a large housing area. The part of TTDI directly effected by the MRT has neither bungalows nor semi-D's and whilst we are not the poorest of citizens, we are not among the most affluent either. We are Elite though, in that we are nearly all tertiary educated, most are or were professionals, managers in corporations or civil servants.

Having heard the views of many, allow me to present my reason for supporting my wife's decision to join the civil suit against MRT Co. Metaphorically and in brief, I can say that the reason for my support of the suit is from my reading of Clausewitz's On War, where the great Prussian military philosopher describes War as simply the continuation of Politics or Policy by other means. Hence, this suit, is simply the continuation of Pinggir Za'aba's engagement of MRT Co by more aggressive means.

To elaborate on the why, ever since residents of Pinggir Za'aba were informed our homes would be impacted by the MRT's construction by notices put up on trees along our road by SPAD some 2+ years ago, we have been trying our best to engage various government agencies. Understanding that the MRT is a nation-building project of some importance, we have never asked for it to be scrapped, but rather preferred re-alignment or an underground route for it, and failing that, that were at least hoping to be given due compensation either for damages to or for having to abandon our homes.

The PR and engagement from SPAD and Prasarana was to me actually quite poor, though I would put more blame on SPAD for this - Prasarana seemed in these engagements as being victims of circumstance. SPAD's position was often inconsistent, its approach to engagement shoddy (beginning with notices put up on trees remember!), but at least there were no empty promises. Where they could not deliver on our suggestions of hopes, we received non-commitals and silence, which sounds bad, and may even sound strange for those who went to the PR 'roadshows', but worse was to come.

The worse that was to come was from the empty promises of the CEO of MRT Co himself, who in return to our peaceful and quiet discussion with his team, assured us that he had the mandate to ENSURE the government would treat us residents of Pinggir Za'aba fairly. This promise was made some 2 years ago, at a time when we still had options to sell, rent, temporarily move or at least plan for the coming of the MRT. Unfortunately, Datuk Azhar of MRT Co was not able to deliver, and a couple of months ago, his PR Director, Amir Mahmood, even closed all avenues of engagement with us. 

Details of this will come out in court soon we hope, but in the end, the plaintiffs are suing MRT Co as they have no other choice. As the agency charged solely on this matter, MRT Co has curtailed all avenues of engagement and even the Media has had to tip-toe around this issue. Some wondered why I used my father's Tan Sri title in the press release - it  is to clearly showcase that the suit is being brought by BN supporters against a BN project. It is not political - the plaintiffs are not politicians. They are aggrieved citizens that have a case. They need the government to listen.

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