Thursday, February 18, 2010

When Good Democracy Will Be Poor Governance In Perak

I like analogies involving football. In football, the running criticism of club owners has been on the poor habit of sacking team managers too quickly, sometimes, mere months from taking over the job. The argument for keeping a manager in place for a long period, for good or bad in the short term, but ultimately for long term gain, is backed by the long tenure of many successful managers, such as Alex Ferguson, David Moyes and Arsene Wenger.

The idea of retaining managers for a longer period for long term gain whilst forgiving early hiccups is not unique to football. In major corporations, whilst managers are under pressure to deliver from the moment they enter their new offices, there is some tolerance for error, as one understands the learning curves these managers have to climb. In fact, a more recent trend has been to retain managers longer so they may face the long-term consequences of their actions.

It has also been variously touted since trade began that 'stability of government', a country's 'manager' so to speak, is essential for the nation's economic growth. This is continuously emphasised on development of 'third world' countries. In the 70s and 80s, the stability of government, was seen as a key differentiator between Asian economies and that of Latin America. Why? Well simply put, if the government is unstable, it'll be excessively distracted by survival issues!

Perak needs stability after more than a year of political upheaval in the state. It is not true that without a further demostration of 'democracy' through fresh polls that investors will not find Perak attractive. Democracy in of itself does not attract investors; compare Communist China against Democratic India and you will soon conclude that 'Democracy' is quite irrelevant to investors! If anything, it is the political stability that Democracy usually brings that is the key.

With the courts deciding that the BN Perak Government is legitimately in power, the best thing for the Rakyat would be for DS Dr Zambry and his team to get on with their job. Ironically, if Pakatan is truly Rakyat-friendly, the best way for them to demonstrate this is now is by stopping all their efforts to further destabilise the situation in Perak. With the resultant stability from all parties respecting the court ruling, investors will assess Perak in a more positive light.

I understand that intellectuals have politic leanings too. Sometimes, the leanings are not political but intellectual, and unfortunately just as dogmatic! However, intellectuals should not allow their own opinions, such as that Democracy is the bearer of all things good, get the better of them. Just like any other good thing, like sunlight, medicine or satay, too much of a good thing can be bad. Certainly, too much more Democracy in place of Stability will be bad for Perak now.

With that in mind, DS Dr Zambry should be confident in ignoring the Merdeka Centre poll beyond what it is, a sample of the state of mind of the populace at the time. The Perak government should then just proceed to govern as Democracy and the courts have mandated them to. Then they could focus on what truly matters to the Rakyat... Good Governance. That is what will lead to re-election, not populism...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hijack Atau SABOTAGE?!

  1. Siapakah yang mungkin ingin meng'hijack' usaha menunjuk perasaan secara aman ini, memandangkan pakar 'hijack' tunjuk perasaan seumpamanya, yakni DS Anwar Ibrahim, tak mungkin bersetuju isi memorandum tersebut! (Kalau tak, memang DS Anwar pakar yang telah berjaya meng'hijack' tunjuk perasaan dari tahun 70'an lagi, termasuklah 'gelombang kuning' anti-Pak Lah usaha pemimpin UMNO yang rapat dengan istana beberapa tahun lalu!)

  2. Kenapakah usaha untuk meng'hijack' tunjuk perasaan ini kelihatan begitu lembap sekali, sehinggakan para pengelola asalnya dapat mengesan akan usaha ini sebegitu awal dan pemantauan serta tindak-balas kini sempat dilaksanakan? Kumpulan politik manakah yang berupaya menunjukkan kelembapan tindak-tanduk sebegini rupa, seakan-akan budak-budak membuat kerja orang tua!
Awal pagi tadi, saya menerima sms yang mengesahkan serta menjawab segala persoalan di atas. Rupa-rupanya, yang ingin meng'hijack' usaha tunjuk perasaan dan penghantaran memorandum ini adalah tidak lain dari YB Hj Khairy Jamaluddin! Patutlah nampak lembap sekali usaha ini terlaksana, dan sememangnya adalah lojiknya yang YB KJ tergerak hati untuk mencontohi idolanya DS Anwar. Malangnya, bakat KJ memang dari dahulu tak kesampaian...

Masalah bagi penganjur asal tunjuk perasaan dan penghantaran memorandum bantahan kepada Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Australia pula adalah, takut bila orang nampak sms baru jemputan KJ untuk tunjuk perasaan bersama-sama, nanti orang naik berbulu dan tak pergi! Faham-fahamlah, mana ada makhluk yang mahu dilihat bergaul dengan idola korupsi seperti KJ sekarang! Maka adalah yang tertanya-tanya, KJ ni, nak 'hijack' acara ini kah atau berusaha men'sabotaj'?!!!


Woi KJ, dari sibuk nak 'hijack' perahan peluh orang lain, kenapa tak menjuarai Bakri sahaja oi! Bukan kerja engkau ke nak memperjuangkan nasib anak muda Melayu?! Ke ADUN Sekinchan tu pun kawan akrab kau juga?! Dia pun 'black crow' ke, sebab dilanggarnya Bakri dengan 4WD juga?!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

MP Malaysia: (Pendatang) Australia Patut Menjadi Manusia Dahulu Sebelum Mengkritik Orang Lain

Dipetik dan dialih-bahasa beredit dari blog Marahku.

Ribuan MP (Manusia Penduduk) Malaysia mendesak Australia menghentikan penindasan terhadap golongan aborigin, menuntut pampasan ke atas segala jenayah keji terhadap masyarakat aborigin, menggesa pemberhentian diskriminasi terhadap pelarian baragama Islam dan secara amnya menjadi Orang atau Manusia dahulu.

Semata-mata kerana mereka baru sahaja meminda undang-undang melarang liwat tidak menjadikan mereka lebih 'bertamadun', is cuma bermakna masyarakat Australia tak kisah kalau seorang lelaki meliwat lelaki lain! Apakah ini petanda ber'tamadun'... Kalau berlandaskan ide ke'tamadun'an ini, adakah 'hak' seorang penagih dadah menghancurkan hidupnya atau 'hak' seorang anak berumur 12 tahun melakukan kegiatan seks patut diterima? (TIDAK!)

Keputusan Australia melupuskan undang-undang yang melarang liwat dan perilaku homoseks paling-paling adalah tindakan rambang dan menurut kelaziman terkini masyarakat Barat.

Sekiranya Australia kini merasakan dirinya berperibadi tinggi, ia seharusnya membayar ribuan juta sebagai pampasan kepada aborigin kerana menggangu kehidupan aman dan harmoni masyarakat tersebut malah menindas dengan begitu kejam sekali penduduk asal negara mereka tanpa berperi-kemanusiaan. Berikan pampasan dahulu kepada 'generasi yang hilang' dan juga keturunan mereka yang dibunuh secara suka-suka oleh peneroka awal berkulit putih berketurunan banduan dari Britain.



Sehingga menjadi orang... nikmatilah hak kamu untuk meliwat satu sama lain dengan diam... wahai Australia...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Di Manakah Juara Rakyat Di Selangor?

Saya dipohon teman-teman blogger untuk mewar-warkan rancangan membantah tindakan anggota parlimen Australia yang menghalalkan tindakan DS Anwar merogol Saiful sebelum selesai perbicaraan untuk menentukan salah-betulnya menurut undang-undang Malaysia. Walaupun tertarik dengan isu ini, saya rasa ada baiknya ia dibiar terwar-war melalui blog-blog yang sudah pun aktif melakukannya supaya boleh blog ini boleh menumpu kepada isu lain.


Bila buat pelancaran program Juara Rakyat, berkoyan-koyan orang turun. Saya yang tak minat pun siap ditalipon member yang bertanya kenapa saya tak turun! Soalnya, nak jadi Juara Rakyat, bukan dengan pelancaran majlis sahaja! Juara Rakyat akan jelas apabila Rakyat yang teraniaya orang berkuasa, seperti sdr Bakri ini, yang dilanggar semasa bermotosikal oleh seorang ADUN MABUK, tak kiralah ADUN DAP ke, PAS ke, BN ke, budak Melayu, India atau Kadazan ka, KENAPA BELUM ADA YANG MENJUARAINYA!

Nak tunggu buat majlis ka? Tak payahlah nak ajak orang turun ramai-ramai lagi dah kalau Juara Rakyat tu setakat slogan, retorik dan wayang semata-mata. Bukan 1Malaysia tu, Rakyat tak nampak diutamakan kalau begitu. Tak ubah macam hipokrit lembap Pakatan Rakyat Selangorlah jadinya... Dahlah Ketua Pemuda bila gereja dibakar, tak sabar-sabar sibuk nak jaga hati orang Kristian konon, tapi ini anak muda Melayu sampai dah masuk koma pun tak peduli ka!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pakatan Perak Schizophrenic?

I have been following and occassionally commenting on the situation in Perak without having a clear description sussed out for the Pakatan leadership which used to rule the state. However, recent pronouncements by DS Nizar, the former DAP-puppet MB of the state, has me convinced that, whilst Pakatan Selangor is Incompetent and Pakatan Penang is led by Hypocrites, Pakatan Perak appears to be Schizophrenic!

Consider these points:

  1. After blatantly ignoring the views of not just state BN legislators, but even BN sympathisers among community leaders when they were in power, now that the courts have decided for BN's DS Dr Zambry's state government, Nizar and co have gone back to their pre-PRU12 claims of wanting to 'work with' BN?

  2. Whilst they are willing to 'work with' the Perak BN government, DS Nizar laid down 'conditions' if BN 'wants' their cooperation! Wah, as if Pakatan Perak will be doing the BN government a favour by 'working with' DS Dr Zambry's team. Why, DS Nizar wants to claim joint credit is it when BN Perak successfully runs the state? Why, Ngeh and Nga just advised Nizar that DS Dr Zambry have FDI coming into the state soon, despite Pakatan's lies is it?

  3. Whilst Pakatan Perak wants to 'work with' DS Dr Zambry, DS Nizar also states that,"...but we (Pakatan Rakyat) are not conceding." So, which is it, is Pakatan happy to accept the court ruling by 'working with' BN in Perak, or are they rejecting the court ruling? The two scenarios are mutually exclusive! In the meantime, DS Nizar and an Ipoh MP from the DAP is clearly opposed to the court's position, but in doing so, may have bitten off too much to chew:

  4. We saw symptoms of this Pakatan Perak schizophrenia even when they were in power. They had in the past accused BN of abuse of power and corruption, then when they were in power, timber concessions were given to Pakatan leaders in the state, even those who knew nothing about the business. So ignorant were they that they turned to BN members from the business to develop the timber concessions! Schizo!

Actually, I don't really know if being Schizo is necessarily that bad for a politician. Certainly it isn't as bad as being Incompetent or a Hypocrite. At least Pakatan Perak have a better excuse for not fulfilling their promises or for not behaving in a civilised manner... THEY"RE NUTS! But of course, in the end, it is up to the people of Perak to truly judge them for what they are...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Kepimpinan Baru PKR Pasca Malapnya Era DS Anwar Ibrahim... Hasil Musibah Dari Allah...

Tidak boleh dinafikan yang DS Anwar Ibrahim bijak dalam memilih dan mengasah bakat kepimpinan muda. Di UMNO sendiri, terlalu ramai pemimpin generasi DS Najib ke bawah yang bertunas bakat kepimpinan organisasinya di bawah didikan DS Anwar. Ini termasuklah mereka yang kini berada dalam barisan kabinet, seperti Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, Datuk Dr Puad Zarkashi, Datuk Shabery Cheek dan DS Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mahupun Menteri Besar seperti DS Dr Zambry Kadir.

Malah, adalah menarik dilihat yang pemimpin bawahan DS Anwar yang berkualiti dan celik mata seperti disebut tidak menurutnya keluar dari UMNO apabila beliau dipecat dahulu. Pemimpin seperti ini berpegang kepada prinsip perjuangan lebih dari setiakawan, maka apabila timbul percanggahan pendapat tentang halatuju agama, bangsa dan negara, tak hairanlah apabila mereka berpecah barisan dengan DS Anwar memandangkan beliau mula berlaku terlalu liberal dan populis.

Kemudian dilihat, DS Anwar mampu mengumpulkan barisan baru yang berbakat, lebih muda serta cukup bertenaga untuk menggerakkan agenda Reformasinya pada suatu masa dahulu. Namun, tulang belakang barisan tersebut, seperti para pemimpin ABIM veteran seperti Dr Siddiq Fadzil dan Dr Mohd Noor Manuti serta anak-anak buah mereka, mahupun pemimpin politik muda seperti YB Zulkifli Nordin, kini tidak kelihatan di sisi Anwar menghadapi Sodomi II. Kenapa?

Hilangnya sokongan terhadap DS Anwar pada hemah saya adalah kerana pendirian beliau yang kalimah 'Allah' boleh dikongsi oleh umat Islam di Malaysia dengan para penganut agama lain. Malah, DS Anwar memberi hujah bertubi-tubi, menyatakan pendapat yang memesongkan hujah dari para ulama terkemuka atau lebih buruk lagi, seolah-olah bersekongkol dengan Islam Liberal Indonesia pimpinan Nurcholish Majid yang tiada kredibiliti di kalangan umat Islam Malaysia.

Pada masa yang sama, kepimpinan PKR yang benar-benar membawa nilai yang disokong oleh rakyat kebanyakkan, seperti YB Tan Tee Beng, YB DS Zahrain Mohd Hashim, YB Wee Choo Keong, YB S. Manickavasagam dan juga YB Zulkifli Noordin semakin menjauhkan diri dari kepincangan kepimpinan DS Anwar yang merugikan PKR. Ia semakin menjadi-jadi apabila Ketua Menteri DAP, Lim Guan Eng, tertuduh sebagai 'diktator bersifat perkauman' di negeri DS Anwar sendiri, Pulau Pinang.

Sekiranya YB Saifuddin Nasution terbuka hatinya untuk berpaling tadah, maka tak mungkin mereka yang mencengkam kuasa semata-mata kerana kasih DS Anwar, seperti YB Azmin Ali, Tian Chua, Sivarasa Rasiah, mahupun Syed Husin Ali, dapat kekal ditampuk kuasa parti, apatah lagi menyelamatkan PKR untuk Anwar. Menarik sekali, PKR mungkin kemudian akan ada masa depan sebagai sebuah parti politik berdasarkan prinsip, bukan sebagai pentas peribadi DS Anwar!

Lebih menarik lagi, mungkin sudah ada pun pengganti kepada DS Anwar sebagai pemimpin ulung yang diakui walau di peringkat antarabangsa ... YBM Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (KuLi)! Dan DS Anwar juga yang tak semena-mena membuka jalan untuk KuLi dengan menjemputnya untuk memimpin 'kaukus' royalti minyak!


Friday, February 05, 2010

Asking The Wrong Questions To The Right Man...

Questions have been asked of Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK), specifically about who may be his 'backers'. These are interesting questions, now asked by senior politicians. However, I am not sure whether these are the rights questions for politicians, who also ostensibly have backers to be asking RPK, unless of course if these questions are rhetorical... what am I saying, of course it's rhetoric!

But politicians should be careful in asking these questions, they may be asked to reveal their own backers, and some may find themselves unable to answer!

As the innocence or guilt of DS Anwar Ibrahim is a matter of far greater public interest at this present time, I would suggest politicians ask a more pertinent question, specifically, WHY DID RPK VIA MALAYSIA TODAY PUBLISH THE FAKE PUSRAWI REPORT BY DR OSMAN ABDUL HAMID THAT DID NOT EXAMINE SAIFUL FOR SODOMY?

Those that have been following Saiful Bukhari Azlan's testimony at DS Anwar's sodomy trial in the papers would know that it is in conflict with the claims of Dr Osman, suspected of having links to DS Anwar, that Saiful was not sodomised. Saiful's account, conveyed properly, via legal channels as evidence in a sodomy or homosexual rape case should be, clearly states the same Dr Osman advised Saiful that he cannot be examined for sodomy at Pusrawi, a private hospital!

So, will YB Karpal Singh in all his glory choose to introduce Dr Osman as a rebuttal witness with this revelation? Clearly, Saiful's testimony has been very convincing, judging from Karpal rushing to request that testimony on how DS Anwar sodomised his victim be 'in camera', or restricted from public view. So much for the 'open government' that DAP espouse! Will Dr Osman be as convincing as Saiful, or will he wilt when his lie is laid bare?

Going back to our politicans, they should certainly ask questions of RPK, but their questions should be aimed at why he is involved in this sodomy case in such a way? How involved was RPK in fabricating the evidence from Dr Osman? And ultimately, if it is proven true that he fabricated evidence simply to protect the rape of a young man by his powerful friend, what other 'truths' have RPK and Malaysia Today been fabricating over these many years?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Malaysia The Racist-Phobic State...

I have been reading the news of the resignation of Datuk Nasir Safar with much regret at the hypocricy as well as the twisted values Malaysian leaders and opinion-makers seem to proudly hold. What do I regret? Datuk Nasir's alleged words that seemed to have offended those who attended a 1Malaysia forum? No! I can't quite regret that seeing as the words weren't mine. However, I DO REGRET DATUK NASIR SAFAR HAS RESIGNED SO SWIFTLY! Why?
  1. There was much talk of his allegedly causing offence. However, nowhere was it explicitly reported what it was that he actually said. Could it be that he was foolhardy in the words used rather than going out of the way to offend? It doesn't make sense for him to say these 'alleged' things at a 1Malaysia forum, does it? Furthermore, one must know Datuk Nasir to realise this was likely an innocent gaffe... more on who he is after this...

  2. If causing offence by hurting the feelings of other races should result in the loss of a government job, why are racist senior members of government still walking around the corricors of power in the Najib era? For instance, why has no action been taken on Datuk Tan Lien Hoe since she insulted Malays by calling us pendatangs? In fact, on recent news, it seems we have replaced one racist Chief Minister with another in Penang.

  3. Is being an alleged racist in government worse than being corrupt? It certainly seems so when "icons of corruption", those found to be among the most corrupt but allowed to remain in the corridors of power, are seen frowning at Datuk Nasir Safar's alleged racist remarks! So, if corrupt can stick around, but if racist, have to go! Is 1Malaysia open to corruption as long as it isn't racist corruption?

  4. My recent writings on the Allah issue has had me being called a racist too. However, I found a wonderful context of this being shown when chit-chatting with a bunch of friends on the fringes of a wedding. A Malaysian Chinese friend declared,"You're a racist Akhram, but I still support you! At least you're not a hypocrite!". Another then followed up with,"Besides, Malaysia is a Multi-Racist state!". We all laughed... we were not 'racist-phobic'.

Many who now declare Datuk Nasir a racist don't even know him, and have judged him from some 'alleged' remarks. I admit that I know not what words were said, but this man I certainly know of. I know of Datuk Nasir Safar, the nationalist, who rose first as a leader in a multi-racial youth organisation, MAYC, before joining politics. Datuk Nasir who was deployed repeatedly to speak to the Indian community, such as when I bumped into him at the Bukit Gantang by-election.

I know of Datuk Nasir Safar who has not the slightest smear of corruption against his name. A Najib loyalist who curtailed his rise through the ranks of UMNO Youth in Johor by being the first to suggest DS Najib be DS Anwar Ibrahim's successor to UMNO Youth leadership many years ago. Datuk Nasir, who is approachable and still carries a casual air, despite having had an office on the Fourth Floor.

This is the Datuk Nasir Safar I know. Could he have said the things being so 'alleged' against him? Perhaps. Does this make him a racist? No more than the average Malaysian I would wager. Should he have been reprimanded? Sure, why not? But resign? Sorry mate, I think that would be going too far! I'd rather have the allegedly corrupt Datuk Shafie Abdullah resign first! Unfortunately for Datuk Nasir, Malaysia seems to be racist-phobic, but not corrupt-phobic...

Final thought... knowing who Datuk Nasir is, a clean, capable and loyal aide to DS Najib, why is it then we have icons of corruption helping to push him out of the Prime Minister's Office? If DS Najib was to accept Datuk Nasir's resignation, would this be based on wisdom or populism...?

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