Truth be told, Ayah sprung a surprise on me last Wednesday when he did not tell us he was being discharged from the hospital that day. For my siblings, news on this spread fast enough, but as I was occupied with work and the MAYC Buka Puasa event with Tun Dr Mahathir, I only just got to know from Ayah's friends among the MAYC Veterans who had tried to see him at the hospital in the afternoon only to find that he had checked out!
So, to all who have been following this blog for news of Ayah's progress, my humblest apologies. For your information, Ayah has been discharged from SJMC and is convalescing at home. He still needs much rest, and advice not just from his doctors, but THE Doctor, Tun Dr Mahathir, who reminded me as such on the same Wednesday Ayah was discharged. Those who wish to visit may sms his mobile (probably being sentried by my Nyanyak) or contact me.
I also would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated Doctors and staff at SJMC, or now known as Sime Darby Medical Centre at Subang Jaya for their tireless effort for which Allah S.W.T. has seen fit for us to have a further time extension to spend with Ayah. I reserve special mention for Dato' Setia Dr Anuar Masduki whose dedication, wisdom and sheer persistence dragged Ayah from edge of the abyss when those of us who knew suspected all may be lost...
As a family, we are ever grateful to Datuk Dr Anwar, his collegues and the staff of SJMC and thank them for their continued patience in managing the non-ideality presented by my Ayah's treatment and our family's managing of the situation.
Finally, thank you also to family, from Jakarta, Acheh, Subang Jaya and Yan, Ayah's friends spanning from Sweden, Medan, Port Dickson, Langkawi, Gombak to the Middle East, friends of us siblings, as well as total strangers who remembered Ayah's deeds well enough to gift him with at least the Doa so Allah S.W.T. may consider us worthy of having Ayah for a little more time. Your real and spiritual support, especially for those who came to be with us, we hold dear.
Some mention is due also to friends in both traditional and new media for carrying the news we wished carried... for the most part! We know it was not all ideal and forgive any minor failings due to the good that your efforts have brought outweighing the bad.
As to what happens now, we will be seeking further advice from Dato' Dr Anwar when Ayah has healed sufficiently. The rest will be in Allah's hands...
ingat dah mampus.
Salam Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah ats berita ini. Semuga ALLAH SWT panjangkan umur seisi keluarga dalam keimanan dan sentiasa dalam rahmatnya. Semuga the last 10 days of Ramadhan bring strength and joy to your Ayah. Ameen.
Rgds, Sharifah.
Menyorok belakang nama samaran dan mendoakan kematian seseorang.kalau ayah saudara yang sakit dan orang lain mendoakan kematian dia saudara suka?Jaga tertib diri sebagai manusia tuan.-Tarmizi Bin Abdullah Maamuom
syukur... moga sihat sokmo.
This wass a lovely blog post
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